Build : Pristontale Archer

This build is going well :D



The torso went together with a minimum of fuss (and for once I'm going to avoid any inuendos ;))

The right hand, on the other hand, didn't !! (Couldn't resist a pun tho ;))

It took a lot of fiddling about and adding an extra couple of folds to get the hand to fold up properly.



But I got there eventually - here it is stuck to an arm


The left hand went much easier.



And finally, for the moment, look into my eyes darling (are you from Paradise ?)


I solved my stability problem. I got some small fishing weights, splodged Araldite over them and dropped them down the left leg. She now stands fit nicely. Squarely on the left foot and the right toe, with the left heel raise a few millimeters (about 1/8"). Quite a natural stance.
Thanks for the compliments guys. These 3DPaper kits are very enjoyable to build. I've got several more on order ;) Including the Lineage Elf, winging its way slowly to me :)
Mark_1984 said:
've got several more on order ;) Including the Lineage Elf, winging its way slowly to me :)

That's great, I know you will definitely make Elf look great!
The archer is is a beautiful model and she will be a great conversation piece when done. Elf would be right at home with her!
She looks great, you have definitely found your calling with these figures!

Have you had any thought on where and how you will display this beauty?!
She looks to be pretty big.

Displaying is going to be a problem.... The knight gets moved around, depending on where space is available at the time - I may have to dismantle my massive Lego Imperial Star Destroyer which is taking up a large amount of shelf space.
I'm also wondering how I'm going to pack them when I eventually leave Korea..... I can see me stripping all the local shops of cottom wool ;)
She's really taking shape now (and a very nice shape it is too :twisted: )


The arms are a bit fiddly to attach. I left the arm pits as the last tab to be attached coz you won't be able to see the join. (Anybody who starts peering at her armpits really needs help :-D )


The shoulders seemed a bit out of kilter when one side of the back was fitted....


...but the second piece pulled it back in shape.


The head is plain sailing....


But the hair is a bit fiddly - she nearly had split ends :D
Looking great! Might have to set her up on a date with one of Ricks soldiers when he is done ;)
Here are all the bits to make up the hair.


And this is what they look like fitted.


I decided to do the top next



and then fit it round her body. It isn't 'buttoned up' yet as the neck piece will get in the way when trying to fix her head.


Fitting the head was easier than expected.


and then I laced up the top, which 'almost' covers her dignity ;)

Here is a pic of the back of her head.



This is the last bit that goes on, before the bun of hair that finally closes up the head. It looks fairly easy, so I'm expecting it to be a right so-n-so :wink:

I've just had a look at the bow. As Jackrum said - far too many tabs. It looks like quite a daunting structure.
I've almost finished the head.


This is the back of the head ready to accept the closing piece.


And the closing piece, ready to be put in place.

Here are the parts to the bow.


Far too many tabs !!!!


The first section, strategically de-tabbed.

More to follow soon :)
Mark_1984 said:
Far too many tabs !!!!

I wonder, is it possible that the excessive tabs were meant to be a kind of internal bracing by glueing tab-to-tab rather than the usual tab-to-the-back-of-adjoining-face? Know what I mean?
SteveM said:
I wonder, is it possible that the excessive tabs were meant to be a kind of internal bracing by glueing tab-to-tab rather than the usual tab-to-the-back-of-adjoining-face? Know what I mean?

Hmmmmm.... I know what you mean, but I don't think so - they look too big and would just get in the way of each other.
I think a lot of designers do overlook the tabs in the development from Pepakura, there is a way to change the width of each tab, but most people just don't bother, and you get those parts where the tabs are bigger than the part itself
Slow propgress

I've been making slow progress this last week. The bow looks very intimidating and I've been mustering up the courage to tackle it.


I've strategically de-tabbed the larger parts of the bow. Rather than do this as two halves and then bring them together, I thought it might be easier to do three sides, and then leave the last piece as a closing piece without tabs.


Here is the bow with twoparts glued together. It wasn't too hard to get to this stage ;)

More when I'm feeling brave again :eek:ops:
Mark_1984 said:
The bow looks very intimidating and I've been mustering up the courage to tackle it.

More when I'm feeling brave again :eek:ops:

Mark, I love your honesty, makes me feel almost human!
I believe I know exactly how you feel.

I feel this way towards my Porter...and I designed it!!!

Keep up the good work!