Upgrade parts for Ton Noteboom Saturn 1B and Saturn V

Hello there! I just uploaded Part 1 of a 1-96 scale Saturn V.

1-96 Saturn V Part 1

Part 1 is composed of the Launch Escape System, Boost Protective Cover, Command Module, Service Module and Spacecraft LM Adapter.

The other parts will follow quickly, they are mostly completed. This is a beta release so be prepared for a few oddball and not quite fitting right parts. Apologies, but no instructions at this time. The model is based on Greelt's and Ton's Saturn Vs, their instructions will get you 90% of the way there. I'm quite new to designing and releasing so feedback is welcome! Thanks

Argh, just reviewing the file before I go to bed and already see a bunch of errors I missed! I will attach an errata file to Part 2 which will be up this next week.
Hello Toutenkarton! Thanks for the comment! I must defer praise to the original designers. I'm just learning this design stuff so mostly I am copying and expanding on their work.

I have posted 3 of the 4 remaining parts.

Part 1 - Spacecraft (LES, BPC, CM, SM, SLA)
Part 2 - SIVB-500 including SIVB to SII Interstage
Part 3 - SII (second stage)
Part 4 - SII to S1C Interstage (not uploaded yet)
Part 5 - S1C Part 1
Part 6 - S1C Part 2

I also plan to post some explanatory diagrams for assembly, not true instructions but better than nothing I'm sure! It will be as an appendix.

Thanks for looking!

Okay, finally got part 4, the interstage, uploaded.

Looking things over I saw a potential problem that will be changed in the 1.0 version. An interesting point about the other Saturn V models is many of them seem to be missing the Separation Plane Adapter between the SIC (first stage) and the interstage adapter. In my opinion, this has been the cause of various complaints about the S2 J2 engines not fitting completely within the interstage space.

I orignally added the SPA to the interstage, my logic being if you disassembled the rocket, you could stand your S2 on the interstage and protect the engines. They engines are quite fragile and break off easily. However this creates a new problem. With the SPA on the interstage, there is no structure to prevent the interstage/SPA combo from slipping down over the S1C. So in this design, the fit has to be very tight. However, if the SPA is moved to the S1C, then the ullage rockets on the interstage act as a stopper to prevent the interstage from sliding down over the first stage, making the fit much less important. A quite loose fitting interstage will still work fine. An elegant solution. That change will be in the final version, which is getting quite close now.
Hello there!

I have made all the corrections I can see, I am sure there are many things I have missed, however I feel the time has come. I've bumped the version number to 1.0 and updated the files in the Resource part of the forum. They are as follows:

Part 1 - Spacecraft (LES, BPC, CM, SM, SLA)
Part 2 - SIVB-500 including SIVB to SII Interstage
Part 3 - SII (second stage)
Part 4 - SII to S1C Interstage
Part 5 - S1C Part 1
Part 6 - S1C Part 2
Part 7 - Optional Parts (not uploaded yet)
Part 8 - Construction Notes

Part 8 is as close to instructions as I'm going to get!
Part 7 will come along soon. The late SII and stretch versions are done. The 260" booster is 50% there and the SII heatshield needs to be added. I was also thinking of including an Icarus Project CM/SM spacecraft since it would be a quite easy conversion.

Hello there! Long time no see, I know. Still grinding away on this project though! Thanks for your patience!


260" Dual F1 boosters

I was experimenting with logos. I prefer the meatball in the higher position. What do you think?
The first stage is an MS1C, so its a bit taller than an S1C.

Booster Separate.png

They are held on with magnets.

Batted F1s.png

I modified the F1s to make them easier to build. This is a very basic representation of the batted F1s as they appeared on flight versions.

Business end.png

Business end. Still need to finish the MS1C. What a monster, would've been amazing to see it fly. I imagine Starship/Super Heavy will be just as awesome.
