Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part II

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Thanks Jeffrey. Well, off to breakfast and then hit New England train stores. Got some items staked out from yesterday's scouting. Got all the Yanks on their toes as may spread GRITS into New England. :eek: Fly home tonight. Have a good one and those in PA, better watch ut as will be there this evening [Philly airport]. :rolleyes:
Rain is only good after you cut hay if you have it bailed. It just makes more work to dry the cut hay then it gets brittle and dusty. If your unlucky it keeps raining then you loose most of what you cut. It takes a day or two after you cut hay for it to dry unless you’re going to wrap it.

No will never leave the farm as a matter of fact while it is not a full time income maker at this point it does add to the income. August 3rd is my day job and that is the layoff date, really they cut the position.

I am exploring several options so it is no big deal. I have even thought about semi-retiring at 48. I would just have to get a part time job to help pay for the health insurance. But then again I would have a ton of free time to do more things that I like.

In any event it is muggy this morning with high humidity. It is starting as one of those hot hazy days. It is a cool 88 degrees at 8:44 am.

...Dont feel too bd about the lack of train movement - i think mine haven't moved since X-mas :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:...
Well, on reason we decided to have monthly get-togethers is to get a bit of action on our layouts. It's been working 'cause each one of us has probably done more in anticipation of having the gathering at their house. I actually ran a few loops yesterday in hopes of getting my trackwork back in shape. More today I hope...

A nice quiet day... (Yeah Right!!)

Going up to 91 maybe higher (Lotsa fun in the warehouse, with no A/C):eek:

But it'll be cooler ( 85 ) tomorrow, because that line of severe weather over Ohio is coming this way :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Today should be in the 110 range. Thursday is our shooting day and it could get up to 115.:eek: :eek: It probably won't go below 90 for the entire day. Yep, summertime in the Arizona desert, lots of fun.wall1 wall1
Good morning folks

Like Mikey said hot and humid are the weather words for the day around the Delaware Valley. High today is supposed to be 89 F according to NOAA (the local news radio station says 94 F), with a chance of thunderstorms this evening. Mikey who getting your weather info from? You got to love it; three different versions of the weather forecast for the same area.:confused::mrgreen: When I pulled out of the driveway at 6:40 AM the temperature said 70 F. My son has the second day of basketball camp and hopefully the heat wouldn’t be too bad since the gym is not air conditioned.

My son has a Little playoff game tonight. Hopefully it won’t be too hot and it is not rained out. Their scheduled is screwed-up enough they don’t need any more changes. If they lose they are done. If they win they keep going.

I continued running trains and working on videos. I keep finding ways to screw them up. The one I did a few nights ago that I thought was good I now have to redo after I saw that the backdrop was out of place and there are several loud background noises on it. One these days I will also get back to the pile of wheels I need to weather that are sitting on the work bench.

Jeffery that is good news about your mother.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Thanks Jeffrey. Well, off to breakfast and then hit New England train stores. Got some items staked out from yesterday's scouting. Got all the Yanks on their toes as may spread GRITS into New England. :eek: Fly home tonight. Have a good one and those in PA, better watch ut as will be there this evening [Philly airport]. :rolleyes:

Aww man!!! If I could get off work, I'd come down to see ya!! :) I'm 20 min away from PHL

Hoping for a safe and speedy trip for ya!!! :) :)
Good morning folks

Like Mikey said hot and humid are the weather words for the day around the Delaware Valley. High today is supposed to be 89 F according to NOAA (the local news radio station says 94 F), with a chance of thunderstorms this evening. Mikey who getting your weather info from? You got to love it; three different versions of the weather forecast for the same area.:confused::mrgreen:

sign1sign1sign1 Yup!! 3 radio stations + 4 Tv stations = 7 DIFFERENT predictions sign1sign1sign1sign1
Darn, the AC went out this evening :curse:

I think all it needs is the shaft oiled on the armature, I hope.

We are sleeping under the fan tonight.
Good morning

Today's Weather for:
Sundown, LA 71446-6114 6/20/2007

Sundown Fire Dept., Station 23

Heat Index: 76°F
Humidity: 85%
Dew Point: 66°F

So Far Today
High: 72°F
Low: 71°F
Rain: 0.00"
Rain Rate: 0.00"/h
Gust: 5mph NNE

Today High: 92 Mosyly cloudy. Slight chance of showers and thunderstorms in the morning...then chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs in the lower 90s. Light and variable winds. Chance of precipitation 40 percent.

