The On30 conspiracy

Been thinking of altering my passenger cars (Bachmann Jackson&Sharp's) to look more like the SR&RL cars.I only have to stretch them 10'.
I've had four of the Bachmann passenger cars apart, to cut off the coupler pad, so the coupler could be raised. To extend these cars, we have to cut: the sides; the roof; the floor; and the interior floor with the seats. then, the undercarriage has to be rebuilt, and new truss rods installed.
I'm thinking the interior lighting can be done with multiple 1.5V bulbs, and an LM317 variable power supply chip.
In order to get the floor separated from the sides, the wiring for the existing interior lighting has to be cut.
On30 combine

I had a chance to do some cutting, and fitting. This still needs some finish work, and painting and lettering, but this is what the Bachmann On30 combine looks like 10'...four windows...longer.
At this length, it will no longer handle 18" radius curves, but I think the addition of the Walthers coupler swing adapters might make that radius possible. The picture shows the combine, and one of the original length coaches.


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I still think I'll do a set Pete.It sure does have that eastern two footer look to it.:D
Extended Combine...


That's very cool!!!

When most folks are chopping their Coaches and Combines to half the length, you're extending yours....

Way to go! Swimming against the current....

Looks great with the larger motive power too...

You could take up a collection of all the sections that other folks are chopping out of their B-Mann coaches and combines to add to your oun....
The idea for lengthening these cars was Catt's, I guess I just got to it sooner.

Welcome to the gauge ! Any questions you have can be answered here. There are several of us who are getting into On30, including Shamus, who is one of our best modelers. Shamus just took down his HO scale layout, and is in the process of starting in On30. You might find his planning, and building, very interesting indeed.
Not only was it a nice article but RMC correctly calls it 0n30 whereas MR insists on calling the scale 0n2 1/2.:(

Oviously MR has never heard of that little group of modelers called "The 0n30 Conspiracy" :D :D :D
Either that or they don't care. MR has always rubbed me the wrong way, like an arrogant clerk in a store. Don't get me wrong, I get a lot of enjoyment out of MR, I just like RMC better. I will have to get that issue of RMC. And those lengthened coaches go from cute to COOL. Great job on the kit bash.

Greg Elems
Some people call it....

The May Issue of MR has some NG stuff in it.

Model Railroader Magazine, May 2003.
(For the sake of consistancy, MODEL RAILROADER keeps its dimensions in feet regardless of gauge, so 30"-guage is always identified with the suffix "n2 1/2." However, others use "n30" for the same scale/gauge combination.)

Bunch of snot nosed punks! They're just adding to the confusion! :mad:

So maybe we should start calling everything else in inches.

Sn42, On24, HOn36, etc...

And Standard Guage is 56 1/2"!!! :D
Don't have any RMCs close by Pete,but I think its in the April or May issue.Its the column near the back of the mag.

CORRECTION mag is the May issue of RMC, page 112 in the Editors Notebook column.