Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part I

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Hey All,
Welcome back Gil.
Ray thats a nice layout and a great thing to do for the holidays.
Mike What the hell is GEOCATCHING?
Still cold as hell here in TN, Spent the other day in the Hospitial, fell off the roof hanging Xmas lights. Fracured a few ribs and a vertibra in my lower back. Got some good drugs though.
MERRY X_MAS, hope the grand kids like the lights.
Yall Have fun now,
I feel exhuasted ..did to much today. I did however find the energy to start kit bashing and scratch build a Christmas frieght train for the grand kids.
Good Morning Everyone. It is 33 degrees here. Alot warmer that what it has been the past few morning at this time. Got another busy day ahead of me.

:wave: Have A Great Day Everyone.:wave:

well its 8 degrees here at 7:42. had the first snow here last night, real light dusting. Fedex stopped by last night while i was at work, dropped off my turntable, a model power blue coal mine, and 50 feet of road bed, so you can guess what ill be doing,,, i did get crickets saloon painted and put togather yesterday to.
Afternoon from NE Ohio. Getting major lake effect snow right now. Had appx 1-2 inches when I left for work this AM, now at noon we have appx 5-6 inches with more to come. Oh well, this is Cleveland in December. All outdoor and indoor decorations are up and done so It looks neat with the snow.
Morning all,
COLD in Tn today 22 deg out and we have snow flurries. Suppose to clear up this afternoon. Gives me plenty of time while I'm home to build structures and think about my RR.
Yall have a greatday,
It is cold and snowing here in WV.

Nice day to finish my project only the whole hopuse smells like paint.

I bought the engine yesterday and decided to paint it a bit more prototypicaly.

All the hard ware was an ugly green or a flat goldish tone. I painted that with a rich golden craft paint.

The body I painted black and left the cab as it was.

I am repainting some old cars for it.



Good Morning Everyone. It is a cold 9 degrees here with the wind chill at -10, so it makes it feel like it is below 0. We got hit with a snow storm yesterday and got around 3-4 inches of snow. Today it is supposed to snow off and on today. I guess I will stay home and not even attempt to go anywhere unless I have too.

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