Engine Pics & Train Stuff...

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Hey Deano,

You keep this up I might actually WANT some diesels on my layout (UP's , of course...) Great shots....!

You all have a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR & A GREAT 2007...!!! sign1
As usual, i wish your amazing skill would rub off on me ( maybe they will). Great work!

Hey, do you have any DD35s, or turbines in your line up? I've been spying one of those lionel Verandas.
steamhead said:
Hey Deano,

You keep this up I might actually WANT some diesels on my layout (UP's , of course...) Great shots....!

You all have a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR & A GREAT 2007...!!! sign1

yeah, UP diesels have been leaking onto my layou since i started, and now i only want to add more yellow to my big blue fleet. I see alot of UP diesels up here in North Jersey ( C44-9Ws, SD70Ms)
green_elite_cab said:
Hey, do you have any DD35s, or turbines in your line up? I've been spying one of those lionel Verandas.
FIRST, Gus, nutbar, and g_e_c, THANKS GUYS!, for the kind words!:D

g_e_c, YOU BET i have a DD35:thumb:(pic below), I have a Veranda turbine in N scale, looked for a pic of it, cant find the folder, i have the unit in a box here, I'll take a pic later today and post it:thumb:.

Steven, here is a pic of the AMD-103 i put a sound decoder in, and did a couple small touches to for dad:thumb:.

the last two pics are rejects i took for this months contest:rolleyes:tooth1.

THANKS!:D -Deano View attachment 33948 View attachment 33949 View attachment 33950 View attachment 33951


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Steve!:wave:, here are a couple shots of the "N scale empire" dad and i built about 6-7yrs ago, that we talked about the other night:thumb:. we had this layout about 90% complete before we tore it down. i still have all the engines, cars, etc., but will probably never do N again. EDIT: note the scratch built chopper i made. and notice the SD40-2 snoot nose, even have these in N scale(3 in HO). Hmmm, i wonder who's UP pics those are hanging up;), the WSOR pic is dads. :D -Deano View attachment 33952 View attachment 33953 View attachment 33954 View attachment 33955 View attachment 33956


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**new Engine!!!, #59!!!

OK FOLKS, this makes the third post I have done today on this thread:rolleyes::D, trying to catch up on it as i have been real busy, so i haven't spent much time updating this thread:(.

First pic: the last of the pics of the N scale layout i wanted to show Steve:thumb:.

Second pic: i am doing a camp ground on dads layout, and put in a small beach type place on it. i used "magic water", and i am 100% happy with that product!:thumb:. i AM NOT EVEN CLOSE to finishing the campground yet, in fact, i have stopped working on it and started building an above ground HUGE train station for the layout. sorry, no pics yet, want to get farther along first. after i get done with the station, i will get back on the camping area:thumb:.

Third pic: the team track i done, that i was talking about with a good friend this week;).

Fourth AND Fith pics: MY NEWEST ENGINE!!!:D an Alco RS-32:thumb: i LOVE this engine, of ALL the Alco's made, the RSD-15's(i have a GBW one of those)and the RS-32's are my FAVORITE!:D this brings my engine total up to...59!!!:thumb: i cant wait to start on this one, i am putting it on top priority on my list of about 5000 projects:D. the engine is straight out of the box in these pics. Hmmm...the RSD-15, RS-32, and the SD40-2SN are my all time FAVORITE engines:D, i think i am seeing a pattern here...tooth1. THANKS!:D -Deano View attachment 33957 View attachment 33958 View attachment 33959 View attachment 33960 View attachment 33961


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jawdrop jawdrop jawdrop jawdrop jawdrop jawdrop
I am completely blown away!!!!:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
I could spend more time commenting on your posts than you spent actually posting it in the first place.
You need to post more pics of the awesome "N-scale empire"!!! I can't say enough about it, except.....MORE MORE MORE!!!!
Your campground scene looks sweet....and the water is fantastic (how deep is it?) I like the shadow from the canoe:thumb:
Oh yeah.....love the pics that DIDN"T make it into the contest...they look like winners to me!!!!:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
nice team track :thumb: ...that gives me an idea........
Deano, I thought the loco you were doing up for dad was a CNW unit, not am Amtrak. Eh, whatever, still looks good, but I'm not a fan of Amtrack or those locos.
That N scale layout looks good. I've thought of switching to N over the years, but I like my HO.
That campgrond scene looks nice, I plan on using the same stuff on my layout when I start building the river and logging pond. Think the pond is a bit small for those boats though
I like that RS-32. I too like CNW a lot. If I had a lot of money, I'd be collecting C&NW, UP, BN, BNSF, EJ&E, and probably even Metra
hi deano---those pictures from your father's layout are excellent---it's easy to see where your inspiration and talent came from---best regards and kudos to your dad,nutbar
Jeff, Steve, Steven, and nutbar, THANK YOU!!!:D you guys are VERY KIND:D.

Steven, you are 100% correct, the boats are to big for the pond, I'm going to 86 em;). i too am NOT a big fan of the new Amtrak engines:rolleyes:, but its not mine, so it don't much matter. dad rode Amtrak from Chicago to LA and back, so he really likes them.

