UHU02 Submarine?

I guess this will be my second submarine that I should build in the future ( after the Whisky class sub)
the 3 parts on sheet 14 together have a length of 66cm.
This is approximately the length of the model.
So it should be 6710cm length of U96 / 66cm
length of model = 1/101,7 scale.
which means approx. 1/100 scale.

This is a very impressive model.
Thank You very much, UHU02.

Kind regards
Markus Schweizer
I was able to get pages 18 19 and 20 by editing the http: address. If you change the -96** (put in the page number in place of **, so it would read, as an example, -9620-.html , it will get you to the page you wish, in this case, page 20. A little quicker to navigate like this. Essentially, -99** (put in page you want, leave everything else the same).

It starts at: (not full address) ...............ver2/2011/05/das-bootu-961-d.html
and ends at : .....................ver2/2011/07/das-bootu-9634-.html

Again, these are not the full addresses, just to show the structure. Sorry if I beat this to death. :)
I thought there was only 19 pages for parts. Am I missing something here. I can see 34 pages with photo instructions.
I made it 19 sheets of parts and 34 or so of build photos.No sign of any others.
Thought I hadn't missed any. Has any one any idea what thickness paper/card has been used for this.
I made it 19 sheets of parts and 34 or so of build photos.No sign of any others.

I hope you mean 34 pages of build photos, because I think I have around 194 build pics!

Framing is done with 1 mm stock, laminated cardboard. All other work is done with Canon Matte Photopaper. This is what I read from the translated pages, using Google Translate.
Thanks Zathros, I saw that the frame was made out of 1mm card, but could not find the shell thinkness.

I have 19 pages of parts and 197 photos of the build, don't know why I got extra.
Zathros, I figured out the same way to get p18,19 &20 of the instructions and
mentioned it on the "other" forum, but I got the usual smarmy replies. Maybe
I should come back here more often or quit replying over there.
There are good people here, and good people there, most of the really good people are here and there (some aren't though). This is what I have noticed. I don't appreciate "smarmy" responses, but I assure you, it is the individual who gives it, who ultimately owns it, and is more reflective of those individuals, and not the forums. Papermodelers is a great forum. It's really big though. Sometimes when a place grows big, and fast, things get lost.

With a join date of 2005, I can only say, Welcome back Home RJM !!.

That being said, there is a lot going on here that is not going on over there. So, yes, do post here. I post both places, but have found this forum to be quite a pleasant surprise as of late. Ekuth has done a great job. The members here are also doing a great job. It's all good! (besides UHU resides at this forum, that of course, has always kept me linked here!).
Thanks Ekuth,Zathros and Gixergs:wave:
In many ways, "U96" is incomplete. I work with it again someday…for completion.

Over scaled rivets, hull color representations are exaggerated ... experimental(accuracy or beauty):cry:


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I think she is a work that is much appreciated by the community. If you ever rework it, there will be many wanting the original! That is how fickled people are! The Thanks all go to you Sir!!
I have printed out all my sheets and am at awww over the detail of all the parts. I can not wait to start it. Beautiful work uhu02 as usual like all your other works or art.
I have printed out all my sheets and am at awww over the detail of all the parts. I can not wait to start it. Beautiful work uhu02 as usual like all your other works or art.

Start a new build thread, PLEASE!! We'd love to see it come together.:thumb:
Question about tools

Last post was some time ago, but I will try. Maybe Mr Uhu will answer.
On page 3 post 36 there is a box and a tool by it it's not a knife. I also saw them on his site looking at the Moon Bus build pages, it was open. It is a gel or past like and seems to have black in it, which makes various shades of gray and black. The tool looks hollow and seems to use the two together.

Is it a glue with pigment in it? ??

His models are of the the highest quality and all fine art!

I I found is models looking for more U Boots but that moon bus is pulling at me.

Hope your all having a grate day

all I can say isjawdrop. I use to work with a german ex submariner and his stories which he use to telll us at lunch time were very interesting.. This model is just amazing.4
If you missed this amazing model first time round it's up again for a limited time.