USS Sulaco / Aliens

Each time I see more progress on this it becomes even more impressive. I was fairly intimidated by it before but seeing the details settling into place makes me believe it may be beyond my skill level, although I guess its not as fun if its not a challenge, or huge challenge in this case. Can't wait to see the next update.
Alien99-your model is epic, it's "Legen...I hope you're not lactose intolerant...dary!"

Question-How many dropship launch bay are there? From looking at your model, there appears to be two, though my beloved CMTM says it can handle four shuttles at a time. How many dropships does the Sulaco carry btw? The wiki says 8, but I can't find that in the manual
a little progress...four new pages of new structures :mrgreen:


and allmost together:


completed with the pylon


all of you allready know what it is:mrgreen:...the Droship hangar section:twisted:


there will be addon with the opened door and the pressure chamber the future
like this tunnel:twisted:

....more pics next time.:p
If that little Recess is what I think it is, that is one tiny frickin' tunnel. Great attention to detail, Jan!
I have been following this WIP for some time and every update makes me giddy. I can see this being my winter break isolation build if its ready in time. I would just like to know the estimates on materials, type of paper and such. Ill admit im a total newbie to paper craft but the work is well worth the time and its peacful and gratifying.

I hope you continue to work at it. i Also joined the designers folding@home team to show support.
I started to visit Zealot forum regularly because of this thread, and of course this absolutely amazing model. Hoping to see finished model soon, as well as looking forward to see ready printsheets :mrgreen:

Really awesome job, Jan. :thumb:
The Most Highly Anticipated Model of All Time!

44 pages of replies and more than a year of cockteasing by aliens99, surely the release must be near?

I think we all die a little each day longer that we wait with bated breath for this one. I am about to drown in my own drool, I know, it's not pretty... But you can't rush perfection... and you will not find a more perfect papercraft... EVER. So don't rush the hands of a master sculptor. I'm guessing (just guessing, hoping) within the next 6 weeks. It may sound like a long time, but it is more than worth the wait, and remember I said 'within'. :p
Dang, I'm in love with paper now.... the details are amazing.

I can't imagine how you can find the time to make it...
Hey guys, Alien99 is doing a great work, it's a professional quality one.
This means also heavy workload too, designing a such papercraft means hours of work.
And we have just to wait, so at least please respect his timetable.
I'd Say that's exactly what they are doing. All I see in these update request posts is a sense of awe and respect for this project. The masses have been been moved by Alien99 and are begging for an Encore. This seems like something that would help keep a designer on track. If no one bothered me about my projects, I wouldn't feel as compelled to press on, but that's just me.

As always, Can't wait till the chosen day. Keep it up Alien99