The "campground scene" is NOT even really a "scene" yet, i just put the pond in, airbrushed the bottom of it, put sand in it, and poured in the "Magic water". thats it, i haven't even finished the pond, let alone started the campground. all that pic really shows is what the "Magic water" looks like, and where the campground will be;). i plan on putting some dry sand around the pond in spots, and grass around it in some spots, a tree with a kid on a tire swing, etc. i have tents and campers to place around it too. i have dropped doing the scene for now, but will start on it again after i finish the HUGE above ground station i am working on:thumb:.

Steve, THANKS for the complements on the "N Empire":D. it was pretty neat, though we are regretting spending the small fortune on it:rolleyes: because neither of us will do N again. but it was fun doing it:thumb:. honestly, i have a card table in my room with N scale track on it, but theres TONS of boxes of my HO stuff under it, and piled on top of it. i keep hoping my son would get interested in it but he's 13, and trains IS NOT his thing:rolleyes:. i keep meaning to build a display shelf to put my N scale engines on, but there are about 5000 projects ahead it it right now:rolleyes:.

Deano, that n-scale layout looked very good :thumb: :thumb: . When I started model railroading a few years ago, I started in N, because it seemed the most reasonable choice considering the space available for my model railroad. But after a while I found out that n-scale is to small for me and switched to HO. As you might know, I love to scratch build and I think it is nearly impossible to do it right to scale in N . Another important reason was that I never got the right feeling for the size of the trains. I always had the feeling to look at an aerial photo when looking at my layout. Why did you tear your n-scale layout down after you got so far?

Your RS-32 is a beauty. I can understand that you like it so much :wave: .
UP SD40-2 said:
Steve!:wave:, here are a couple shots of the "N scale empire" dad and i built about 6-7yrs ago, that we talked about the other night:thumb:. we had this layout about 90% complete before we tore it down. i still have all the engines, cars, etc., but will probably never do N again. EDIT: note the scratch built chopper i made. and notice the SD40-2 snoot nose, even have these in N scale(3 in HO). Hmmm, i wonder who's UP pics those are hanging up;), the WSOR pic is dads. :D -Deano

Those are amazing!

i like the bridge supports, they look like the ones that are around here ( as opposed to the Rix ones, of which i have seen no prototype)
This makes 59 engines on my roster...

FIRST, i would like to thank Wayne, cedarcreekrr, Kurt, and g_e_c for the VERY KIND words!:D THANK YOU!!!:D:D:D:D

OK, folks, this engine makes 59 on my engine total so far!:D i bought this engine to run on dads layout, i think it will fit in quite nicely as his layout is set up(mostlytooth1)for CNW 1950-69. its an RS-32, the CNW only had ONE of these#4242, but CNW had several RS-36's and they look almost identical;). of ALL the Alco's made, the RSD-15, and the RS-32/36's are by far my FAVORITES:thumb:.

This engine is my FIRST Atlas Trainman engine i have bought. i was surprised to see how good the quality of this engine was, since its from Atlas's cheaper line:thumb:. the motor is the SAME as in the better Atlas engines, and the detail on the shell was VERY GOOD. honestly, the ONLY thing i found that separated this engine from the better Atlas engines was the lack of grab irons and hoses on the shell. the circuit board had a socket for a decoder/sound decoder, and the socket was NOT sloppy:thumb:. the bad thing was there was next to NO ROOM in the engine for the MRC Brilliance sound decoder and speaker i was going to install in it:(. i 86'ed the circuit board to give me room, and "hot wired" in the MRC Brilliance sound decoder;). in engines of this type, i usually put the speaker in the cab, but there just wasn't any room to do that in this one. i pulled the rear weight out, and shaved it down enough to make room for the speaker:thumb:. the engine now runs smooth as silk, and sounds GREAT!!!:D

Heres what i have done, installed an MRC Brilliance sound decoder, put on all weather windows, a rotating beacon, a Sinclair antenna, hoses, coupler cut bars and a CNW/UP type plow. i painted the classification lights, all the EXTRA parts put on, and the air tanks. i also weathered the trucks, air, and fuel tank.:D

PIC 1- a CNW RS-36.

PIC 2- the engine brand new, right out of the box.

PICS 3-5- these pics are of the engine AFTER i had finished it.

:D -Deano View attachment 34127 View attachment 34128 View attachment 34129 View attachment 34130 View attachment 34131


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This has got to be the best thread I have ever spent time reading!!!! AWESOME!!!

Deano: You have the coolest set-ups I have ever seen! GREAT pics too. Love the layouts!!! You do an AWESOME job of "weathering" too!!! :thumb:

Thanks for a GREAT thread to read and get idea's
LocoIndy76:wave:, WOW!, THANK YOU!, so much for the complements:eek:ops::D. I'm GLAD you find enjoyment in this thread:thumb:. THANKS!:D -Deano
A very ordinary engine has now become something ANYONE would be proud to have grace their layout or collection! Really nice work and sweet pics to set it off!
This has got to be the best thread I have ever spent time reading!!!! AWESOME!!!
I told ya!;)
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