USS Sulaco / Aliens

The Church of Jan

Hey guys, Alien99 is doing a great work, it's a professional quality one.
This means also heavy workload too, designing a such papercraft means hours of work.
And we have just to wait, so at least please respect his timetable.

Yes, don't misunderstand, we all know what a massive undertaking designing a model like this is. Not to mention what an incredible gesture of kindness it is to share such hard work and talent freely with the world.

The comments in this thread that may seem like impatient pestering, are really more reverence and our mocking our own giddy anticipation for what will surely stand as one of the greatest masterpieces in papercraft, ever. Most of us have watched this from the very beginning with nothing but awe, admiration, and respect. We all look for updates or just conversation about it, in order to continue to feel connected to it. Most of us would probably agree that the release of this model is THE event of the year in papercraft.

Jan Rukr (along with uhu02) is one of very few designers who are held with such reverence. Welcome to the Church of Jan! :wave:
Dear all,

you have to take into consideration also another aspect of creating and designing a paper models. When you are creating such a great model which definitely needs more than month to be created, you need sometimes breaks. Sometimes break means another model, sometimes break means something totally different then paper models. If you are working only on one project it will take further more time to create it.

I know he has lot of projects in his head (e.g. Renovatio boat which was resurrected according to my information) and we hope most of them will see the daylight :) Jan is also cooperating with ABC (Czech magazine for young people). Some of his small models were published in this magazine and I know there are more to come. So he is very busy man, so please be patient.

...We all look for updates or just conversation about it...
I have to say that talking to Jan and Tata on irregular basis over chat is very inspiring. Every time when we are talking about hobby we like, about ideas on new models or just some general discussions about is like someone kicks you and you are full energy to continue on your projects. It is the same with discussion forums. Support of people, positive comments, constructive critisism or just short comments about model you are creating are pushing you forward.

The list of considerations also include the fact that when a designer finishes designing and building a model, (at least with Jan) it must be 'packaged' for the masses. Things like organizing the pages and creating instructions, which can be time-consuming itself.

Again let me reiterate to anyone who may feel that many here are behaving impatiently, it is not that at all. It is just another form of flattery, showing Jan how much immense anticipation there is for his work, as well as sharing that anticipation with each other. It can be likened to the line of people who camp outside a movie theater in anticipation for the next Star Wars film, who stay up all night talking about how they 'can't wait'. I think most understand that although Jan may have finished building it, it is not finished as a consumable 'product'. It could easily be a month or more before we have access to this masterpiece, and that is just fine.
Jan's skill is nothing short of genius. I wish I had even half his discipline with designing.


You hit on one of the key things that makes Jan (as well as uhu02) stand out from a lot of designers... discipline. Most, and understandably so, could not stick with something like this to the finish without taking a break from it for awhile. Working on one project like this can become tedious, and lose it's appeal if you don't take a 'breather', work on something less involving, and just get away from it for a little bit. Jan has discipline of steel to stay on track with this. :thumb:
agreed on that point oridod, I'm in the process of trying to do a papermodel design and it is tough... I'm at the point of wanting to bang my head on the wall, I have had to take a break from it to get my thought together on it.
Last time I felt this kind of anticipation was as a little kid right before Christmas. LOL
Mybe helping those of us who are married, to figure out ways to convince our wives to let us build and display this masterpeice above the TV in the living room... and in fact allow us to make the living room into the greatest Scifi themed room in the world!!!
Or is that just wishful thinking on my part??
here I am. I had lots of work to do.wall1
Instead of Sulaco model i must solved some other problems.:cool:
My free "Alienspapercraft"web has no more capacity to hold such a project like sulaco. So i´ve decided to go to new hosthing (paid) with new domain name.
Don´t worry Alienspapercraft will be still running, but sulaco model will be somewhere else.:rolleyes:
The domain was paid yesterday....Creating functional web pages is other challenge.:confused:

The sulaco will be uploaded to the new server with pieces, because isn´t finished yet. The new web is priority No.1.:thumb:
stay tuned :wave:
The sulaco will be uploaded to the new server with pieces, because isn´t finished yet.

Does this mean we will also be able to download it partially? That would be cool, because that way it would be possible to start the buildup of this behemoth - I`m pretty sure that you will be done with it before most of us will run out of parts... :cool:
Stunningly amzing. Period.

I found the Zealot-forum mainly because of this thread and I'm really anxious to see it completed some day. Hmm, I wonder how long it takes Rükr to complete his model, now that it's in the making for the better part of two years.
Zosho wrote, his Romulan Warbird took him almost two years and it's way smaller than this gigantic thing.

Keep it up! :thumb:
Marco Scheloske said:
Does this mean we will also be able to download it partially?
Exactly :thumb:

paperdemon said:
I wonder how long it takes Rükr to complete his model, now that it's in the making for the better part of two years...

It takes long time because of 8 commercial models I´ve created for our local magazine called ABC. my friend building one of them right here

If we take clear building time only will be almost one year :rolleyes:


Rükr Thanks for your work immensely, I think on behalf of everyone, and especially from me, you're great! :D