warhammer Land Rider

Actually, i asked but no one helped when i started doing the track module.
the papekura files is still in this tread, a few pages back.

I would actually apreciate a hand with the test builds if anybody is interested
Right, forgot about those! I'll print them off and have a go. I'll report back as soon as I can.
Just looking at the textures, they seem a little low-res, or is that just me?
i'll upload the new textures and papekura files. they have changed a bit and the flaps have also changed. the size is actually a limit of papekura, 1024x1024 if i'm not mistaken. i got the high rez version of papekura but the results where very poor with large files, actuallly worse than those with a smaller resolution

maybe i got something wrong but so far i don't see the point of using high rez papekura, it did an average and blured my textures.

I was trying to use it for the leman russ and wanted to gather all the sponsor textures into one large texture
I'll try the newer ones when they're uploaded.
1024 square is a large image size, what I meant was that around cretain points (ie the bits that hold the wheels in place) seem very pixelated
you lost me there. if you are refering to these last images then it's because the image is from the 3d program, not a render.
it's the actual work model and i use opengl.

if you are ferefing to something else, please show me, should be easy to fix
i see now, let me check the texture itself. once printed should be ok because the physical paper is smaller than it looks. if it shows too much i can redo the texture on those spots
Because of pepakura's limitation I usually break each part down into separate textures. I usually gauge about 100-150 dpcm on a print (250-400 dpi), and setup the textures accordingly, keeping the resolution on a 1:1 (or even higher, often I get 2:1 or 3:1) pixels:dots. This keeps nice crisp detail, especially on curves. On a large panel, like the side of that Landraider, which is what, close to 8 inches long, you might want to go with two 1024x1024 images, along a common top/bottom line.

Not so critical on a B/W print, where you want to build up the detail with layers anyway, but still nice to have clean lines to cut on.

good point. i actually bought the papekura high rez to avoid the limitations and it still have it downsample the texture. i'll try to contact support about that.

right now i have to clear the shading groups in maya, i have several unused. total textures so far amount to 4.
hi everybody,

after a computer and hard drive crash i actually was thinking this project was dead
managed to get back one backup with the 3d model and finally unwrapped it again. anybody that wants to try a test build, please PM me

any help or comments are apreciated


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Without causing offense, I've seen models which might be screaming for the Vindicares more than this. Patoroch's models have become legendary for their accuracy, but by no means does that mean that this is a bad model... It's very good! I look forward to building it!
no offense taken, but i already build several models from him and they very good but innacurate. take a look at the top side of the tracks for example.
because they are so close to the actual real model you can use his weapons with this model by the way, i tried and they work

This one was build thinking that you may want to replace parts of your actual model by using some made out of paper and i mesured the model so it matches the real model size and shape

the Leman russ is also done under the same idea, and will be as accurate
thanks for the comments, tests are underway and i also played with the textures. Here's a few examples.

I'll make a few textures with dominant colors like red, green, blue, black, etc
the ultramarines textures are still a work in progress, and again it's just a test to see if they are hard to modify


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