Model of the Month: Reaver Titan WIP


Oct 2, 2009
NW Indiana
This is my last year and 4 months worth of work. I have 1 week to finish the white model.

Originally this was going to be an "out of the box" build. Just a quick build of JSV's DIY Reaver Titan from BWC Archive...the only problem was my inability to leave well enough all started with building the feet and thinking "it would be cooler if I just added raised surface detail" then..."If I added hydraulics to the model...that would be really cool..." and so on. Well, needless to say, it became an exercise in creativity (and sometimes endurance - sanity went out the door long before the start of this project).

OK, so here's the deal: So often I see people posting about making this and other large kits out of pl*stic as opposed to trying to make it out of paper and cardboard (this is a paper model forum, after all). My thought was that if you wanted to take the time, it could all be done in paper. Also, not everyone on a group or forum may have access to the materials others have, but everyone can get their hands on paper and glue. Thirdly, I have seen this and other models done before where the model was (or looked) slammed together (now, in the builder's defense, if you are building it to the best of your abilities, then well done).

I am about 93% finished with the model and here's what I have wrought.


- Re-laid out the parts to fit on US letter

- Added raised surface edges

- Re designed upper leg assembly to more closely match the metal miniature's set up and leg orientation.

- Added hand punched grill (paper),false mechanics, "eye" optics, Hose attachments, rivets, and raised surface detail to the "Dragon" or "Eagle" head that comes with the kit

- scratch built a second "python" head with raised detail and hose attachments (this will be the one that goes on it in the end)

- Heavily modified both mini cannon and Plasma Blastgun (not finished, will be adding hoses and other details)

- Added rear radiator under carapace to match the metal miniature

- Magnetized all weapon mounts, head mount, and ankles

- Custom designed scrollwork, and raised surface logos

- lowered the head mount to match the metal miniature.

- added platform to set rocket launcher further back on carapace to more match the miniature

Because Zealot does not seem to want to take attachments at this time, here's a link to the pics....
2 words my friend... fiberglass resin... when you are done with the titan, just take each part and paint fiberglass resin on each piece, let it dry, then do a second coat, put it together and now you have a titan with strong enough parts to stand freely.
I'm starting to detail the Titan and I have a suggestion for those who want to add scroll detailing to their models. If you have access to a scrap book store, look at their selection of punches. I have found that the cast off pieces are great for making such details (and saving my poor, tired fingers from large amounts of cutting). I have attached a link with some examples:
AMORMAN, you rule. Your knowledge, reference base, leaves me in awe. I wish I had 1/10th of the knowledge you have of this stuff. Incredible, really.:inw:

>On a technical note, PVC sheets glue easy with the Plumbers goop from Home Depot, is really strong, and could be incorporated into key panels, then covered with paper.

Yeah, but listening to the Lord is just as important. How many people ask, but just don't listen?

(this applies to whomever or whatever you subscribe to)
I'm starting to detail the Titan and I have a suggestion for those who
want to add scroll detailing to their models. If you have access to a
scrap book store, look at their selection of punches. I have found
that the cast off pieces are great for making such details (and saving
my poor, tired fingers from large amounts of cutting). I have attached
a link with some examples:

Here's what the toes are looking like:


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As someone who's begun dabbling in card/paper titans myself I'm impressed, sir. I built a warhound out of cereal box card & pvc/pex piping. I sprayed it w/ black auto primer to seal the cardboard & prime it. Then after painting it by hand I hit it w/ 3 coats of gloss varnish & 2 coats of matte varnish. It's now as hard as plastic easily & is used for gaming. I'm building a second one for the traitor legion of the Iron Warriors as we speak, using what I've learned from the first one.
Here's some pics of the raised surface detailing on the carapace armor...all hand cut and glued. The script is Greek (not Latin) and it is all hand cut and glued down.


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Wow you have a heck of a lot of patience. I wouldn't survive trying to build something like that lol.

Looking forward to more pictures. Awesome work so far.