Buck Rogers Thunderfighter mods

RB, with this new detail you outdid yourself. It is a most excellent revision and vastly improves the over-all look of the TF. :thumb::thumb::thumb:
Improving the over-all look of the TF is the purpose of this thread as a whole.
The Thunder Fighter is one of my (more) favorite sci-fi planes.
Martin Sanger did a GREAT JOB in designing the initial kit (THANK YOU Martin!!!).
I just want to take this piece of my childhood to a level that has never been (and more then likely will never be) taken before (even in plastic or resin).
You know, the Thunderfighter becomes more and more tempting to build.
I never was so much into Buck Rogers, maybe because I never saw much of it on tv here.
But this model is so awesome :eek:

So many models I wanna build and all are fantastic....ugh!

After the Wanderer I'm gonna start the ISD-II by Milleniumfalshood since the ISD has always been my all time favourite and loosing my plastic model over time still hurts a bit.

Then there is the Enterprise-B......but now there is a new BSG Viper in the make and this Thunderfighter is working it's way into my mind...aargh...must resist....must not loose contro....:razz:

You guys sure know how to make someone's live dificult :)

Paper beats plastic. Anytime!

Game over ..... :mrgreen:

Ain't that the truth :thumb:


Hey Rogerio when can we expect your next build ? :)
Hey Guys, :wave:
These just keep getting better and better with every new design/build but where is the Hatchet fighter? Buck's gotta be in a dog fight with someone...:mrgreen:

Keep up the great work & thanks,
Ythis Thunderfighter is working it's way into my mind...aargh...must resist....must not loose contro....:razz:

You guys sure know how to make someone's live dificult :)


Insert music from "Twilight Zone"

"we control the vertical, we control the horizontal..."
We must give ourselves wholly to the Paper Gods... we mujst do whatever they demand"

Once you build one, you're gonna want to build a whole bunch of them! Especially the Quad .....Just go for it!
Once you build one, you're gonna want to build a whole bunch of them! Especially the Quad .....Just go for it!
That is SOOOO TRUE!!!

So start building. I want to see ALL of you build a Thunder Fighter (or as many as you want). There are many variants to choose from. Not only that, but you can mix and match all of the parts to make your own variant.

announce1ONCE AGAIN, START BUILDING!!! announce1

Here is an update. Sorry that it took so long, but real life things kept creeping in.

I had to enlarge the hole in part 33 for the new tub.

I added supports to help to hold the tub to part 33.

The tub is attached to part 33

I added the same components to the front console as I did with the rear console, as well as the front part of part CI-1.

Here are close-up shots of the added components.

How nicer can it get?


After seeing all this, I must ask (humbly, of course): are you gonna make these add-ons available? 'Cos if you are, then I'll have no choice but to build that beautiful model...:mrgreen:
I really enjoyed the Buck Rogers show when I was a kid, so that would become a fine addition!:twisted:
Thanks, Mentor!:thumb:

After seeing all this, I must ask (humbly, of course): are you gonna make these add-ons available? 'Cos if you are, then I'll have no choice but to build that beautiful model...:mrgreen:
I really enjoyed the Buck Rogers show when I was a kid, so that would become a fine addition!:twisted:
Thanks, Mentor!:thumb:

Of course, these add-ons will be made available to everyone.

Once I have finished all of the changes to make this work properly, I will send everything to Revell-Fan for clean-up. Once he has cleaned everything up, made any necessary changes, and everything works properly, we will release these kits as "COCKPIT INTEROR 2.0".
The first cockpit interior will still be available as well, of course.
Of course, these add-ons will be made available to everyone.
Really? I thought we'd keep them to ourselves... :rolleyes:


Just kidding! Of course everybody will have a chance to get them. RB has already sent me the new raw files which I'm going to revise asap. CU! :wave:
Another Update

I started with the main body now. I had to increase the size of the hole for the tub (65mm X 38mm).

Engine housing attached.

Bot main body halves together.


Attached front section for the nacelles.

Bottom rear body plate is attached.

Bottom front body plate is attached

Top body plate (with cockpit) is attached.

Close-up of the cockpit interior.

Just to let EVERYONE know, I have finished with that actual redesign and first test build of the QUAD cockpit interior. I have sent everything to Revell-Fan for clean-up and revision. After he has worked his wonderful magic (and has tested everything), he will send it all back to me for final test build and evaluation. After these kits have passed the test, we will release them for all of you to enjoy.

I will continue to finish this build and continue to post more photos.

Please stay tuned to your local EDD broadcasting channel for further updates as they become available.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

Thank you