Missabe layout progress

Very nice progress so far Kevin!I haven't been keeping up on it lately as we were busy moving into our new home the past couple weeks.

Hope you are able to find enough time for your layout,it's coming along nicely.Don't forget to keep me informed on your plans to come up here and do some DM&IR rail fanning.

Thanks, I laid some more ground cover tonight, but it looks bare with no trees, I am slowly making progress, but love to see it as it comes along.

How was the move, I hope you didnt move to far!:mrgreen:
I am still working out the plans to come up. But I will make it happen. Does the new house have room for a nice big layout?:rolleyes:
The move was pretty good and no we didn't move TOO far away.We were renting a house at 35 Riverside Dr. and we bought the house at 31 Riverside Dr. just a couple of doors down:).

There is a really large crawl space in the basement with a ton of room,but it will take a lot of work to get it up to standards for a train room.

CRed, hope you dont mind, but I looked it up on Google maps, looks like you hace some tracks and railserved industries nearby, am I correct? I would have to guess BN if I am correct.

Here is my latest project: Making cheap trees for back ows so I dont need as many expensive pre made trees. These will go behind the nicer ones, to give the illusion that there are more trees than there really are.

I used dowels and painted a brown trunk, green top, and sharpened the bottom to stick into the styrofoam scenic base. All thats left is the folliage, but Im not sure what to use for that. Here are some pics.


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Here are a few pics of one that I finished. It has the wrong folliage color, but other than that and the fact that is wasnt painted first ( I just wanted to see how it would work) it blends in nicely, and there will be more trees in font of it, I cant wait to see this section when it is done. Acctually that whole layot for that matter. But that is still months and lotsa $$$$$$ away.​


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progress, progress, progress..........

I have done some more ground cover, and painted some track. here are some new pics. Including some of the dowel "trees"

The second pics has the trees, there are only a few of the more expensive, bought trees, and two stagered rows of the dowel trees, which I can make for less than half the $$ as the real ones.


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Great job, it looks great both you and Trucklover have it down. Did I see a service truck at the bridge mishap ? Did you scratch build it or find it some where? I also like your trees Great job I hope to have something to show myself I have only been working on mine for 4 months....You young guys are good. It really looks good!

Great job, it looks great both you and Trucklover have it down. Did I see a service truck at the bridge mishap ? Did you scratch build it or find it some where? I also like your trees Great job I hope to have something to show myself I have only been working on mine for 4 months....You young guys are good. It really looks good!

Yes it is a service truck, I scratch built it, here is a link you can go to, and find it about half way down the page.

announce1I WON, I WON, I WON, I WON!

Oh, what's that you want to know what huh? A DMIR ore dock rules and operations employee handbook from the after I was born on Ebay!
Kevin, I just saw your pics of the tree you made. It is similar to a redwood, but I'm not sure it matches anything found in the Minnesota North Woods. A cheap source for pine trees would be "bumpy chenille." I think it is available in a craft store like Micheal's or the craft section of Wal-Mart. It is green fibers on twisted wire in 2 or 3 foot long sections. It can be cut into individual trees. They are not good foreground trees, but would work to fill out a forest behind your good foreground trees. If you have some hardwood forests to model in summer, you might start with your dowels, and drill some small holes to glue in round tooth picks for branches and then glue on the ground foam to your new tree armatures. Since the branches will be dead straight, you would again need to use them behind better looking trees for the fore ground. An even easier way to make a hardwood tree is to get some mechanic's wire (safety wire) from an auto parts store or home improvement store, and cut 6-8 peices of wire about 6 inches long. Twist the wires together for about 1/2 inch or so, then separate a couple of wires and twist them together for the lower branch, separating them to individual branches part way out. As you go up the trunk, repeat the process until you have a nice tree armature. Finally wrap a bit of masking tape around the bottom 1/2 inch of the trunk and paint it a gray color to simulate the trunk. Then dip the armature in your ground foam after putting some sort of fixative (hair spray, spray glue, etc.) on it.

announce1I WON, I WON, I WON, I WON!

Oh, what's that you want to know what huh? A DMIR ore dock rules and operations employee handbook from the after I was born on Ebay!


I've been thinking of starting collecting that kind of DM&IR stuff also.

I had a '64 Chev 1/2 tonnner, with a wide rear window, a souped up 327, dual exhaust and Blue Missile mufflers. It was a four speed, and I loved to downshift into third, and let the engine be my brakes, when comming down Oak Creek canyon. Some times I'd grab second gear around the tightest switchbacks, and I really loved the sound of those pipes echoing off the canyon walls!:thumb:
Sounds like a sweet truck.

Again, absolutely nothing has happened for a few weeks, its as though Ive hit a dead end,

But tonight I began cleaning to make more progress. Wheels are turning, AGAIN.