G.E.C's layout pictures

Ohmigosh! Look at that!!! Its beautiful!!! For the love of mating worms, leave it alone!!!!!
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I knew you'd love it. How tough do you think it would be to make a mold out of the shell? I think if you used the pantograph set from the new Bachmann E60CPs, and the handrails from the E33, you could get a good body shell out of it. Then all you'd need is a chassis. I know i want more of these things, but i won't ever find them, so i've been trying to concoct ways to make copies.

in any event, the description said that the paint and decals are bad, so I assume it looks better than it is so it will probably get some paint touch up. thats a tough one... i found that conrail only patched this unit. I might leave it alone for a little while. Besides, i have no Conrail decals (and i really do need them for some of my Athearn blue box kit numberboards)
Beautiful. Just Beautiful. I must ask why you want to repaint this beauty, for it's fine right now!(except for what you say is not working, of course:p) Also, a certain Gauge mod likes it like that...:mrgreen:

Well, i can't say the PC is my favorite paint scheme (although its not the bad), and i model Conrail right before they pull down the wires. It will probably be the way it is through to christmas though. Maybe by then i'll change my mind.
The trucks on the model look like the are a type that ALCO locos use.

For the body, purchase some rubber and make castings out of resin.

This is a common misconception These trucks are the kind used on the U25C/ early U28C.

These look pretty close to Alco trucks though because Alco used GE tech, but they are different. I've seen alot of people say "Slap on the Alco trucks", and they don't actually realize they are incorrect!

as for the body, thats what i planned to do with alumilite. they make that stuff.
Here is a more updated E60MA picture. it has class lights, widne deflectors, antennas, sand filler hatches, and strobes. I did fix the decal (some of it pealed in this picture). I just need to finish wiring it up.

Well, the E44 arrived today. There is some slight trouble with it, but nothing i can't handle. The tough part so far seems to be a loose pantograph (all i need to do is get the wire holding it together to stay where it needs to), and the handrails. I was planning on simply buying E33 handrail sets from Bachamann, but as it turns out, it wouldn't be so easy to swap these handrails out (but they do fit).

I tried test running it, but it had horrible perfomance. removing the shell revealed a massive block of metal with a drive sticking out. the motor is so bizarre to look at compared to other more modern motors that i'm used to working with. I'm pretty sure i'll be putting a new drive train in, but i don't think i need to go so far as to get an E33 drive.

the thing thats really making me crazy now is how to add details. in plastic, i could drill holes, or i could glue things straight to the shell. this brass model is all metal, and i can't say it has satisfactory detail. How on earth would I detail this thing? I also want to add headlights, so how do i drill through brass?
Here are some shots of the new E44.

4435 runs long hood forward on the head end with an E33


You can just hear the cooling fans making noise above the rest of the train


as quickly as it came, it passes.


in reality, this thing will need rebuilding. bad decals, some damaged details (or even lack of details) make it a new canidate for super detailing. If only i knew how to work with brass.

Well, it looks like wires will be going up! My 4x8 Doesn't justify the pretty Model Memories catenary, so i'm going to try scratchbuilding some. Right now, some bridges are temprorarily in place, with their wires laid across so that i know which goes where. Still looks nice though! Hopefully, it will look good when i'm done.

here are some pictures




Your first pic with the Amtrak loco looks beautiful.

Thanks! I was alittle worried about the giant spider invasion, lol.

That looks fantastic, and I really admire you for stringing up cantenary! WOW!

Yeah, you knew it was only a matter of time for me. 16 of my locomotives are electrics. , more than half of them being Amtrak NEC models. I also have lots of NJ transit, and SEPTA, and a few freight electrics.

I finally broke down and decided to try it. Really, the only tough part i think will be getting good jouints (i think i need a hotter iron), and finding good insulators, since most beads just don't cut it for me.

I also need to find the right size wire, since i can't quite figure the correct size for this wire i am using. I though it was 1/32 (thats what the guy i bought it from said), but when i went and bought a bulk amount of it (anyone need 1/32 piano wire?) it turned out to be to thick for the catenary wire like i wanted to use it. It still might be good for cross catenary (where the wires, not bridges, cross between catenary poles), but i have an abundance now.

for now though, i think i better fix this window!

Ok, and as to my second question? lol

oh right!

just about all of them are capable of running off the catenary, except the E44 and surprisingly, the new Bachmann E60CP lacks this feature. However, because running off the rails is more reliable, and i still will be running Diesel locomotives, it would be better to leave the catenary for show, since switching to catenary operations would mean that both rails are "negative", and the wire is positive, and so the non electric locomotives wouldn't be able to run.