Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part IV

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32 and not to bad here. Wind dyed down from last nite, we had some strong blows up to 50mph.
TOM, KUDOS again to you. Love those MTH old tankers, I wonder if the JOHNNY BULL set will have o scale couplers? These old style tankers will look good behind the JOHNNY BULL?
Going to take netting off ponds today if the wind dyes to 5-10 mphs? Other then that going to work on layout new section that I am schemming? Run trains tonite.
Hope all has a GOOD FRIDAY? Say a prayer between 12-3 today.
How's this for a close call? A man and a young woman narrowly escaped being flattened when two boxcars derailed due to a faulty wheel. An inquiry will be held to determine what they were doing on RR property in the first place and if they had anything to do with the derailment.

Good Morning All
MAILMAN will deliver today.Even if its a woman.
I look at the photos and think about the talent some lucky people have. I just can't get past the glue down the grass and add plasticville(which I do like). Starting to cloud over as rain and snow forecast for later today. The caulking from the new windows smells awful, like oil paint but stronger. Too cold to open windows but I have several open a little.The furnace doesn't like it though. Happy Easter to All,,,,S.J. :wave:
That's okay, S.J., the gas company will love you even if the furnace doesn't! Nice signature line, too! I love my toys!

Laz, you have a GOOD FRIDAY too! Hey, the BFOC does not have Lionel Couplers. It has little tabs with holes in them, very short btw, and you stick a tiny piece of rubber covered wire through the hole and then bend it over underneath. I had to get some really thin tweezers to do this. The "pin" has a little knob on top to keep it from going all the way through and it is colored black.

Nice pics Tom and Jeffrey. Hey, Jeffrey, you need some No Trespassing signs?

Doug, Charlene had this same crud and it took a month to get over it with steroids, inhalers, and lots of antibiotics and drugs. Prayers for your wife. Hope your daughter has a great trip!

Dennis, I found a program at Best Buy that downloads my pics and videos from my phone to the computer. It comes with a dozen (?) little cables to fit all the different phones. Pix 'n Tunes, is the name of the program. I think it was about $30. Look on the box and make sure your phone is listed though. If you can't tell, give me a yell and I'll see what is listed on the program/help.
Morning. Breakfast cooked for all. Grandson wide open. Out ot ride mower and tractor. Would love to slip in a cast or two into pond. Started a new Coffee Pot on CTT. Bergie didn't let me or Bob Keller know. OH WELL. Off and running for another period of time. Later
Hi All,
About 64 here now & sunny, supposed to get to 70 today & be a nice weekend. I hope to get started on my temporary N scale layout but with coloring/hunting eggs, husband/brother/niece birthday party I'm not sure that will happen.

Jeffrey & Tom - Love the pics as always & Jeffrey, those people do look a little guilty

If anyone has any comments or suggestions for my planned ho layout I would love to hear them.

Hope everyone has a blessed Easter.
HI GIZ, again,
BRUTUS, thanks for info Maybe have to do a few minor improvements to run those old tankers like TOM has, I think it might look cool.
MARCIE, good job on the layout looks like a good one.
Good afternoon folks

I decided to take the day off from work today and I am just getting around to the computer. This is the first time in years I have done so. It is also the first time that everyone; the wife and kids are also off. Right now the eggs are boiling and we will be coloring them later tonight.

It is 44 F but with the wind it feels much colder. High today is supposed to be 51 F. Tonight we have a chance of some snow. Depending on which weather guesser you listen to it could nothing to an inch. I saw on the Weather Channel that the on Mt. Washington, NH the wind is blowing at 107 MPH with gusts close to 150 MPH. Temperature was -9 F with a wind chill near -50 F.

No modeling last night. I am hoping to look over the pile and pick the next project this weekend.

Wat to go Tom on getting published!:thumb::thumb:

I hope everybody has a good day.
Afternoon All !! :wave:

I think I might make it! Been down all week, probably got some virus from the computer. Haven't even looked at the computer since Monday, but things are coming back around.

Sure has been a lot happening, though! (Not surprised). Glad to hear everyone is doing OK, sure hope the Dr visits go well for John! Now all the most of you need to do is get through the weather for this weekend, snow, flooding, wow! Great news for Tom and layout being published, really looking forward to see that!!

Haven't worked since Monday, and think I'm going to head to the train room this afternoon, for a little "therapy". Thanks for all the concern, and I WILL be back.

