Colonial Landram from Battlestar Galactica

Well, 500 hrs. on my DVR are Battlestar Galactica Episodes. I guess I'm in that club. I watch them in earnest. I find myself on the side of the "Good Toasters" more often than not! :)
My wife purchased Season I of "SystemThrone of Kings", I had two sit through 2 whole DVD's of naked women, really pretty naked women) watching this with her on the Home Theater System @ 100 Inches" ,with her saying, this part isn't eve in that book, and me yelling back at her, "Quiet!!" You ruining the contitnuity, That's actually I blurted out, I misspoke, I meant, continuity of course, just a Freudian slip.!!. True story. Had to watch it at 11:00 O'clock p.m., 3 DVD's worth. I may have to watch it again, though, as I think I missed some parts...... Of the movie!!:twisted::p
My wife purchased Season I of "SystemThrone of Kings", I had two sit through 2 whole DVD's of naked women, really pretty naked women) watching this with her on the Home Theater System @ 100 Inches" ,with her saying, this part isn't eve in that book, and me yelling back at her, "Quiet!!" You ruining the contitnuity, That's actually I blurted out, I misspoke, I meant, continuity of course, just a Freudian slip.!!. True story. Had to watch it at 11:00 O'clock p.m., 3 DVD's worth. I may have to watch it again, though, as I think I missed some parts...... Of the movie!!:twisted::p
My wife really likes True Blood and Game of thrones, I love her, so I watch these shows, for her:mrgreen:
Hello, My name is Revell-Fan, and I am a battlestaraholic.
I know every episode by heart. I resemble Dirk Benedict. And I'm building my own blaster. Like those Jedi-Padawans.
Do I have to say more?
Patch for A-Team style Landram

There are two small texture errors in the A-Team style Landram (both scales). I have prepared a patch which corrects this. It will be available in the downloads section shortly. Sorry for this!:eek:ops:

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Let me know, if you have something pending approval, (by P.M. is better) because I don't get any kind of special notice when something is waiting to be approved, Hmm, I better go check it out now! :)

So say we all! SO SAY WE ALL!!

I think "Y'all" works to, "So we Y'all! tooth1

Let me know, if you have something pending approval, (by P.M. is better) because I don't get any kind of special notice when something is waiting to be approved, Hmm, I better go check it out now! :)

So say we all! SO SAY WE ALL!!

I think "Y'all" works to, "So we Y'all! tooth1

Ditto. Erh, SO SAY WE ALL!! :wave:
(And noticed for future reference! :mrgreen:)
Snowram approaching

Hello, my friends!

The winter is coming (at least to the Northern hemisphere) and what do we all need to visit our family and friends on X-mas? The smart Colonial Warrior knows the answer: the Colonial Snowram!

Nine months after the release of the original Landram I have finally found some time to make it. The reason why it took so long was the camouflage painting. If you look closely at the real vehicle you'll notice that the Snowram is not just white all over but sort of off-white with some remnants of the "Lost Planet of the Gods" camo shining through. I tried to match it as accurately as possible.

When I looked at the finished files I noticed that there was something still missing: the luggage. Without it you wouldn't be able to re-enact the scenes on Arcta. So I've prepared a little add-on kit which will be released together with the Snowram.

Everything comes in three different scales, 1:24 (vehicle builders), 1:32 (Viper and Thunderfighter scale) and 1:18 (action figure collectors).

A final revision is in progress. The assembly instructions still have to be fleshed out a bit before the kit can be released.

Stay tuned! :wave:
Thank you all!

Here are some shots of the luggage add-on for the Snowram. You'll be able to display your model with or without it because the set comes with a flat roof part which tells you where to put the luggage.

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Another part represents a yellow tarpaulin. I tried a new way to make the texture for this thing: I took it in my hand and - crumpled it! When I draped it over the luggage it really looked like the real thing.

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Since the Snowram is mainly a recolour of the Landram the instructions for the base model apply to this one, too. There will be a new additional instruction file for the luggage add-on. The Snowram will be available in the same scales like the Landram, 1:24 (regular size), 1:32 (small) and 1:18 (for those who dare ;-) ).
Check in for updates!
Snowram & add-ons ready

Hello fans!

The Snowram kits are ready and have been submitted to the BSG downloads section. They are now in the moderation queue and will hopefully be available for everyone to enjoy soon. I have created a little add-on which updates the front light of the Landram. Now they look more authentic (you can see the detail better in the *.pdf file).

Have fun and

Merry X-mas!

Revell-Fan :wave:


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