Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part III

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Kurt, I was on Lipator and Zetia but switched to Valtorin [both in one]. My bad cholesterol is 65.

Thanks for the information Chief!

Well He's the Doctor...We'll see how things go. He mailed the script with the lab results.

We eat from the basic food groups, and I have reduced meat portions greatly from the last Doctor visit. We only use butter, and real cheese... Maybe cutbacks and substitutions are in order. Also my bride won't eat fish...

Time to visit the Cholesterol site.

Good evening folks - nice pics Frank and Jeffrey! France! - sent you an email (reply) about my wife's trip. She loved Dijon. Kurt and Chief, good luck on the cholesterol. They keep telling me that mine is fine but need to raise my good cholesterol a little higher. Good luck on that kit, Don - hope they got it right this time.
'Evening, all! Just got in from church a while ago. Off tomorrow - I visit the dentist in the a.m. (routine check) then run some errands. May set up the "benchwork" for the Christmas layout in between.

Hope everyone has a good evening!
Good evening,

Don, Sorry that kit I picked up for you is a lemon. :cry:

Car is back, picked it up this afternoon. So far so good. They replaced the alternator. NO CHARGE, even picked up the haul to the shop. Warranty's are nice when you need them. We have had excellent service from this dealer, service shop foreman is one of my son's best friends. He takes good care of us.

I have been fighting high Cholesterol for almost 30 years. Started out at over 300, now down to about 220-225 lowest it has ever been. My cardioligist can't believe he can't get it lower, but nothing does it. I eat very little meat. No butter, only skimed milk, only whole wheat bread and not much of that. Eat mostly veggies and soy products. Right now I am on Pravachol, Tricor, 6 fish oil tabs & 2 doses of Metimucial a day. That's just the stuff for Cholesterol. Sound like fun? :mrgreen: Shouldn't complain, had tripple bypass 3 years ago and I'm still here. Of course on York week I break all the dietary rules.

Kurt, Back when our oldest daughter was in high school we hosted a girl from France for a month. (she was a great kid and we still keep in touch). The next summer our daughter spent a month with her family. We also hosted a boy from France (he was a royal pain in the but, all he wanted to do was spend time at Hershey Park, wasn't interested in anything historical or educational).

Now for the train part of this post. I got my Atlas 0-6-0 today, but haven't had time to unpack it yet. (No Don, I'm not sending out to you for testing, you need to get your wiring done.) I did get an email from John Seaman with a picture of his.

Guess I should give someone else some board time.:eek:ops:
Hey John, glad they got that fixed! I hate metamucil - flavorwise. I tried these chewable tablets, but they don't seem to work or not very well.

I think CSXT30 posted the pic on another site too, John.
Hey John, glad they got that fixed! I hate metamucil - flavorwise. I tried these chewable tablets, but they don't seem to work or not very well.

I think CSXT30 posted the pic on another site too, John.

I use the suger free orange stuff at home and the capsules when eating out or traveling.
The sf orange flavor is not too bad. We got a chewable tablet - different brand. Once it's gone, I'll go back to the old metamucil I guess.
Morning to All,

A fresh pot is on. All this cholesterol talk reminds me I need a blood test. I will do that tomorrow AM.

Busy days at work. Get home exhausted. No time for trains. I still have not figured out the horn issue with my BEEP whether it is the sound kit or the transformer. Maybe this weekend or next. The Mrs. has plans both weekends, leaving me free to do what I want. (ie play in the train room) Hooray.

Have a great day.

Good morning Nobelmen, Holligans and other assorted TrainNutz.

Here is the current version of the trackplan on the main level:


There are a number of areas that are concealed. On the outer loop, the upper right ducks under the main level and will have two portals. This allows the inner loop to have a sweeping curve and doesn't load up that area with too much track, as I am going to have a roadway emerge from beneath the main level at a 45 degree angle.

I want to find a way to connect the two loops in two places so trains can travel from the outer to the inner loops and the outer loop train can take advantage of the reversing loops on the inner loop.

I am also considering trying to bring more of the trains to the front so the scenery and structure are in the background, as opposed to having the trains run behind so much of the background.

