waiting their turn

greetings to all---four diesel locomotives are required to lift a heavy freight up a steep grade

Lookin' good, friend. :thumb: With all those diesels, I suppose you'll have no further use for these filthy old steam engines that are clogging up my layout.;) I'll see if I can get rid of them for you.

hi doc and dean---there's still a few steam engines around.this scene is from a small section of my layout that i've added a bit of scenery---it's amazing how a few trees and ground cover make a big difference---still a long way to go but it sure looks better than the pink expanses---thanks for your feedback,nutbar

I SEE SOME STEAMERS!:thumb: sign1 nutbar, though i NEVER tire seeing shots of Wayne's layout:D , it is NICE to see some shots of your own:thumb: , i often wondered what it looked like;) . NICE JOB nutbar:thumb: . THANKS! :D -Deano
hello ---a couple more scenes showing cn diesels working the grade.in the first shot,7944 is called in to assist 3017.


the second shot shows montreal locomotive works rs-10 and rs- 18 road switchers along with a rs-3 tackling the grade with a long freight

hello---a couple more shots of cn diesels



i don't know about you,i prefer a steam locomotive any day,but i guess that's progress:cry: :cry: :cry:
cn nutbar
I have always admired your fantastic photos...and now I get a chance to admire your layout...It looks great!!!!! Can't wait to see mooooooore!:thumb:
Oh and I agree with you about steam!;)
latest addition to the fleet

hello all---this atlas trainmaster was hard to pass up---i told my wife it was my early christmas present

Man , I do love those green 'n gold, high hood,long hood ahead CN road engines!
You guys are amazing, and I know you won't need new hats.
MasonJar said:
Ahhh! We need to stop the clock circa 1958 - last days of steam in southern Ontario! ('Course, Ian Wilson sorta did that with his Steam... books ;))

Nice work guys! :thumb: :thumb:


Now I understand why I never saw that paint scheme on the CN locos: I imigrated to Canada in 1978.
Nice pics, thanks.
I have a SW9 TH&B on my N scale layout. Of course I never saw the " real McCoy" in action but I remember seeing some TH&B boxcars in the Montreal area until around 1980.
GREAT PICS!!!:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: WOW NUTBAR!!!:eek: that FM is AWESOME!!!:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: i am a HUGE FM NUT!!!:D OUTSTANDING JOB!!!:thumb:

:D -Deano