Building of The RK&M: The Cement Distributor

Using different color sands I created the driveway and pathway for the office.



Hi Tom,

Great job on that crummy...!!! Are those shades in the windows?? Dressing it up with railings, brake wheel and rusty couplers would really bring it to life! I did the same with an old beat-up Overton coach (Roundhouse, I think it is) painted it and lettered it for my LC&P. I'll get around to taking a couple of pics once it finds a "home" on the layout.

Congrats to you...!!!

Gus (LC&P).

Tom, you'll never cease to amaze me...!!! Where do you get all the stuff to come up witth those details?? I think I see a coupler box masquerading as an electric meter - am I right??? The whole scene is awesome!!!:thumb:

Whatever happened to the discussion at the cement distributor?? Did we ever find out what that was all about??

Gus (LC&P).
Thanks folks!

The electric meter box is a detail part. Off the top of my head I can not remember who makes it. I will try to find out. The lights are a kit. The sign was made on the computer and printed on paper and glued on. The palletts are made by Woodland Scenics. The electric poles are bamboo skewers and the cross bucks ae made by JL Innovative design.
After seeing another modeler’s photo of a roof he ballasted I decided to give it a try. I always thought that there was something missing on the cement distributor.



Next will be weathering the ballast.