Upgrade parts for Ton Noteboom Saturn 1B and Saturn V

Hello there, progress is slow, but I am grinding away.

I uploaded part 7. Not as complete as I wanted it to be, plus I rushed a bit, so some parts were not test built.

I thought some pictures of the Icarus Project Interceptor would be nice so here is the test build.

Here is the interceptor and SLA mounted on the SIVB. The SLA is shorter than standard so specific to this model.
Here is the spacecraft with the SLA removed. I was originally thinking I would build an extension tube with magnets to retain the spacecraft in the SLA to the top of the SIVB upper tank. However when I got it all together I found the spacecraft sits right on top of the tank, no other fittings needed. In order for the RCS thrusters and antennas not to interfere with the SLA the spacecraft must be inserted and extracted from the SLA from the inside.
Spacecraft extracted from the SIVB and antenna deployed. I took some artistic license and added the radiation symbol and some warning stencils. I have been thinking about how to make the RCS thrusters easier to build and have tried a couple of solutions, but I have come back to the method shown here, toothpick ends, colored with a marker and inserted into holes drilled in the RCS housings. For me it's the best balance between time and appearance. I mean I enjoy building but I don't want to spend my whole life on the thing.
The Icarus spacecraft next to a normal CSM. The CSM is a beta build so a little rough. This BPC has a sizing error which is why the LES isn't mounted on it. I have changed the color of the engine bell to the darker shade seen on the right. The high gain antenna on the CSM has gotten a little wonky from handling. That structure is super fragile. I am thinking about how to make it stronger. Perhaps entirely from styrene, or paperclips soldered together?

I am finishing up the files for the MS1C, MS2 and 260" boosters. I am thinking about taking a crack at an S1C flyback booster stage. The thing would be huge in 1/96. Just the kind of model I like.
