Track weathering progress

Brakie, yes I guess it looks smaller - or perhaps just not so noticable.

Will, thanks but I'm not sure if "young Val" is entirely accurate!! :eek:

Robin, your wish is my command!



  • train.jpg
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My goodness Val, are you sure it's a recently aquired airbrush that you haven't used before? .... the track is WUNDERBAR! and the weathering you create on all your models is superb :thumb: :thumb:

Errol (drooling as usual :wave: )
Originally posted by spitfire
As per Fifer's suggestions, I will be running a line of grimy black down the center of the tracks,

Hi Val... and everyone reading this thread - I have a question.

I saw several pictures of track in SW Ontario used by the New York Central. In the steam days it looked relatively clean down the centre, but was really dirty about a foot either side of each rail. Fifer suggests that a trail of gunk down the middle is appropriate...

So my question - did the weathering/dirtying of track change from steam to diesel??

I can guess that the siderods and so on threw a lot of grease and oil on or beside each rail. I would also guess then that the gears in the traction motors drip down the centre between the rails.... Are these assumptions correct?


I've been told by an old man who says he was a divesion super that the early diesels engines (motors) leaked oil big time, much like old diesel trucks did. The person who told me that said it took a mandate from the DOT to get the railroads to fix minor leaks on diesels. Today an oil leak puts a loco out of service until it's fixed. So I am told. FRED
It does look great, Val!

I say as far as what colors go where, just put em anywhere! Look at the photo's on the last few pages of this thread and you'll see what I mean:

Look at the difference in color betweenthe two exposed tracks in the 4th pic down here:

And if you haul grain, don't forget a little greenery here and there :D


  • 590.jpg
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Originally posted by spitfire
As per Fifer's suggestions, I will be running a line of grimy black down the center of the tracks, but for now, here's another shot of how it looks.

Have you got a tea strainer? Just get a piece of black or grey chalk and run along the centre of the track using the tea strainer to powder and "dust" the oil/grit/dirt on. I use a range of "dirty colours" (black, grey browns, and even white!!) :)
Val, the change from steam to Diesel did more than alter the grease patterns.
Steam locos used to cook the vegetation growing between and alongside the tracks. When they stopped running, the grass and bushes moved in, and the ditches needed more trimming. If you run your 0-8-0 as the main switcher, the tracks should be fairly free of greenery.