something new on the eg&e

cn nutbar

Dec 4, 2005
hello all ---had a chance to get together with doc recently---a few shots of the adventure

Ho-lee-cow. That's purdy.

It's always so enjoyable to see photos from you two. And to make it even better I've found myself becoming an Alco fan recently.

Beautiful work!
I saw an old Alco up in El Darado, AR. I'm not sure if it was an RS series though even though it looked to be so, only thing that I didn't get was the number boards on the front they were curved around the corner's of the nose. However it looked to be an ex New Haven locomotive now being used for a small oil car unloading area.
cn nutbar said:
a few more shots---hope you enjoy

The three RS3s on the bridge - doesn't get much better than that. Though I'm sure you'd prefer they were replaced with some intricate steamer, those engines look pretty fine to me.
thanks everyone---you're right about the steam Loud Music---here's a couple of steam shots---you be the judge



cn nutbar said:
thanks everyone---you're right about the steam Loud Music---here's a couple of steam shots---you be the judge

When was the last time your CN MOW squad serviced that bridge? Looks like you've been giving it a workout :)

Though I do appreciate the awesomeness of a double headed steam train, it's always looked out of place to me. Was it difficult for the two locomotive teams to get syncronized in moving a train? I'd bet starting and stoping would be difficult, but once it's rolling they just apply lots of power and let let the load figure it out.

That's some really pretty work. I could sit and watch them run all day.
That is so great to look at...great pictures and great modeling. I can't imagine the time that must have gone into that layout...but I'd guess quite a lot of it. The pictures are first rate!
YET ANOTHER GREAT set of pics!!:thumb::D i NEVER tire of seeing Wayne's layout, nutbar's engines,...oh heck, the WHOLE PACKAGE!:thumb: VERY INSPIRATIONAL!!!:thumb::D as far as the engines go, i enjoy the steamers just as much as those diesels;). THANKS GUYS!!!:thumb: :D -Deano
Sweet pics Nutbar!!:thumb: :thumb: I enjoyed seeing them. :thumb: :D

That river just looks soooooo good, and around the bridge supports looks amazing, I have to say it again, Great job Wayne:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
hi josh---i agree that doctor wayne's water scenes are so realistic you can almost see the fish jumping but take note of the other scenery,especially the stock yards at lowbanks---anyone who is familiar with wayne's threads realize he is is a true artist---i realize how lucky i am to be able to take pictures on this remarkable's a shot of eg&e buisness car "tyandaga" crossing the chippewa creek bridge---check the rapids in the background

Thanks to all from me, also, for the kind remarks. When Mister Nutbar and I get together for these photo sessions, I always come away with a renewed interest in model railroading: as some of you know, I've been busy with other stuff this past summer, and was feeling a bit disappointed in my lack of progress on the layout. Seeing Nutbar's photos has been a tonic. Here are a couple of my favourites from our latest session: the camera is nutbar's, I think the first photo is by me, and the second by him.

Here's CNR RS-3 3017 venturing out onto the Maitland River bridge.


And here's EG&E business car Tyandaga, preceded by CNR office car Cape Rosier, leaving Lowbanks.


What's the story with the pile of rusted trucks and delapidated 0-4-0 (?) ? Is that part of a car maintenance facility?
You're correct, LoudMusic, that's part of the carshop area at Lowbanks. While a lot of the "junk" laying around isn't too prototypical, it's one of my earlier attempts to mess things up a bit. The 0-4-0 is a de-motored "Yardbird" from John English. I still have the tender around somewhere, in its original box. This loco never ran well, so it was a good candidate for a "retired" loco scene. I built a fake boiler backhead to close up the area where the motor sat, and, as the loco's a zinc casting, rather than painting it, I used HobbyBlack.
I also have a John English Pacific that is scheduled for a rebuild. It's about 50 years old, but still a good runner.
Here's another view of the area. It's difficult to get the whole scene in one shot, as it sits right at the edge of the layout.


Pretty cool. Do the tracks leading into the workshop connect to the operational tracks?

That's a really nice looking lumber load back there. Is that a cast block or individual scale lumber boards?

'Step aside! Brown boxcars coming through!' ;)
Fluesheet said:
This is the first time I've noticed the insulators on the telephone poles. Are those painted green? However it got to be that color, nice attention to detail.

How about the wood texturing on the pole itself? Or the cross beam? :)

DW: I find it interesting that you didn't string wires. How did you come to that decision? I would assume that first and foremost the lack of seriously realistic scale materials was a large factor. Then additionally that they simply get in the way. But I'd also bet you have another reason or two :)