JSC 1:400 North Carolina Build

Ive been enjoying this string....your doing great....there is no card model build that is not fun...and each and every one is a learing experience....it is a no lose situation...the more problems you find...the more experience you gain...the finished product is like a mother viewing her newborn.....a lot of work..and sometimes pain...but behold..a thing of beauty!!! Keep up the good work!:yep:
I worked on the 40mm tubs and turrets today. I use scrap paper for the barrel sleeves and strip styrene for the barrels themselves, of course. :twisted:

I worked on the 40mm tubs and turrets today. I use scrap paper for the barrel sleeves and strip styrene for the barrels themselves, of course. :twisted:

Yes I am. I use watered down glue on tissue. I did this on the Roberts and Hood with decent results. We'll see how it goes on these. And thanks!
