Build : Pristontale Archer

More progress of the fiddly bits. Here is the broach thingy.

This was a fiddly little so n so. In contrast to the bow, this was missing a couple of tabs. Actually probably a good thing - it just needed a couple of tabs added to the back to hold it together.
All that is left now are two bracelets and some ribbon. The bracelets look like right little gits........
Finished - at last :eek:)

Well, I finally got her finished, and I'm mighty please with her.

Here are the last bits to go on. The bracelets.

And here she is :thumb:


A rather satisfying build. The bow was the only really tricky bit. The rest wasn't too difficult. It was definitely worth putting lead weights in her feet - she stands quite firmly, but I'm sure whe would have toppled without the extra weight.
Thanks guys - I see this thread has over 5000 views - is that because of my building skills, or the subject matter ???????

Anybody want any more photos of the finished model ?
It could be both ;) however you did do a great job on the build :)

At the risk of becoming the BUTT of any jokes (like last time) heh heh I wouldnt mind seeing one complete with a scale cube in the shot.

Also I am sorry if you covered this but its been a while.... did you fill the model with anything to help it stand? I think you said once but I forget....

So whats your next going to be?

She seems to stand with a slight lean to her left. I've just counteracted this by placing a few coins under her left heel.

I'm pleased with this one :) Not the easiest build, but very satisfying now it's finished.
She looks really good!

When I saw the pictures of her on the table like that, the first thing I thought of was the leg lamp from A Christmas Story...
I think her stance looks spot on. I know from the experience of others that she sometimes leans a bit backwards, but you've got her perfectly upright. Congratulations on a very successful build of a challenging model. I have this kit also. If mine comes out anywhere near as nice as yours I'll b a happy camper.