Airwolf Beta builders wanted

Almost done

Just a few more pieces to put together have Alex do the final tweaks, finish the instructions, and she's ready. So here are the latest pics in no particular order.






I apologize for the out of focus pics and for the sloppy build but I have at least been paid the compliment by a certain individual who said they couldn't tell it was paper (probably needs stronger eyeglasses). Anyway I hope it meets the approval of much more critical indivduals.
Almost done

Just a few more pieces to put together have Alex do the final tweaks, finish the instructions, and she's ready. So here are the latest pics in no particular order.






I apologize for the out of focus pics and for the sloppy build but I have at least been paid the compliment by a certain individual who said they couldn't tell it was paper (probably needs stronger eyeglasses). Anyway I hope it meets the approval of much more critical indivduals.

Well, as far as looks go, I give her an A+. You have done an outstanding job Willja! She's beautiful!
Will there be any final test builds to do or will she be released?
If you need any final test builds done, I'm game!
If she's being released, when, where and how much?

I think a fellow forum member says it best and I will quote him here;
"I am patient........I just want it now" Bowdenja

Maybe I am jumping the gun a little but I've been itching to get my hands on her for some time now! :grin:

Well, as far as looks go, I give her an A+. You have done an outstanding job Willja! She's beautiful!
Will there be any final test builds to do or will she be released?
If you need any final test builds done, I'm game!
If she's being released, when, where and how much?

I think a fellow forum member says it best and I will quote him here;
"I am patient........I just want it now" Bowdenja

Maybe I am jumping the gun a little but I've been itching to get my hands on her for some time now! :grin:
Thanks Jim and Amazyah. This is the last test build. Fortunately there are only a few minor details that need to be corrected. The model will be released as a free download on perhaps four sites. Nobi has agreed to host it Modelincard has his own webpage and another member has expressed interest in hosting it and I also thought I might put it in the parts bin. So that's the plan as of now.
Thanks Jim and Amazyah. This is the last test build. Fortunately there are only a few minor details that need to be corrected. The model will be released as a free download on perhaps four sites. Nobi has agreed to host it Modelincard has his own webpage and another member has expressed interest in hosting it and I also thought I might put it in the parts bin. So that's the plan as of now.
WOW.....I'm totally speechless....It looks amazing!!

I really wish that I could build like that. Hopefully practice makes perfect and some day in the future I'll take a shot in building this Airwolf. :D
WOW.....I'm totally speechless....It looks amazing!!

I really wish that I could build like that. Hopefully practice makes perfect and some day in the future I'll take a shot in building this Airwolf. :D
I'm humming the theme song right now... I always got into that show when it FIRST started but found it a lil off towards the end of the series end.

Still I always loved that helo.
I'm humming the theme song right now... I always got into that show when it FIRST started but found it a lil off towards the end of the series end.

Still I always loved that helo.
I agree Steve, the problem was that first stringfelllow and Dominic left the series and all of a sudden Airwolf could be found and got a laser :S
I agree Steve, the problem was that first stringfelllow and Dominic left the series and all of a sudden Airwolf could be found and got a laser :S