Don, welcome back to the land of the living!:wave: Hope your recovery continues and you are 100% soon.
Marcie, I like your plan, good work.
Brutus, Thanks for the heads up. I will try to check into one of those systems.
Well, mail did run and I have yet to get my CTT:cry: I guess that means that I will have to be busy this weekend with other things.
Chief, I have not been back to the Pot on the other forum in a little while. It just isn't the same. I guess it's Bergie's pot now. Maybe Jim can have his say to all those who want to listen to his drivle.....lets see, that would make himself. Ledgend in is own mind.
Well, I have a few cases to wait on. Plan to be done soon. For a change, we are having Lord's Supper tonight at 1830hrs. and only Sunday morning services this week. If the call leaves me alone, I hope to have a nice enjoyable time with the family.
God Bless, and Happy Easter.
I'm thinking about taking another photo class next month so I thought I'd snap a few pics this afternoon and work on my lighting skills/problem. We are taking off to be with family this weekend so I wanted to leave something for you. These are two of my favorite diesels that I need to use more.




Have a Blessed Easter.
Jon: Those are some awesome Photos! Whatever camera you're using is amazing. Oh ya, and those engines are quite a site!

Just went around the block with the dog, and pulling 3yo in sled. We have about 3-inches of snow at the moment, and it's still comming down.

DENNIS, I with you on posting on the CTT forum, JUST NOT THE SAME. Was fun once but not anymore.
DON, gladyou're back need some of that left coast humor, keeps me going.
KURT, DOUG and DA REST of YUZ GIZ from the Upper Mid West, I feel for YA. Watch YOUR BACK, while shoveling.
My wife helped me in my latest endevor on the layout this afternoon. We spent about 2 hrs working on this and will try to get pics later?
Have agood nite,
:wave:Hello everyone and Good Friday evening:mrgreen:

Weight still going down:thumb:

Truck had the last of its original coils replaced hope that will be the last of its troubles. It is seven years old and the coils are the only thing to have given out on it so far:nope:

Got my CTT yesterday and I did notice Tom's picture of his layout and another pic from a guy on the OGR forum as well(the guy with the cat in the hat hat) Cool to see some one you kinda know get published:cool: Has the Chief ever been published yet???

I can't belive it but I have found myself wanting the new Williams by Bachmann F3's in Blue and silver and Yellow and silver paint of Santa Fe:shock:
I have some BIG NEWS that I can share with you guys finally.

I am going to be a grandfather this summer! :-D:-D:-D She didn't tell us til last month and she has finally said we could tell people, so I couldn't wait to let y'all know.

I'll need all the advice on this Thomas stuff I can get. I already found him in HO scale:mrgreen:

She's moving back in with us also, which the room my trains were going in is now her room again. But Mrs Krawler has gave me permission to take over half the shop. And the first of April I am buying all the materials I need for the bench work.

Congrulations, Krawler! Spoil that kid!

We went out to eat, but daughter got car sick :( Had a nice steak dinner first, though. There is flooding all around us and rivers are higher than in '93. A couple levees already blew. Luckily, we moved to HIGH ground after '93, so no problems here at Casa Brut. Cookie Cake and somone needs to bring banilla icecream - all are welcome. Just sing Happy Birthday to my wife and you will get a slice of this cake - yummy!

CSX - we have some weightwatchers treats too - very low points, so you won't be left out!
Congrats to Krawler; and thomas comes in all sizes,take your pick.:thumb:
Brutus a happy birthday to your wife. We have some beautiful snow I wish I could send to her. Banilla on the way. Maybe Kurt and Doug will come along. We'll bring the dogs.might use them for a sled ride home.
Have a good evening......S.J.
Jon, is that flurescent lighting in your train room? It does look like it from the exposures I was seeing. In some cases, you can make the lighting more natural by placing a Green gel sheet in front of the light. On your flash for your camera, you may want to use a diffuser if you want to use flash. You can use painter's lights with a "Natural" light bulb in it to create the shadowing effect you would get in early morning or late afternoon. A great book I have is called "Exposure", not sure of the author as my copy is being lent to someone, but I know you can get it off of Amazon. I also have some videos from the Nikon School.

Krawler, Congratulations on the grandchild. When my bride and I were expecting our son, we didn't tell anyone until she was almost 3 months along. We were both in our late 30s and did not want to take the chance in case things didn't go well. She had already lost one. Long story short, she did fine until about 6 months and then she was on bedrest because of a rough pregnancy. He came along a month early.

We had a great service tonight. Lord's Supper was special the way the pastor explained everything and really brought you into the upper room in His presence.

May everyone have a blessed weekend and a most joyous Easter!
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