James Bond's Aston Martin DB5

That LEGO car must weigh a ton! It's massive! :)

I'm amazed at Playmobil's offerings lately. I saw their Marshmallow Man in person and it did not look like a kid's toy at all but a nice model for the shelf. Ghostbusters, BTTF, A-Team and Knight Rider - they are killing it! I wouldn't be surprised if they are doing Smokey and the Bandit, Fall Guy, CHIPs and Airwolf next. :)
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That LEGO car must weigh a ton! It's massive! :)

I'm amazed at Playmobil's offerings lately. I saw their Marshmallow Man in person and it did not look like a kid's toy at all but a nice model for the shelf. Ghostbusters, BTTF, A-Team and Knight Rider - they are killing it! I wouldn't be surprised if they are doing Smokey and the Bandit, Fall Guy, CHIPs and Airwolf next. :)
Hopefully this link works, but Airwolf is covered already! (licking lips for Fall Guy!)

You could probably buy the real car at the price that Legos cost these days!! :)
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I have a Hughes 500D that will seat a 12" G.I. Joe. I purchased it for my son when he was 8 years old. I also purchased him a Corsair F4u, everything moves on that plane, gears retract, flaps work. They are sitting snug in a bureau in my Barn. I was shocked to see how much they are getting for these "Toys" on EBAY now. They were a worthwhile investment. Too big to display, they got put away. They are like new. I wish I would have saved the boxes, but the boxes were huge. ;)
I have a Hughes 500D that will seat a 12" G.I. Joe. I purchased it for my son when he was 8 years old. I also purchased him a Corsair F4u, everything moves on that plane, gears retract, flaps work. They are sitting snug in a bureau in my Barn. I was shocked to see how much they are getting for these "Toys" on EBAY now. They were a worthwhile investment. Too big to display, they got put away. They are like new. I wish I would have saved the boxes, but the boxes were huge. ;)
the Hughes, is that the same as Magnum' P.I? those sound great, the barn sounds even better!
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It's one of these:
Time to wrap things up (literally!) :biggrin:

To prepare the model for transport and to protect it from dust and damage it was necessary to build a case for it. First I cut some clear sheet together and built a cover with double-sided tape.


The model is supposed to be presented on an elevated platform. I used two paper towel packages to test how high it should be in the end. 2cm would do.


The base was made of thick card. It got a strong internal skeleton from corrugated card.





The base is slightly smaller than the clear cover so that it easily slides over it.

Next came a bottom piece made of corrugated card. This was cut slightly larger than the clear cover to prevent it from sliding down. Black card was laminated all around.


Since the base part will cover the majority of the plate I did not have to pay attention to a clean look and was able to use leftover pieces of various sizes.

The box needed an inlay. Front and back side were printed and laminated back to back:




During edge-painting some of the black ink bled through to the landscape image. I fixed that by adding a 5mm wide strip of black card. The result looked even better than before because the black rim gave everything a widescreen look.

To flesh out the scene I made two stone pillars.



To make sure that the car does not slide back and forth I made some easy mounts. I figured that it was best to put them between the wheels and the chassis and have the wheels hide them. I made a quick sketch to determine their shape:




To find out where they had to be attached to the base I printed the bottom piece of the model and used this as a stand-in:


I marked the areas where the additional wheel mounts of the car were located and cut some holes into the page. Then I pushed the model mounts through the cuts:


Finally the car was put into place to check if everything worked as planned:


Success! The mounts are almost invisble. They grab the car between the wheels and the chassis and hold everything in place securely. :)
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Thank you all! :)

This is how the car is held in place:


The mounts lock into the space between the wheelbox and the wheels.


This way the car is unable to move back and forth or to the sides. This is essential for transport and storage and since no glue is involved the model can be taken off the base without damage. :)

The model base was glued to the plate:


Next I trimmed the mount mockup and put it on a street texture.



Having found a nice position I turned the plate around and used the holes to trace the cutting positions onto the base.



The marks were cut out and the plate turned around.


Mounts inserted and glued to the back:



And the street texture laminated to the base:


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As a small gimmick I added Oddball's bowler:


I used a pattern I found on the web while looking for top hat models a few years ago. Please don't ask me where I got this from, it was the result of a google image search and I did not write down the source. Since the pattern was not what I was looking for but looked kinda neat it went into my archive. You never know if you need those things. ;)




Next came the pillars. I thought they would give the dio a nice touch:


and as a side effect I gave the bowler something to rest on.




The inlay was put inside the clear cover.


A few small strips of tape keep it in place.


The sticker with the question mark was attached for the pictures only. Once removed you see my friend's head on Daniel Craig's body. I don't want to get in trouble with the next James Bond if I show his picture in the web without consent. ;)

And here we are, on a sunny Sunday:












With these pictures the project is complete. The model is wrapped up and ready for transport. Thank you all for your constructive input and for watching! :)
Today was a very sad day. My friend suddenly passed away, one week after his 65th BD. It is hard to lose someone you have known that close for over 15 years. He was more than a tenant, he was a friend. Despite his physical restrictions he had never lost faith. I always saw him as "our" Stephen Hawking. He will always be remembered for his kindness and support. He cherished the model a lot and said it was one of the finests gifts he had ever received. One of his last wishes was to change his WhatsApp profile picture. His plan was use the picture I made for him which showed him as the next James Bond to let everyone knew who they were dealing with. That was a prime example of his unique sense of (black) humour. Unfortunately he left us before that could be done. Farewell my friend. You will be sorely missed.