Gauge Layout party No. 4

I thought that I was finished for the layout party but an order that was going to get here next week came in a week earlier. I got more buildings for the city on Friday night. I finished 7 more building for the city. I still have seven more to paint and build. Here are pictures of what I was able to get done this weekend.


This picture show how much more i have to go until I have the whole city done.

This picture show the first passenger train to make a stop at the new station.
This is the first layout party that I seen and have a few questions. What happens after it is over? Does everyone post like before and after pictures or just what they got done? When does the next layout party begin? I have a long way to go on the city that I started and there is no way I could get it all done in a week. I want to at least get the buildings weathered, wire put on the pole, and maybe the other seven kits painted and built by the end.
We basically just compair notes & work, really informally... Then we take a break for a month & then post a poll for the beginning of the next one. :) So figure in a month or 2 - Due to the holidays - we will most likly start the next one in January :)

You can keep working until then - just take pics & keep everyone informed of your work :) :)

See ya!!!
Well, it's been a loooooooong while since I've updated, so here goes.

:) :) The trackwork I'd hoped to accomplish is done!! :) :)

While the whole circuit isn't yet handlaid, it is all in place and trains run through the whole existing layout. This was completed a day before my model railroading uncle swung through town. It sure is nice to have a chance to stand back, and watch (and listen to) trains make their way around the layout. :thumb: