My Z-Scale SD45

It looks really nice SmolderZ!

I went to the NMRA National in Seattle this summer and they had a Z Bend Track layout on display where the turnaround modules were superelevated. They were running the new AZL Sounder train fast around the turns on the outer line, and some streamliners pulled by F7's on the inner line and it looked so nice.

I asked the guy what he used and he said he glued guitar strings under the ties. I think he said .012" strings.

What did you use to superelevate yours?
Thanks guys!

pray59, I used 0.3mm electric wire to elevate my track.

I ordered some uncoupler magnets and I got to wait for them before I can continue my work on the inner yard. It'll take 2 weeks for them to get here so it will take a while before I post new pics.
I have some .012" wire that is just about what you used. I am building Z Bend Track modules, and am doing the straight module right now. When I do the balloon module next, I am going to glue some 12 thousandths wire under the outside rails like yours. It came out so nice, and all every detail added in Z helps!

The uncoupler magnets are underway! Soon I will be able to finish the switchyards of the first module! :)

I've also ordered 56 40' containers for my 28 gunderson husky-stack cars, I can't wait to show you guys some pictures of this train. It will be over 3 meters long in totall and that's quite long for a Z-scale train :D
That's going to be a real nice train. I have 7 of the BN and 7 of the TTX gundersons, and am waiting to see which one they release next.

There is a guy on the Yahoo z_scale list who is selling FRED's with batteries mounted in a container for the Microtrains Husky's

His name is Michael Hilliard in case you are looking for one. They look nice from the photo's, so I'll probably get one.
SmolderZ, since you started this thread, I have been hooked on Z Scale. My wife asks why I don't work on my N Scale layout, and I feel like I am cheating with another woman.

The Z Scale woman is more exciting! Since you posted pictures of the AZL SD45's, I have bought 2 of them. I also like passenger trains, and have bought an AZL F59PHI in the Seattle Sounder paint scheme. I also have another AZL train on order, the Amtrak California with Surfliner cars.

Z Scale trains are addicting! Now, on to the DCC side. Have you converted your SD45 to DCC yet? I want to convert mine but am not sure which decoder I should use. I don't want to damage the smooth running, coreless Faulhaber motor inside. Which decoders have you used so far?

For those people that wonder, the SD45 has a notch cut out of the frame for fitting a decoder, and the motor wires come up from between the split frame for easy access.

SD90 said:
Wow, a spiral tunnel in less than 2 feet! You can sure do alot with a small amount of room in Zscale!
I would say that is about a 2.5 - 3% grade, I'm not sure how many cars a Z scale loco will pull, but I'm sure it will be fine.


Hi SD90, an AZL Dash 9 loco is given for 30 cars or so on a straight, 2 % sloped track.
So on flat track it should be twice...
Other choice, a Micro-Trains F7 ($140) is given for 50 to 60 cars on straight and flat track. As my layout is under beginning of construction I have not been able yet to confirm these numbers.
I done a lot at the first module today :)
I weathered and placed 4 switches plus 4 meters of track in the staging area. The uncoupler magnets are also in place! I might do a little switching tomorrow, I can hardly wait! :D

Sorry folks, no pictures yet. The camera is not home atm, it will be back next weekend and then I'll try to shoot something. ;)
I hope to see some of your pictures soon. I am needing another fix of Z Scale photos.

I got a prize in the mail today... Another AZL F59PHI locomotive in Sounder paint. I had heard that the next batch of AZL trains were delayed until sometime next year, so I went ahead and ordered up another locomotive to tide me over.

I ran my other F59 two weeks ago, and it was acceptable but not as smooth as the 2 SD-45's I bought after seeing this thread and getting hooked.

Btw, last friday I purchased this beauty :D


It's the Central Control 2000 from Trix. I bought it at Eurospoor 2003, a dutch model railway event. For only $50, and they sell these new at around $250! :D It's possible for me to run 9 locomotives in dcc with it. I'll be fine for now and I don't have to upgrade it yet.

I did some switching today! Even on such a small arrival track I managed to have some fun!, I can't wait to switch on the yards when the first 2 modules are completely finished! :D The uncoupler magnets work great!

Hey Robert, those sets are really nice, to bad they don't run as smooth as our SD45's :) I'm going to stick to freight for a looong time, I don't know if I'm ever going to run any passenger trains on my layout.

I checked your site and I seen these pictures before but...

p914l.jpg this your work? If so, then I might learn a lot from you! :eek:
Thanks for the kind words SmolderZ. You got a real deal on that DCC controller. Have you converted any of your locomotives to DCC yet? Sunday a friend of mine took one of my Marklin 4-6-2's home to convert for me. He is a guru of DCC and is putting in firebox flicker lamps, headlight, and tenderlights with fiber optics.

Last week I ordered another NCE DCC set to mound under this module, and the wireless base station so I can run wireless DCC. I was told it might take a month to show up.

Yes, that is the module I am working on now. All the structures are scratchbuilt, and the turnout and siding are handlaid code 40. The mainline is Micro-Trains flextrack. The yellow covered hopper is a resin model I traded some centerbeam car kits for, made by Allan Borg of SuZee Line Models.

I bought the trees from Treedad of Architrees off eBay. I kind of like them because they have some really small trees in the kit.

I haven't converted any locomotives yet, I'm going to wait with that untill the first modules are done. I did find a suitable decoder, the Uhlenbrock.


You have to sand of the sides to make it fit.
I've been told that theres another suitable decoder with special light functions that might fit. The Kühn.


The dimensions are about the same as the Uhlenbrock, I would expect some sanding to make it fit.

I sure would like to know your dcc friend! :) Firebox flicker lamps, headlight, and tenderlights with fiber optics? wow, that's truly amazing! I haven't thought of putting headlights in my locomotives, to difficult for me.

I would love to make some scratchbuilt structures. I could use a few very simple looking warehouses to fill up the empty spaces. The thing I really need is some sort of building for engineers. This building is ment for crew switches. I reserved a place for it between the departure tracks. I know that engineer crews get changed once in a while, but I don't know when and where. Could someone help me with this?

I was looking at these trees from Zthek :)


I might buy a set and see if they fit.
I bought those trees from Zthek, they're underway! I wonder how good they'll look :)

Last weekend I went to another model railway event and I bought a switch for the first module, now I have all the tracks I need for the arrival and departure tracks.

I have some eye candy for the fellow model railroader :D Check out the latest work from Svein-Martin Holt in Z-Scale!



I still haven't got my camera back and I hope to make some pictures of my own progress next weekend. ;)
Ok, I got my camera back and took some pictures. Unfortunately I'm missing the data cable to download pics from the camera towards pc. :( Fortunately I have a TV card in my pc and I managed to hook the camera on it. I was able to make screenshots of the TV image I got from the camera. The quality isn't that great though. :( As soon as I have the data cable back I will replace these low resolution pictures with the high resolution ones.

The following pictures are now in high resolution, enjoy ;)

The new switch I bought from the local model railway event

The 4 switches plus additional tracks in place

I placed tape over the holes of the switch mechanism to prevent them from damage

Weathering details

Testing with AZL's UP SD45

Micro Trains track with Marklin switches - still have to work on camouflaging the wide tie spacing of the Marklin switches

The locomotives ran very smooth trough the switches, as if it was just a normal track

The cars behind it didn't had problems either
Thanks LiveSteamer :)

Matthyro, the curved switch on the first picture cost me $32 usd.

The regular switches on the other pictures cost me $45 usd each, the local hobby shop is pretty expensive. :(