Tonight Low: 68 Mostly cloudy. A 20 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms in the evening. Lows in the upper 60s. Light and variable winds.

Good morning all. Gil I just replaced my fan motor on my furnace/ac yesterday. It stopped running last thursday and got pretty warm in the house. what saved me for 5 days was putting fans on all of the vents sucking air through and a big 20 inch box fan on the air intake pushing air through. Worked for five days keeping the house at 75 degrees. Good luck with yours.
Routine followup CT scan for me this morning. I'm sipping a "berry smoothie" barium prep as I write. Mmmmmm, breakfast of champions! :)
I'm doing this every four months now and hope soon to make it every six. I meet with my oncologist Monday and hope she'll decide we can spread these out a little more.

Fantastic weather yesterday in the Tiwn Cities area but we're expecting a return to the heat and humidity today. Glad I mowed the lawn yesterday!

Have a good Wednesday all!
Good morning folks

We were dodging lightening bolts last night. We had two nasty storms move through last night with a lot of lightening and rain. First one rolled through about 10 PM and the second came through around 1 AM. The humidity is awful this morning and the temperature is 72 with a high of 85 F. We’ll see what Mikey comes up with:mrgreen:. They say that the humidity will go down as the day goes on.

My son did not make his Little League playoff game last night as he got sick after dinner. I think the heat got to him yesterday. I am not sure if he has game tonight or not since I have not heard from his coach on how the team did:confused:.

The wife started a part time job at the Delaware Museum of Natural History last week. She is training to be a tour guide/docent. She has been going in the past few days for training and observe ring the other tour guides. So far she really likes it. For her it is a big change from human resources. She got fed up with HR because she said it seemed like all she was doing in her last two jobs was firing people. Another thing she likes about the new job is the flexible time schedule.

No modeling again last nightwall1. I did redo the video for the LNE coal drag. One of these days I will get to that pile on the work bench.

Ralph, hope all goes well with the scan.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Oh, now that I went back to the first thread that makes sence! I thought the Caboose was a bit empty-

Jeffrey Glad to hear about your mom.

Roger, glad for you that your AC got fixed.

Also, loading time for the Caboose goes much quicker.
Rodger, I think it is a dry shaft. Same thing last year and the guy showed me how to fix it but the wife says nix on me and my 10 thumbs.

I hope that is all. We just put on a new roof and gutters.

Not to worry, I am filling up the above ground pool now :thumb:


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Hi all,
It's been around 90-95 degrees here, but the frezzer is stocked with frozen goodies :D . Davis Trains is going out of buisness, so I went on a shoping binge of around $160 getting scenery and such. The best moment of that day was discovering a little Kibri warehouse kit. Now, I was a little uneasy about it, judging by COMBAT's experience with the company, but closer inspection revealed that there was a possibility that this building could be the kit I've been searching for! Ever since I designed the layout, I'd been looking for a suitable single engine shed, but couldn't find any good kits. After comparing the entrance to my engines, I discovered that my RS-32 would fit easily in the opening I'd make (and the RS-32 is taller than my F3, so that takes cae of that.), and so I now plan to modify (kitbash? or does kitbash only aply when you take stuff from one kit to modify another?) the warehouse to be the engine shed that, when built, will allow the next stage of the layout to begin: the foam layer! :D
Thanks for the well wishes guys. The CT scan went just fine but it takes a couple of days to learn the results. I'm not expecting anything to be wrong. I'm an old hand at these now having gotten them every three to four months since September 2005 when I had cancer. The radiation tech knows me by first name! Nice lady with a bawdy sense of humor.

Gil, is that you on the back of that caboose?

Good morning folks

Funny what a day will do. We had a great weather day yesterday with temperatures in low eighties and lots of sunshine. It looks like today will be similar with highs in mid eighties and little humidity. The best thing is the air conditioners are not running at home. I guess I am going to have to cut the grass in the backyard tonight. I did the front yard the other night before the storms came through. The kids usually cut the front yard but the backyard is an obstacle course and the ground is not too even. It is tough for them to maneuver the lawn mower, so dad gets stuck with it.

I began painting the grab irons on a Walthers gondola. I also finally got back to weathering a bunch of wheels. Now I need to seal them.

Ralph, good to hear that things went well.

I hope everybody has a good day.
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