Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part V

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Thx! It's still covered in snow in honor of my friends in Michigan and Chicago, sign1

Hope you guys aren't getting this cold rain we have - it's about 40 here and raining now. We went out to eat, but my wife is trying to talk me into hiring a plumber to redo the faucet, because I'm allergic to mold. I think this is a pretty small job, though.

I'm just going to cut off the pipes just below the crappy little shutoffs they installed, then pre-build new shutoffs (metal ball type) with threaded ends for supply lines. They put in that bendable supply line with compression fittings and so it's not really user friendly at this point. If I do it right, there will only be one solder job for each pipe under the sink, which is generally the hard part.

Jeffrey, they released all the Banaceks on dvd. I found one set at Best Buy on sale and had a coupon, so I think it cost about $11 after all that. The second set cost about $24 online, but now we have the whole series.

I think Thomas is pining for a friend - maybe Percy? Have to wait until the financial fallout from the sink and all my recent tmcc purchases first though! :rolleyes:
Relapse buy not too bad. Wife watching Monk. I will watch Tudors on ShowTime. Weather will turn cooler and have some "spits" of rain. Hope I feel better for tomorrow as SPCA VS County on Animal Control.
Brutus, Norton was the best thing that happened to virus control. The word WAS. On desktop, I have CA which is free from Time Warner. Great. Using Trend Micro Anti-virus and Webroot Spy Sweeper for laptop. Was afraid that traveling would not always get the latest updates. Norton is the super pits now. Deleted it and it was still hiding in the desktop. Had to run a special tool to get it out. Norton slows your computer down. Later
Evening all. Still celebrating the wife's birthday. We had incredibly bad weather yesterday - rain and snow - took nearly 2 1/2 hours to drive into Chicago but persevered - went to the Art Institute then an expensive dinner with friends. Today, gave her some gifts. Trolleys weren't accepted so maybe I get to keep 'em ;) - Had some great conversations as she's been posting life lessons on her blog. What's one thing you've learned? One for me - A hobby is a wonderful thing.

Kurt, I've never had Korean food, sounds tasty.
Brutus, the layout looks great. Had snow on the ground this morn.
The TTOS show was well attended, but still a few empty tables. Got their schedule for fall so I guess its still a go. Oh I did not buy anything.
This mornings wet snow stopped and the sun came out but windy and that felt cold. 60s before the week is over.The show was my train fix for the day. Everyone get ready for monday. Got dential cleaning at 9, yuck.
Sir James
Good Morning Everyone. Had a decent day yesterday day. It started to snow and rain, then later on in the night it all changed over to just snow. Had the babyshower on saturday and my girlfriend got alot of nice things from my family and her family. Have alot of stuff to put away and to put together. I did manage to get a few things done on my doodlebug this weekend though.

Just to let everyone know, I have started back up the Weekend Modeling Plans. They will be posted Friday Morning and Close Monday morning at 12:00 a.m. Then the Weekend Modeling Accomplishments will be posted. We did have these kind of threads before but for some reason they stopped getting posted so I decided to start them back up for everyone.

Have A Great Day Everyone.
Brutus: Nice layout! Even if it is temporary.
Doug: Sounds like Birthday weekend celebration went well!
Another Korean dish we go out to breakfast for is Be Bim Bop. Bop, or Bap (rice) Be Bim (to mix) 'Jethro bowl' with similar marinated beef, an egg, sunnyside up, carrots, spinich, and other vegtables in a bed of rice.

Found newspaper all is right with the world againsign1 untill I read the news stories :nope:

Cold but dry can move some more junk from mom's house to mine(mostly train stuff(spikes, pics and misc. odds and ends):mrgreen:

Found a barf bag from the Algoma Central(unused) with a patch and set of decals for the AC.:shock:

Bench work on hold till next warm up.

Anyone heard about a router/hub bridge that is not wireless or cable connected but instead uses the house wiring to transmit data in places where the old coax and the wireless stuff is not practical??? will post the title of book I saw it in later just want to know if anyone has experience with that kind of setup.:confused:
I've seen one of these mains wiring routers advertised on <> I do not know if they work, I suspect they may be vulnerable as the cables also run under/over the street.
My experience of all this so-called wireless gadgetry has been less than happy. I have found that it is simpler (for me at least) to just be able to connect a piece of wire between things and all is well, no fancy software or bits of things sticking out of every available USB port.
Good morning.

Can you believe it? It's 42 degrees. Cooler temperatures have returned as old man winter tries to get in his last gasp. Funny thing about it is that about the middle of the summer we'll be wishing for some of this.

Today's Weather for:
Sundown, LA 71446-6114 4/14/2008

Wind Chill: 38°F
Humidity: 75%
Dew Point: 33°F

So Far Today
High: 49°F
Low: 40°F
Rain: 0.00"
Rain Rate: 0.00"/h
Gust: 9mph NNE

Special weather statement



Today High: 68 Sunny. Highs in the upper 60s. North winds around 10 mph.

