F-14 Tomcat

Nice Job

Peter the model looks great, nice details , thanks for the link I will stick it in the pile. So many models so little time.
Great job! I have that kit too, but havent got around to building it yet, perhaps I should. That site has quite a few nice looking models! There is another F-14 free download at http://www.geocities.jp/ojimak_01/ He has several models, havent built any of his either though. Cheers
Great job! I have that kit too, but havent got around to building it yet, perhaps I should. That site has quite a few nice looking models! There is another F-14 free download at http://www.geocities.jp/ojimak_01/ He has several models, havent built any of his either though. Cheers

Thanks... Go for it, she is a really nice model to build. The other aircraft they have on the site are cool, when i get time i want to make each one, but i probably wouldn't scratch build a cart for them all, i did this just for the wife :mrgreen: Thanks again :wave:
Where have you been hiding this beauty!! It is incredible! We have a perfect, flown and rolled right into the museum in Connecticut. You got this one right on the money!!
Where have you been hiding this beauty!! It is incredible! We have a perfect, flown and rolled right into the museum in Connecticut. You got this one right on the money!!

Hey.... Thanks Zath, glad you like her. She's been around a while now, on here and over there. Nice model to build.
I missed it over there, and over here seems to be like what over there was like when over here was what over there is becoming.....................like? She's a beauty, and I am glad I caught it!!
A nice surprise seeing this thread come to life :cool: Thanks so much for the kind comments, i am just pleased you guys like her - i still have her.... well she belongs to my wife Chez, and she is looking after the Cat :thumb:
I just looked at the pics again, it is a really excellent build, that's why it popped up. It also shows how people do go through the vast archive here. It's all good, as we say here, and "quite right" ! :)