Buck Rogers Thunderfighter mods

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Just to let everyone know that this thread is not dead. Both Revell-fan and i have been busy with real life tasks that (unfortunately) take precedence.

To give all of you an update with me though. I have been building Revell-fans' version of the MK-III. Unfortunately, my camera is not working right now (otherwise, i would be posting photos). Once I am finished, I will post photos (hopefully my camera will be working then). Revell-fan is also working on the parts for my version of the MK-III and once I am finished with my current build, I will build that one as well.

Please be patient. This extra parts will be coming out soon.

Thank you all for your continued support and encouragement.
Ditto, RB! :thumb:

Here comes the old Starfighter. It is seen in the episode "Happy Birthday, Buck", hence it is also called the "HBB" TF. This short form always makes me smile because it comes very close to the Indian word "Habibi" (= "I love you").

Let me begin with the new parts: sleds, inner and outer canards.


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The model builders at Universal Hartland attached the laser cannons of the Colonial Viper to the outer canards. I tried to incorporate the small bars on them. These are fiddly parts and I recommend to work carefully.


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And when all new parts are attached, the fighter should look like this...


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Some close-ups.


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And this is my current collection of Thunderfighter mods. Two (or three) more are still to come, together with some recoloured versions of the base model.

I have sent RB a revised version of the parts for the Mk. III for approval. The new version will look more sleek and mean and will represent his original vision more precisely. We have agreed on referring to my version as the "Retro Mk. III" because it features certain retro elements from the HBB TF (blunt canards and tails). It can be seen as a predecessor of the upcoming final Mk. III, built by the EDD for testing and improving only. If everything proceeds as planned, both versions will be released.

Now I am tackling the cockpit interiors and the original concept Viper by Ralph McQuarrie. This one will be fun because it belongs to "Battlestar Galactica" and will therefore lead over to one of my next projects smoothly.

CU! :wave:


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A mating?

Great job!
I would like to to see a mating of the Davy Jones and the Happy Birthday Buck ships. Another words, add the rudder fins and canards to the Davy Jones ship. With out the tip guns,either.


As always, you have done an OUTSTANDING job on the HBB-TF!!!
Your small squadron looks good.

Once I finish the MK-III RETRO, I will build the MK-III Advance followed by the HBB-TF.


Once we get everything working properly (and the "OK" from Martin Saenger) we will be releasing what all we can. So you can download everything and "mix and match" the parts that you want and come up with your own fan based fighter.


Not yet, though I am hoping that we will be able to release them soon.
Scale Cube

And this is my current collection of Thunderfighter mods. Two (or three) more are still to come, together with some recoloured versions of the base model.

I have sent RB a revised version of the parts for the Mk. III for approval. The new version will look more sleek and mean and will represent his original vision more precisely. We have agreed on referring to my version as the "Retro Mk. III" because it features certain retro elements from the HBB TF (blunt canards and tails). It can be seen as a predecessor of the upcoming final Mk. III, built by the EDD for testing and improving only. If everything proceeds as planned, both versions will be released.

Now I am tackling the cockpit interiors and the original concept Viper by Ralph McQuarrie. This one will be fun because it belongs to "Battlestar Galactica" and will therefore lead over to one of my next projects smoothly.

CU! :wave:


Could you place a scale cube in the next pic you take?


Could you place a scale cube in the next pic you take?


Yes, I can include a scale cube with my next photos.

Just to let you know, all of these models are built with Martin Saengers, TF as a base, then we just add the extra parts where needed. We have not changed the size or scale in any way. The models are 1:32 scale. abaout 30cm long, 17cm wide (with standard wing), 23cm wide (with FSW)

I hope that will give you an idea of the size.

I have good news and bad news.

The good news is, I have finished the MK-III RETRO on Friday. It went together great, with no problems that I could find. It was a very easy build. Very straight forward.

Now for the bad news. Unfortunately I was not able to get any photos of it before it had met its untimely demise to the hands of a six year old boy.
What had happened was, I had a couple (with their six year old son, that makes Dennis the menus look like a saint) over for a later lunch on Saturday.
I was still cooking when they arrived. I had a few old models that I had used for "PROOF OF CONCEPT" builds and decided to let the boy play with them to keep him occupied, then went back to cooking. Shortly after I went back to the kitchen, I started hearing paper ripping, and at first I did not think anything of it. a few minutes later I went back to check on my guests and found that the mother had given her son the MK-III REETRO to play with and he destroyed. it.
I had asked why she had done such and she responded that her son wanted it so she gave it to him. She did not think that it was a big deal, because it was only paper and I can always make another one. So I explained to her what the model was for and that I needed it for a deadlined project. Again her response was the same. Needless to say, I am quite angry now.
At least the father did apologize for what his son had done.

I have starting on the MK-III Advance, so that we can get that one finished and released. After that I will go right into the HBB-TF.
Mothers house

When you get over to the mothers house, break something of hers and tell her it's only paper!
Thank you for all of the words of encouragement.
I have learned that I need to keep my eye on them (as well as lock up my models) when they are over.

I have decided to just put all of this behind me and concentrate on the projects that I have in front of me now. I am working on the MK-III advance (I hope that it will not take too long to build). After I finish it, I will be working on the HBB-TF.

I can guarantee that all of you that have been following this thread, will greatly enjoy building these as much as Revell-fan and I have, but I am also curtain that you will have fun mixing and matching the parts to create your own planes (which I would love to see your creations, of course).
I had asked why she had done such and she responded that her son wanted it so she gave it to him. She did not think that it was a big deal, because it was only paper and I can always make another one.

Some people have no empathy or consideration whatsoever. Something she fails to consider is that it isn't 'just paper', it's time. Several hours of your life you'll never get back. I wonder how much an hour is worth to her? It is obvious where her son gets his lack of respect, empathy, and boundries. It wouldn't matter if it was 'just paper', it is yours, and not her's to give away and not her son's to tear up. Sheesh, some people. :curse:
Well like I said before, I am just going to put this whole thing behind me and move on, and when (and if) they come over again, I will make curtain that my models are safe and "OFF LIMITS" to both her and her son.

I am now concentrating on the projects at hand. I want to get these models finished so all of you that have been following this thread can build them soon.

Once Revell-fan and I have finished this project (and Martin Saenger gives his "OK"), all of you will be able to build some really OUTSTANDING models, and even mix and match the parts to come up with your own creations. There will be four main (two-seater) variants and the QUAD, but you can also make any of the two-seater variants into a QUAD if you wish.
Thunderfighter Mods - TBD Variant

Before I diverse may I say most excellent models and many thanks for sharing such with the board. applause and kudos well deserved and delivered.

What I can to toss out is has anyone considered a variant of the four-seater T-fighter to have the rear passenger area reworked to allow a low-profile manned gun turret be fitted ?

Think of said turret much like the Bendix 250CE electric turret on a WWII-era bombers or WWII fighter-bombers, the Northrop P-61 Black Widow's slick upper barbette as an example.

Too easy seeing everyone's favorite 'ambiquad' as the gunner or if not reaching too far, a dedicated squadron of so-equipped and modified T-fighters carrying out black-ops missions.
What I can to toss out is has anyone considered a variant of the four-seater T-fighter to have the rear passenger area reworked to allow a low-profile manned gun turret be fitted ?

Think of said turret much like the Bendix 250CE electric turret on a WWII-era bombers or WWII fighter-bombers, the Northrop P-61 Black Widow's slick upper barbette as an example.

Too easy seeing everyone's favorite 'ambiquad' as the gunner or if not reaching too far, a dedicated squadron of so-equipped and modified T-fighters carrying out black-ops missions.

In all actuality, I have been playing with that idea, except it would be more along the lines of the tail gun on the Hammer-head fighter from "Space Above and Beyond", or something similar.
I am currently working on another design at the moment and have in fact been playing around with that very idea. I will not say too much about it though. It is still in the R&D stage. I will also have to confer with my co-conspirator on this.

In the mean time, I am still forging ahead with the MK-III advance. I should be done soon.
I have good news and bad news.

. . .she responded that her son wanted it so she gave it to him. She did not think that it was a big deal, because it was only paper and I can always make another one. . .

Hmmm... I think I see the root of the problem here. At least this would explain why their six year old is a bona fide heathen. Just to compare (and brag) a little, I have a newly-turned 5-year old whose own paper models (he had 3) lasted for more than a year of playing. Yes, there were some times they were down for repair, but for the most part, he's really good with them. Why? Because we taught him RESPECT. And "When you break it, it's gone."

Not to hijack the thread at all, because I truly commiserate with you, but it sounds like Big Momma could learn a little respect for others and their things herself. Her reply of "it's only paper. You can build another," not only shows an insane amount of ignorance about making anything, but her general selfishness and disregard for other people. This is just me, but I don't think I'd have them over for dinner anymore if I was you.

Sorry for the Anne Landers moment. We now return you to your regular modeling.
Finally finished

Greetings ladies and gentlemen,

I have finally finished my MK-III Advance. I am very proud to present the photos for your viewing pleasure.
I did not have any problems with the parts. Everything was very straightforward and easy to assemble.

In the last "GROUP" photo, yes I did include both the "proof of concept" build and scratch build just to show my (ever growing) squadron to-date.








I will be starting on the HBB-TF next.