The Uhu02 appreciation thread

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Just remember, it is members of this forum who are the sole recipients. :)
Use KISS and you will find how smart you are. I was humbled when I finally got it. I will respect UHU02,s wishes. I wish I had his talents. Fantastic models he has given us and I enjoy everyone of them. :thumb:

Thank you for sharing UHU02. Now I get to see how good my talents are putting the Moonbus together. Maybe he would do a PamAm space Clipper?

When I FINALLY got it, I felt like I was getting senile. You'll understand what I'm talking about when you solve it. Some get it right away, others like me, ponder things to the Nth degree. I'm glad UHU set it up this way. You have to earn these works. They really are a gift.
Remember that this is a secret that must be kept. The man worked very hard on these.
At any rate, thank you again UHU.

his models are art at its finest. I see why he wants to protect them, but from 11pm to 5am this morning and another 5 hours yesterday and still no clue to the password I am calling it quits, I guess the gods of card modeling want me to finish my 1:48 Saturn V second stage.

I tried too hard on this one myself . I was about to give up, when it clicked. I guess at my age my mind doesn't work so well any more. I am thankful for UHU02's generosity and talents. I pray that I can do his builds justice. UHU, thank you and God bless you. The least we can do to repay UHU is to honor his wishes and watch out for and protect his works.
For me it's back to appreciation for UHU who not only makes some of the most incredible models on the net. They are models of things we want!!
He is truly a genius and is models are beautiful works of art and I respect his wishes to not let people know the passoword. It is deff. a "wonderful gift" that he is sharing with us and I thank you Uhu02 personlay.
Read this thread. read it closely. Savor every single word. Don't miss anything. Read every single word. If you figure it out, do NOT post the answer!! The answer is in the thread, just read it. The tittle says : "A Message from UHU".\

If, and when you get it, do not share it with anyone. :)
Good Evening,

I've just been introduced to Uhu02's models in the last day or two, thanks to the forums here at Zealot. This man's talent is amazing! What incredible models! I'm grateful to him, as he is providing great enjoyment to so many people.

Best regards,
I too would like to swell the chorus of praise for Uhu. Yes, paper model design is an art, and the designers are artists. Yet not every artist can be a Michaelangelo or a Da Vinci. I would like to say that Uhu stands in the forefront of the masters.

The work is greatly apprreciated. My thanks.

The site... reminds me of LOTR, speak friend and enter. Even as wise a wizard as Gandalf can be stumped by the obvious. I was, as others. It was amusing in retrospect.

Again, my heartfelt thank you, Uhu, for your hard work.
I have just read this thread. I agree with all the praise and warnings about repecting UHU's work. UHU is one of the most prolific and talented paper modelers of all time. I love his work. I am pesently building his 2001 EVA pod. The design is fantastic and my model is coming along very well. It is a pleasure to build such well done design. I plan to build his Discovery One next. UHU thank you for your great work and generocity in making these models available to us.
The Uho Appreciation Thread

Visited what looked to be his website but kept going around in circles to try what I think would gain access to no avail. Will try later when I have more time to play with.
UHU02's EVA pod

I have just completed UHU02's EVA or Space pod. This was a very enjoyable model to build and it looks great on my wall. Uhu02 is truely one of the greatest paper model designers ever! Here are the pics.





awesome work on those details! whats next in the pipeline? :)

I was wondering that too. I can't believe how fast eatonad made this model. I doubt that time will be beat, add the quality of the build, and a place in papermodeling history has been made! :)
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