Landmaster; Damnation Alley

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This model may never come up up for grabs, I am notorious for that. I don't believe because you build a model, it should be assumed it is going to be "coughed" up. It's a lot of work, and life just takes so much time.

@trt, I really hope all is going well, it's been a while. Pop in if you can, let us know how things are going. We'd love to hear from you. :)

With the info in this thread though, you can build it. if anyone wanted to start, I have given many dimensions in the first pages of this thread (Post#7) and would do some basic work, more than basic, for someone who would really follow it through. (I have the body mostly built)*****.

Well, didn't mean to nag (well, maybe a little, I guess...). I know much of life takes precedent over things like this, as well it should. Just thought I'd bump the thread and see if there was any news. I won't do it again.
Me either. This isn't adding a nonsensical post to an old thread, it is a valid and interesting query. No problem. I hope " TRT" answers, just to say he's O.K. would be more than fine. . :)
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Still here guys. Thanks for the interest still, I didn't realise this would take years. Apologies for not posting anything, but will be available for download soon. I promise.
Live's rich tapestry deliverys thing we have to deal with and adapt, there isn't always the time to do the thing we want, but moving on.
I haven't done anything for at least 6 month. Last time I did, as always, I did a few tweaks. Just some things I didn't think looked right.
I need to do a test build to make sure it work, then it's over to you;)
There is this, from my old good buddy !!!

Edited. That person is not allowed in this forum, to be referred to for all the damage he has done. Jim, P.M. me if you want more info.
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That particular person hates us, me in particular. For the damage he has done to this forum, I am removing the link. Nothing personal to you, but it would takes pages to write this person's vitriol.
That particular person hates us, me in particular. For the damage he has done to this forum, I am removing the link. Nothing personal to you, but it would takes pages to write this person's vitriol.
That's sad, cause of the great work he was doing.
And as far as I1m concerned... Don't worry, I know and understand it's nothing personal, ur just doin what has to be done.
As long as you're here...
I saw your drawings on this thread.
You're halfway there with the model. And you're a greak model pattern maker, why don't you take a crack at making it?
There is another out there...
OH! I didn't know that. I was googling for another but only found the tank from Star Fox 64:


Do you have a link for us, please?
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