Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part V

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This is a test pic of I&O #71 in Canal Winchester Ohio


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A good weekend here, lots of outside work completed and I have the sore muscles to prove it. Worked for several hours on our steep gravel driveway getting it ready for rains so it will drain properly and let me tell you, it's working. Woke up to lightning, thunder and heavy rains--grabbed the umbrella to go check on our work yesterday and it's working perfectly :thumb: Our weather sure isn't very spring like, to dang cold, can't hardly get into the 50's.

Opening Day today for America's Gamebounce7balloon6:wave7::woot1::woot1::woot1:Maybe this will be the year for the Cubbies, also enjoy the Twins but this may be a rebuilding year. We have a wonderful Triple A baseball team in Des Moines at a fantastic stadium, Cubs, and their opening day is Thursday at 3:00 PM. I'll be there even if I have to wear a parka.

Hope everyone has a good week.
Morning all. Opening day indeed - hurrah! Looking forward to my Sox battling the Tigers and Tribe this year - and every year Wore my Sox 05 ALCS champ hat today. TomP, glad things worked out. My bride has asthma too - as Dennis notes, it's nothing to take lightly. Poured and thundered with a storm from Iowa last night. Drizzly and dark in Chicago today - maybe the Cubs will be rained out. CSX, great shots - I've seen dirtier versions of those units off I 69 when I am near crossing the bridge into Louisville.

Loved the April fool joke in the e-mag, N-Gauger.:thumb:
Morning. Chilly and rainy. Suppose to warm up some later. Tax day. :curse: Speaking of baseball [yes, American sport. No to soccer, foreign sport], going to Mudcats something tomorrow night [5 to 8]. Free meal anyway. :mrgreen: Off to Town Hall after last cup of coffee. Have a good one.
CNW, It was cleaned up for a tourist trip back in the early ninety's I think. My dads boss back then told us about it, they used to fix and sell electric motors to the railroads:mrgreen: Dad worked for two electric motor shops before retiring for good and after retiring from Wonder bakery.

Still layed off and still on diet today is weigh in daysign1 Now I know of a way to post photos I might post a before pic and a current pic of me on diet.

Well Cubs tied in the third...rain delay...GO Cubs GO!

Bride made it to Germany...her regular phone was home and ringing at 4:30 this am...Brutus, Sir James, Doug...come on over!

Tom: Glad your wife is OK! Scary stuff.

Finalizing control panel...Need to order more block switches...6-amp @ 125v SPDT...only wire one side (On/Off). Only ones I could find small, and above 3-amps...I'm using 5-amp fast blow fuses. Now to start cutting the board!

On the way, Kurt - big storms here and it's raining tigers and great danes here! On batter power, so will have to get off computer soon. Sir James, Doug, meetcha there! (Go CARDS!)

Well, the day moved along after the first case. Got out at a reasonable time. Came home and did a lot of work on the doll house. Purchased some outlets for the lights and also a bunch of lights. You gotta see these things! Chandeliers, table lamps, wall sconces, etc. Some of them cost more than the real things.

Hope to get a little more work done on the doll house tomorrow and then I have to put it up for a few days as we are having company. They are bringing crumb snatchers, so will have to batten down the hatches! Actually, we will be having several families with us who all adopted kids from China. We should have a house full! My job is basically to cook the meals.

Hope everyone is having a blessed week. To put things in perspective, we had one of the folks from our Sunday School over today. She is on the Police force and one of the folks she works with was on her way home when a firetruck passed her. When they got home, the house was engulfed in flames...lost everything. We had a bunch of old lamps, suit cases, dishes, etc. Anyway, we gave them to our friend to pass along. Moral of the story, Each day is a blessing. The good and the bad. Take each moment for what it is...a gift. Remember to hug your kids, kiss your bride, and show them that you love them.

God Bless,
Busy week with some traveling.

CSX...Good photos of Canal Winchester. How old are the photos?:cool:

Chuck...Your gift should be there tomorrow. I sent it by pony express. :mrgreen:

Chief.....I've got NC to win. Don't mess me up. :eek:

I will have to look up the original photos and see if there is a date but I am guessing about early 90's maybe even 89:confused: Is the I&O still around?

Next time I go to thrift store on gerogesville rd will take camera and may get lucky and see the Camp Chase RR switcher loco that worked(s) the area industries on the west side it is the same general area as M&S trains.
Rain past about an hour ago, not too bad left in a hurry.Close to 60 today which was nice but the Tigers lost in the 11th, not so nice. I ran some trains for my wifes five year old niece today, first thing she ask for when she got here. I ran the Hogwarts X with a trainsound tender coupled on the end. Its nice that at that age it does not matter if the tender is on the end of the train,it made noise. good nite to all,,,,S.J.
Storm passed! Found out I get to go hiking with boy scouts this Saturday (means no OT though). One more day of meds for the feet, then I start some special exercises (if I can remember them). Good night, SJ, KP, DM, and all yuz giz!
Bedtime!!!! Did not reclinerize. Just up late. Plenty of rain today. Up to 1.8 inches since Sat when it started. Mostly over an inch this afternoon. Taxes done. wall1:curse: Owe triple figures again. Half from last year though. Work too much. Cutting back on that. Then get it back in June with stupid "rebate". BTW: rebate is being paid by the billions of dollars US govt. borrowed from the Chinese. Make sence? NO!!! OH well, filing for SS as birthday is in June. Then can make only 13K extra [tobacco check not included,which I have to pay Capital Gains on full amount and income tax on the interest that we do not get :curse:]. So Mayor's salary is close [and they take out taxes and SS]. Means only a few trips for Pro Mariner [who does not take out taxes and SS, so I have to pay now]. Have a good night's sleep. God bless.
Just remembered, today is a national holiday, can't remember which one, though. Doesn't matter, having difficulty sleeping with all the thinking about taxes, and such. Guess I will just sell or donate all the train especially the NS stuff. Tired of looking at that old horse anyway. So if any of you guys need any just send me a shipping label to Roseyville, and I can take care of the rest. Probably just deliver em all. Sure wish I could remember what day it is today. hamr Mayb e just top off the nite with some of that Vanilla smoke fluid everyones been talking about, must go well with some grits.
Good Morning.................
It is a mild 57 degrees. Little rain. Going up to 62 today with , maybe some light rain.
Today is very busy. Have to run some errands and get ready for the wife's business trip. No time for trains.
Chief is all over the place.
Breakfast on the Dining car early. Later.
Everyone have a nice day,
Don, I think this is the national holiday for athiests. At least according to the judge who dismissed a athiest's lawsuit against all religious holidays. But onto other topics. I have no cases today and hope it stays as such. A friend of ours purchased another house and I plan on helping him move some things today.

As for those NS items, I have a pink foam prairie that could use some wrecks! Perhaps I could distress them and lay them over on their side, even falling off a bridge and blocking a river....oh wait, that was CSX! My Bad!hamr Well, I hope everyone has a blessed day.

Chief...probably not getting a lot of takers...Huh. Maybe if you painted them a nice maise and blue??? Black is soooo depressing.

Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the Sun is Shinning and it is going up to 78 Deg on the North Coast. :mrgreen: :thumb: :cool:

We stop by the Lake and saw young girls surfing! :eek:

I Stop at my local coffee shop and the gave me an order of Grits to go! bounce7

What a great way to start the DAY balloon6


Oh, I almost forget, I won a new car from the Cleveland Car Show


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