Suggestions welcome and by all mean, Seize The Day.
Good Morning.............
It's a cloudy 46 degrees. Going up to 55 today with some sunshine.
Frank53......Layout looks good. Connecting the inner and outer loops is a good idea. That will take some figuring out.
Today is a less busy day. I have one errand to run and then I'm taking it easy. Running trains later.
Everyone have a nice day,
I have been fighting high Cholesterol for almost 30 years. Started out at over 300, now down to about 220-225 lowest it has ever been.
Last time I checked, mine was 81. Now if the rest of me was that good I wouldn't have any problems. Heart, liver and kidneys are in fantastic shape, lungs and digestive tract are good. Bones not so good and with the Charcot problems in my right foot spreading they'll get worse. Brain health? Well that's been in the gutter for about 40 years.
Good morning.

Today's Weather for:
Sundown, LA 71446-6114 11/29/2007

Wind Chill: 52°F
Humidity: 93%
Dew Point: 50°F

So Far Today
High: 52°F
Low: 50°F
Rain: 0.00"
Rain Rate: 0.00"/h
Gust: 0mph NNE

Today High: 65 Mostly sunny. Highs in the mid 60s. Northeast winds around 10 mph.

Tonight Low: 42 Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 40s. Light and variable winds.
Good morning from Buckeyeland...Go Oklahoma!!

Still looking for a bridge for my layout. Outbid on EBay. Trying to find a Lionel Extension Bridge 6-2122.

Frank53 - A suggestion, based on experience. You need to find a place to park trains. I wish I had more room just to store them without taking them off the layout.
Frank53 - A suggestion, based on experience. You need to find a place to park trains. I wish I had more room just to store them without taking them off the layout.

and I appreciate the input, just having a hard time figuring out where I might do that. I was going to put a yard down the right side, but I have decided I want the backstreets and seedy underbelly of a 30's-40's town more than I want a yard.

One of those many tradeoffs and challenges we face here in LionelVille this morning . . .
Morning all. Seems this software has got the CTT's. Slowing down today. May be all the traffic that has moved over here. Cloudy and suppose to have some rain. ??? Got chest cold. Coughing up, yuck!!! :eek: Crazy warm on day and cold the next gets to you. Coat one day and shirt sleeves the next.

Frank53, connect the outer and inner loops. You've got several places they are close together where a couple of switches would do it.

Off to Town Hall in a few.

Good morning folks

It was 38 F when I left the house this morning. High today will be 54 F. Ominous clouds are gathering on the horizon, however. Saturday night when could have white stuff falling from the sky. By Sunday, however it is supposed to turn to rain. The biggest problem is this prediction will set off a full scale bread and milk panic by tomorrow night. By Saturday morning there won’t be a loaf of bread, gallon of milk, or a roll of toilet paper to be found in the Philadelphia metro area. Guess who has to do their regular grocery shopping this weekend? I would rather take on the crowds at the mall on Black Friday.

I didn’t make it here or to work yesterday. This cold hit me hard Tuesday when I got home from work. I did not make to the public meeting I was supposed to attend. There was just no way I could drive an hour and half one way. Not only was I now and out yesterday; my daughter and father-in-law were also home and in bed. My son missed school on Monday but has gone the rest of the week. I am hoping to make it through the day here at work. I did make to our Cub Scout Pack Meeting last night and everything went well. We gave out a horde of patches and awards. Many of the kids were surprised at what they got and it was great to see their excitement.

No modeling the last few days.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Tom - Hope you get over that cold quick, you've had it long enough.

John - As far as testing your "Unboxed" engines, the advantage of my unwired layout is they don't go very far or very fast. For you, I can bear the pain, and do the tests. No Problem.

Have a great day all !!
Frank: Can you elevate/incline the inner reversing loop, and add a reversing loop underneath for the outer loop? It looks like there a variety of places to add connections.

I did some checking on what I can and can't eat...turns out Harry & David Bing Cherry Chocolates, a staple here at Christmas are bad. 35% saturated fat in 4-pieces.

'Morning, again. Back from the dentist - Look, ma! No cavities! :mrgreen: Just a clean and a poke and see you in six month, thanks.

Another pretty day today - mild temps and low humidity with full sunshine. Still very dry in central Alabama (and most of the state) so we're still hoping for rain. None forecast anytime soon.

Fixing another pot of coffee, then lunch, then sit with Mom while Dad goes to see his dentist. Tomorrow meeting the Bro. in law and nephew at Bass Pro to hang out a while.

Everyone be safe!
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