Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part I

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:curse: Boy did I have a great day today, nothing to complain about, nothing to whine and bitch about.

It was to perfect.:thumb:
Went to a rib fest and got rain on. Ribs weren't much to write home about.

Weathered an HO climax engine, new one and screwed that job up.

I am shopping for a 10 to 15 HP out bourd motor and I will get a now boat in 07 I think.

The dog want her walk but a big storm in about on us. I think I will disconect.

Later guys lighting is flashing on top of the ridge.
Good Morning everyone. Yes, it is extremely humid today. 90 degrees and
101 % humidity. Like a sauna bath. Cool in the basement where the trains are.
Have a good day.:wave:
Well Chief, thats a race I would be willing to take last in! :D

Its afternoon here now and the humugity is only 60% but,
the temps have risen to the upper 90's!!! :cry:

Bad weather and tornados 50 miles away this morning,
they can have all that too!

Back to work tomorrow, have a great railing day all!

Russell, :wave:
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