Tonight Low: 35 Mostly clear. Patchy frost after midnight. Lows in the mid 30s. Light and variable winds.

Morning all . It seems to just get worst here lol. I got a letter in the mail friday from the IRS it seems the tax preparer really hosed up my return ( normally do my own but in a rush this year) I called the IRS this am to see how I can correct all this. The way I see it (redid last night on my own) I owe another $260 + about $1100.00 in pentlies for early withdraw of IRA's and 401k. If taxes were done right I would of had funds then but don't now so need to figure payment plan yes I know where my $1200.00 rebate is going. Well got done talking to them its all going to be fine. Just going to cost me more and now need to do an ammended return. This is what I get for not doing it myself.

Well other than above all seem good today so far but its only 10 of 9 so far lol
Have a good day all
Good morning folks

What happen to Spring? It was a cold 41F as I headed out. High today will be 54 F.

We had a busy weekend. On Saturday my wife and I attended Cub Scout BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation). The training was a lot of fun and very informative. The kids had baseball and softball games on both Saturday and Sunday. We also spent time working on some props for our upcoming Arrow of Light Ceremony.

I did finish adding the passenger equipment to the computer inventory. Nothing else got done.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Morning all. Cold here too, Tom, but sunny - supposed to be in the 70s later this week - I'll believe it when it happens - near record distance between 70 days. Sorry to hear about that, RT. IRS letters are never good. Thank goodness for that rebate. Mine's going to pay the van repair bill - LOL. I did have a brief fantasy of buying a Standard gauge trolley with it. ;) - Today's my middle boy turns 14 - next week's the anniversary. Expensive month.
Another clear day in store here, SO NICE to see the sun :thumb:, it's chilly this morning (29) but the highs are going into the upper 50's and that's a heat wave here.

Granddaughter is arriving here later this afternoon for 24 hours so I have Thomas set up in the other room, it's been since Christmas since they've been here so we have to make up for that lost time. We will probably go downstairs and run the big layout but for a two year old the carpet runner is the most popular :mrgreen: Life is good!
Good Monday morning everyone:wave:

Front page news in the Columbus Dispatch is plans to bring street cars back to Columbus Ohio:confused: Picture of old street cars on front page one of them is a double decker:cool:

Brutus and D.baker U.K. thanks for the tips and insight on the odd technology:thumb:

Still much cleaning to be done, It is amazing how much stuff one person can collect over the years:shock:

For those of us who are in the Columbus area one of the news people(Jim Ganal)SP? is a Model railroader:cool:
Where's spring? One inch of fresh new snow w/winds out of the north west this morning, not so good for lawn work today. Just spent 15 minutes moving fire wood for this afternoon and evening, we have a big 'ol fireplace in the living room that we rarely use but last night we did beer steamed brats in there and tonight will be something else, lots of fun for a change. Home for all weekend with NO obligations, it's been a real grind here the last 3 weeks and we are ready to do nothing. It starts up for me again on Monday with 6 straight days of commitments but some of those are actually fun. I never ever thought I would be this busy when I retired but at least now the choices are mine :thumb:

Someone, please anyone, send us some spring weather wall1

Ok, I'm going to send you some spring from Florida but you must be very careful with it, as soon as you get it you only have about a week & it will explode with deathly high temperatures of summer.
Marcie= sending Fla. weather here does not work. Sons inlaws arrived last week from the St. Pete area and weather took a turn for the worse. Going to take a couple more days to return to high 60s.
Well dentist done for six months, thyroid Dr. tomorrow at 8am. Then I hope I am done with that cra# for awhile.
Sun is shining but cool, still its nice to see. Mahaps some train time today.
Chief-hope you and the wife are feeling better. S.J.
Good evening. For those who asked questions of me, sorry, I tried several times to post last night and it just wouldn't go through. Now memory has failed and forgot who asked what and what the answers were. This computer is not too user friendly.

Had a great day yesterday at church. We had a singer by the name of Mark Harris who used to be with 4-Him. He did a few songs and we had morning worship. Then, he did a concert last night and it was filmed as it will be released as a DVD. :cool:

On train front, I watched the Travel Channel with the great train excursions of the US. Was neat as they went on the American Orient Express, then the Grand Canyon Railroad, and a few others. Also watched a program on the Dennison Depot Museum....someplace in Ohio:eek:. Perhaps some of our Ohio folks were in it.

Well, hope everyone has a blessed night.
Jeffrey: Looks like an RSC-2.
I owe you guys big time! I added the 5a fuse to to the fastrack test track this am, and I went thru 3-fuses. The GP didn't want to turn, so it went straight off the track. Finally got it limbered up, and it ran like a champ. Nice sound!

Thanks again,
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