Here we go! Gotta start somewhere.

I really like how the Amtrak is coming out from a tunnel(?) and right over the bridge, I love it! I have always been a fan of scenes like that

And I think you made a good choice of bridges, those do look very nice
Well, we've made some progress on this one and thought we would share some more pictures. On the left end, we finally put up a facade and cut some holes in it for tunnel access. This is a first for me as I've never gotten a layout of this type this far enough along to actually put on the facades. Exciting stuff.


And of course on the other side of the facade is an instant mountain. You can't really tell right now, but two of the three tunnel portals have been carved out of rock molds. I was trying to save money by not buying tunnel portals and so experimented and liked the results. They will really pop out once I slobber some paint on them. If you can't tell, I got so excited at putting up the mountain and the facade that I still have not laid any cork bed or track on the third level. Hmmmm, hope that doesn't become a problem.


Further down the main stretch, the roads and highway overpass are coming along nicely. I still have to add some detail and weather the overpass though.

And finally, a shot of the facade on the canyon end.


I've found that it is much easier and faster to apply the wall joint compound onto the plaster cloth with a foam brush instead of my fingers.
Okay! Onward.
1. The mountain on the left end has been completely covered with wall joint compound.
2. A backdrop has been added and some old blue paint I found laying around in the garage has been applied for a dash of that blue sky effect.
3. The washout coming down from in behind the mine continues to evolve. The top bridge flipped, a rustic stone wall was installed underneath one of the abutments, and several coats of wall joint compound have been applied.
4. Just recently, the cork was laid on the third level through the tunnel and underneath the mine structure.
5. The third tunnel portal that used to be blue foam has been removed and is awaiting a stone facade instead.


This second shot is from a slightly different angle.


In this one, you can see how I took a WS rock mould and carved out the tunnel portal with some framing that has yet to be painted. The original portal I was using was not big enough or wide enough for two double stackers side by side.


Just above that, you can see another tunnel portal also carved from a WS mold as well as the top tunnel entrance awaiting a newly carved portal.


As you can tell from the previous pictures, I had a different bridge chosen for this location but changed my mind as I performed some surgery on this section last night and added a rustic stone wall. I still have not decided how much water there will be coming down through here yet if any at all. It may just be lots of boulders and debris. The stone walls were made by pouring Hydrocal on top of crumpled aluminum foil into a bread pan. Then, after the Hydrocal had hardened somewhat, I pulled it out and carved the entire piece into a stone wall line by line. It took a while but well worth it.


And finally, a view of the mining area under development fresh with new cork.


and...... since I had a little time tonight after everybody else went to bed, first I made an ugly looking old newspaper mountain...


...and covered it all up with plaster cloth.


It doesn't look like much but... hmmm.... baby steps.
Screamin' right along...

Thank you all for the kind comments. It's nice when somebody takes a second to leave a thought.
In the area in the following pictures, I wanted to add an old mining road from down below up to the mine. Since half of this area was more or less already plastered, that meant cutting some out and reshaping. Up above, I actually added in a switchback that crawled along the edge of the rocks. As a kid, my dad and I used to go out motorcycle riding down some of these old steep rutted mining roads and that was kind of the effect I was trying to capture. Well, have a look...
Here you see a before shot of the lower portion of the runoff creek from the mine.


This picture is of the upper area where the switchback will be added for the mining road.


And, an overall shot of the area before the mining road.


This picture is of the work in progress. The road has taken shape, the plaster is wet and the rock castings are still white and unpainted. Yes, I decided to add some real rocks - decomposed granite. They kind of stick out right now, but I will dumb them down so they will blend in later.


Sorry, this is probably overkill but here is another in progress shot from another angle.


Tah dah! We have an overall of the new mining road complete with its first timid driver! Actually, it's not complete... I plan on covering the brown paint with some really fine brown sifted dirt. That way, I can add some ruts and erosion.


And another slightly closer. Man, that camera really pops out the places that still need paint! I know the trees are a little bright. I plan on dumbing them down as well.


Here is the upper portion of the mining road from a slightly different direction. When I get the trackwork completed, the crossing will look a lot different as I will fill in between the rails with plaster and dirt.


And an overall showing both the upper section and the lower section.

What a great project you got!
The mountains looks great and thanks for the "HowTo" on how to build mountains with newspaper and plaster-cloths.
I´ve been thinking about doing in the same way and now I know it´s gonna work :)
Great looking layout, you are coming along nicely with it.
I have a suggestion for the tunnels. If your tunnel access points are within view, had you thought of detailing the interiors?

On our club HO layout, we have one long tunnel leading to a huge gorge. The tunnel is being detailed with rock walls, roof and floor. A plexiglass protector will be screwed over the opening during open houses. When the train goes in, you look and think you are right in the tunnel. It is a great effect.
Will_annand said:
I have a suggestion for the tunnels. If your tunnel access points are within view, had you thought of detailing the interiors?

You know I wasn't going to originally but the more I look at it, I don't see how I can't - especially since you can look through my tunnel portals and right out the side/back access cuts. I've got to do something but that probably won't come until much later. My only problem is that if I do detail the inside of the tunnels, I still need room for my hand to get in there and clean so I either have to make them removable or something else. Kind of hard with N scale. Thanks for the idea - it's a thought in progress.

viperman said:
I like that mountain, but that road is real cool

The picture is rather disheartening as it really does look so much better in person. I can't seem to figure out how to make it look better via picture. Once I get some more scenery stuffs applied, I will try and get some closeups. I think that will help.
Last night I glued a whole bunch of rocks in the drainage creek and it is coming along nicely.
TN, everone is their own worst critic. Just don't forget though, most everything on this site is a WIP, and we all realize that, and the encouraging words are nice say and hear. But I really am digging that road though