Fullard Glass Co.

Val is very talented and designed a fantastic logo for the glass factory. I hope she earns good profit from this business as well as giving the MAT some good business too. You can see the logo on the wall of the tower and also see where I am building the unloading dock.
About the logo
The blue circle is sand(silica) the orange circle is soda ash(sodium carbonate) the green circle is limestone(calcium carbonate) and the red circle is heat, as it takes tremandous heat to melt the three elements that make up the glass.
Here is some info about glass making.
No other kind of factory looks like a glass plant. Huge bins called silos hold the raw materials for glassmaking. These materials are powders that look much alike but can produce greatly different results. Giant roof ventilators and huge stacks release the terrific heat required to melt these powders to a white-hot liquid. At the hot end of the plant are the furnaces.

Mixing. The principal raw materials come to the glass plant in railroad cars and are stored in large silos. The materials are carefully weighed and mechanically mixed in the proper proportions. The mix of ingredients is called the batch. The manufacturer then adds cullet to the batch. Cullet is either recycled glass or waste glass from a previous melt of the same kind of glass. Adding cullet to the batch uses materials that otherwise would be wasted. It also reduces the amount of heat needed to melt the new batch of raw materials. Sometimes, glassmakers produce a new batch entirely from cullet. After mixing, the batch goes to the furnaces in batch cars, in hoppers, or on conveyor belts.

Melting. The mixture melts at 2600 to 2900 °F (1425 to 1600 °C), depending on its composition. In early times, the batch was melted in refractory pots (small clay pots) that were generally heated by wood fires. Special refractory pots today hold up to 3,000 pounds (1,400 kilograms) of glass. They are heated by gas or oil, and a single furnace may contain 6 to 12 pots. Small quantities of optical glass, art glass, and specialty glass still are made in refractory pots.

Larger quantities of glass are made in furnaces that are called day tanks because the process that goes on in them takes about 24 hours. The day tank is filled with raw materials, the glass is melted, and all the glass is used before the furnace is filled again. Day tanks can hold 1 to 4 tons (0.9 to 3.6 metric tons) of glass.

Most glass is melted in large furnaces called continuous tanks. The largest continuous tanks can melt 400 to 600 tons (360 to 540 metric tons) a day for production of flat glass. From 50 to 300 tons (45 to 270 metric tons) of container glass can be melted daily. Smaller continuous tanks are used to produce most other glass products. The operation is continuous. Raw materials are fed into the loading end as rapidly as molten glass is removed from the working end. Loading, melting, and working go on from when the fires are first lighted until they are extinguished at the end of a period called a campaign. A campaign may last as long as 10 years. The length of a campaign is almost always determined by the time it takes the refractory brick walls of the furnace to wear out from the constant heat and friction of the glass.


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Awesome my friend! You've done a spectacular job. I've really enjoyed watching you build this structure - it's an inspiration to all of us, so thank you Robin.

And now, I'm going to sit back and watch the profits roll in...........

Man, this just keeps getting better and better! Neat logo Val! I like the way it ties in the manufacturing process. Robin, a structure a week, that's all we ask! :)
Thanks very much for you more than generous comments folks. This structure wouldn't have been built without Val's excellent photography and help. It has been my pleasure to show the steps I take to make a model. If you would like to see a different approach to doing this please let me know. Now to get on with the loading dock and a transformer to bring the needed electricity to this factory.
Originally posted by Matthyro
There are three metal chimneys to make. They have raised joints and I was wondering how to do it and finally used button thread.
Hope it will turn out OK. Anyone with other ideas?

Hi Robin,

Nice work! I am always amazed that this is all cardboard!

I'm a little late with my suggestion, but I have had good results making pipe joints with a narrow strip of masking tape rolled around the pipe in question. Maybe you can use that suggestion next time...

Getting power to the factory. I made the transformer along the lines I did for the power plant. Here I am connecting the cables to the insulators. The cable is button thread.


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The plant is looking nicer every day.
Some time ago, we had a model railroad club in Brampton. One of our members worked in that plant, but they were on strike at that time. It seemed like very hard, sweaty and even dirty work. (I've lost contact with him.)
Dick, most industrial plants around here have a transformer to feed their needs.
David, I can just imagine the heat buildup in a place like this.
In this view, I have started doing some fencing and added a truck loading dock.


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Looks good Robin!

Gee Val...You really are becoming a Robber Baroness, a glass company and an oil company....Whats next...a Railroad named after you......a little light bulb just appeared over my head!
couldn't resist

Val had designed two logos. You know the one I chose but the second one is so good I had to find a place to show it.


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During a recent board meeting the nameless powers that be, decided to step up security so that the materials coming in and the goods going out were efficiently controlled. Another reason is to keep these pesky model railroaders from trying to get in to take photos. As much as the MAT doesnt like it , they don't control the industries they serve, the poor LPB security guard is forced into one of those 24-7 schedules


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Robin, every day I look into this thread - and every day I find a sequel to your yesterday's post. This is like the daily comic strip in my paper, or even better, it's like a serialized novel, a real cliffhanger! :eek: :cool: :cool:

Every day I ask myself 'What can he possibly do, to surpass the quality of the model as it already is?' And every day you bring forth another surprise for us. Like today - never had I thought of adding a guarded gate to a plant, complete with barrier and even a guard! This is just great.

We are already accustomed to your impeccable modeling and excellent photographs. But let me say that my hat is also off to your wealth of fantasy and imagination.

One more time thank you for your 'clinics' about every imaginable type of structure. I saved all the pics and will use them heavily as reference when I get to modeling structures on my layout.

Thanks Dick Shaygetz and Ron. A project like this is so much fun for me to build. I look at it and the excellent photos Val supplied then think what else can I add.
The factory is ready to be installed on the MAT.
The next two photos show where it will be located. I have a lot of sceniking to do to make it fit in.
The first photo looks north east


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