Your websites


Active Member
Mar 23, 2001
Northern Rivers NSW Australia

I've just about completed a complete revamp of Garahbara's Website, and should be able to publish it a little later tonight.

However, I would like to put links to all your websites under the "links" bit.

It would be great if you can give me a URL and a word or two for a title, or an icon that can be clicked.

e.g. The Diddle & Bum Railroad

If you can post the details in here, it would be great. Perhaps, it will also give a central thread on here with links to everyones sites.

In the meantime, check out the old junky bit of web design and function I had for the old one! here then you can compare it to the new wizbang hop diddity do one! :D :D
Here's mine Woodie, Boylerwerx

I am going to do a complete revision of my links pages (along with a general overhaul of the site) To weed out some dead links and add a whole bunch of new links.
Version 1.0

Garahbara Website Version 1.0 is up and running! I still have to put a heap of prototype pics on there (about another 50 or so), but you can get to the new site via the old one (click below) or click here to go direct to it. The old oen is still there, but not for long!!:D

Any mistakes, busted links, not woring properly and spelling mistakes, let me know???

Thanks guys, for the links. I'll put them up tomorrow. But eystrained and mind fuddled to do much more tonight! :)
Wow Woodie, 1499 hits already, at this rate, you will catch up to my website in no time at all:D


I hate to say it but you seem to have captured the stereotypical Aussie bush town of the 60s-80s. From the little white picket fences to the gum trees.

Are your T and S class Victorian Railways locos made by Lima? I have a B class and it sucks. Pickup on front left and back right rails with hardly and torque in the one bogey drive system! I recently bought a Santa Fe (Made by LifeLike) seccond hand at a train show for AU$45 (US$23) and it runs a lot better. I'm going to repaint it and give it the name suggested by a friend- "Train of thought...".

--Chris (Sempak)
Thanks for the links guys. I'll put them up today. The old page is no longer there.

The T Class is a Northern Models Body Kit on a Woodville Models T Class chassis with a modified Athearn Southern Pacific SW 1500 PWR drive train (remove a flywheel), put into the chassis provided with the kit.

Yep.. The B Class (B80 V/Line Tangerine) the B Class (B72 VR) and S Class (S315 VR) are Lima. I tend to agree that they are a bit dodgey, noisey, and wobble a bit. The non-drive bogey, I have had to repair the power pickup INSIDE the bogey as the copper "brushes" had worn through on on eof them. Just soldered a piece of paperclip on each end and viola. Goes better than new. I agree the pickups are not that crash hot, and are very susceptible to dirty tracks.
Here's mine: All Gauge Model Railroading Page

On it you will find: track plans/ layouts for O/O27. HO, N, G / LS, TT and S, model RR manuals, scenery guides, freedownloadable kits, photo galleries of model and real trains, humor section, Children's Section, online video and lots more.
