Starship Troopers Roger Young-Bob's Build


Mar 27, 2008
Minneapolis, MN
She's big, bad, and about to take up at least 3' of my shelf space.


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Interesting thought.....bigger does not mean easier. It also shows my flaws more pronounced. Things didn't start out well today due to me gluing a hull section on backwards. Thankfully I downloaded the BL2 "alternate" part that actually looks more like the part in the directions.

A note to anyone wanting to build the RJ, without formers, I tend to collapse sections of the nose when applying pressure gluing on new hull sections. So far I have been able to pop them back in place. I'm not sure as to how it is possible to avoid this. So far, so good.


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Interesting....I'm look at Hot4Darmat's incredible build and notice his is a nice battleship grey. My laser printer makes mine look almost black. But, badass black. Thanks ekuth for the effort you put into designing her.
Thanks for getting back to me. I can pretty much figure this part out but not the part in the second pic. I'll figure it out, one way or another.:thumb:


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Its not going as smoothly as I would like...but she's taking shape.


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She's coming along beautifully, I can wait for the Denise Richards add-on!
I decided to do like Hot4darmat did, and recess the launch bay doors. It really adds to the detail. Sorry the pic is blurry. I also Photoshoped a couple of enhanced (?) parts to reflect the studio model.


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Heres a couple of pics with the new bridge skins. It's not perfect, but I think looks nicer. Also, a pic for you, Zathros:thumb:

I should get to painting the fold lines before I get too far into the next section.


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Heres a couple of pics with the new bridge skins. It's not perfect, but I think looks nicer. Also, a pic for you, Zathros:thumb:

I should get to painting the fold lines before I get too far into the next section.

Could I get a copy of your updated skins for my build?
As the British would say, "She's quite Fit, isn't she", and her placement is "Proper, and quite right"!!

In Amerriccun is, " Oh yea, baby got back,she's smokin'!!

In Connecticut, we would say. She is a beautiful women who has made questionable choices as far as marriage is concerned, but now the she's up for grabs, back off sucker".:twisted:

Those skins would make a nice add-on for the model. Maybe you could upload a .pdf. I don't think Ekuth would mind.
As the British would say, "She's quite Fit, isn't she", and her placement is "Proper, and quite right"!!

In Amerriccun is, " Oh yea, baby got back,she's smokin'!!

In Connecticut, we would say. She is a beautiful women who has made questionable choices as far as marriage is concerned, but now the she's up for grabs, back off sucker".:twisted:

In Washington State they'd say, "My, what a Lovely woman!"

and in Texas we'd say, "Look at the Chasis on that girl, I bet she kicks ass!"
MILF works in Minnesota.
Dented, if you want to pm me your email I will send it to you. Minus the new skins that cover the original RY (hull) name plate, the others will have to be trimmed for your model. I put the new RY nameplate font on the wrong part. I would be happy to upload if it works with ekuth.
MILF works in Minnesota.
Dented, if you want to pm me your email I will send it to you. Minus the new skins that cover the original RY (hull) name plate, the others will have to be trimmed for your model. I put the new RY nameplate font on the wrong part. I would be happy to upload if it works with ekuth.

Oh yeah, I've heard of "Minnesota's Industrious Liberated Female's". I dated a few too.

Send Ekuth a P.M., see what he says.
Liberal in this State for sure.
I made a couple of additional changes on the bridge windows so they won't be so large. This works only on the original bridge, not the better, thinner "alternate" bridge part that I wished I had used.wall1


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The recessed hatches really set if off. A lot of work in there. It's the little stuff that pays off in the end. It's really coming together!
This is a great model and a challenging pleasure to build, but if I could suggest one thing, to add markers on the bottom of the bridge sections to line up the bridge supports and wedges. I ended up gluing my supports a little to close together (wedges won't fit, need to trim). I'm finding that I am better off building all the individual pieces and go back and see how the will all fit together first before gluing. I need to make her as close to perfect as possible.

I am currently working on the lattace/tunnel (thingy) aft of the bridge...very time consuming but will look good when done.
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