Seen any good structures to Model anywhere

:D :D :D
Now here is something you can do with that left-over bomber in your scrap bin...more pictues at the railimgages account :cool:
That Funky Woodwork

Its called gingerbread and is linked to the victorian style. It was often seen on balloon type house construction which was big back in the day.
A barn similar to the one in the link, but with a more shallow roof, I think, has been rescued from a farm near West Lorne, Ontario and is being re-erected by a landscaping compeny in or near the village of Muirkirk, also in Ontario.

<a href="">octagonal barn</a>
There are some excellent photos of barns and other buildings along with the signs from links you will find off a Google search for "Mail Pouch" "Ceresota Fllour" etc.

I have been shooting lots of the local early 20th Century brick buildings around town. Mostly for folks who are in a rut painting their DPM building kits.

I skip the ones that have had recent facelifts. These are all present day (2004) variety. It's interesting to note how windows are either bricked in - or have plywood covering them from inside - when no longer in use.

Other times, brickwork is painted over. Sometimes just on the sides - other times all over. You can also see the variety of brick colors in use, and the sooty weathering. Plus, when a building is razed for a parking lot, the remaining buildings have the remnants still visible.
Mike, thank you very much for these fine photographs - they are great eye-openers for all of us who stumble through a wealth of details and never see them.

For me as an European it is always a bit strange to see how the electric power lines are led into the buildings in the USA. There still seem to be lots of (pardon the expression :D) caveman installations around. Here in central Europe the whole power disribution is underground and today you hardly ever see a household power line or telephone pole. Of course we had these lines some decades back, too. But because we have 220 Volts instead of your 110 Volts the wires were much thinner and not as conspicuous as the thick cables in America.

But it's just photographs like yours which helps us European modellers of American prototype to get that bit of reality which we would simply forget otherwise. So thank you for these fine pics!

And, BTW, congratulations to the quality of your other photographs on your website! Again, lots of details to see there - you gave me a wealth of suggestions to do some more detailing. No wonder I bookmarked your site! :)
