RPC River Patrol Craft

Back from my mini vaction and will post some progress pictures tomorrow............... hey Barry.......... it colored, but just light grey.sign1

:wave:I'm also going to need you ship Guys' & Gals' help on figuring out some detail stuff.............:wave:

OK......... I promised pics............. there is still alot of detail work to design but the main stuff.....sans guns is done. Oh and those small prop things that make it go through the water have to been done also:p





Sorry for the out-of-focus cameras just are not my thing................

Also do I have the access doors correct............. there really is not any info on these boats and I have to guess at a lot of stuffwall1

Hey John nice job never seen one but the access doors look believable to me looking forward to more on this neglected subject.
John: The photos look great: appears to you are off to a good start. I look forward to seeing the finished product.

Although I can certainly appreciate the role these "Pibbers" played in the late SEAsian conflict, there is something about them that reminds me of a VERY-heavily-armed bass boat.......:)

Which, I suppose, they were.

Note: this is not intended to take anything away from your model, which is excellent!

"Freedom for the Northwest Angle:

I can't believe how far you have come in such a short time. She's a beauty and a well deserved subject to model. Great build all around.
Thanks guys!

Jim.......... no offense taken..........heck I've been looking to put a couple of .50 cals on my boatsign1

Thanks Barry......... so far I've found two pictures, 1 side profile, and the plans I got from floating dry dock.............that is all I can find on this subject.

Yeah she was a failure............. but I think she was just too early. The SOC (R) boat that have been built looks very much like the RPC except no enclosed wheel house.............. it's only 2 foot longer. Oh and not made out of steel.

Zathros........ thanks for the kind words. She has all the glue smears on her that I'm very famous for on my models:p The design was very simple and the lack of good reference helps alot.............. no one can see all the wrong stuff, if there ain't anything to compare too!:thumb:

Now for the guns:mrgreen:

Well more pics...................

But First I want to thank Jim G. Jim Nunn, Shrike and barry for their help suggestions on the guns.............I NEVER thought 1/48 scale was small until now!



Thanks again guys!

Thanks Samardza!

I used this site for reference also.................

OK............. I've finished the parts designing and made the first test build.

If anyone is interested I'm planning to make it available, but I still have to do the final part layout.......... do up some instructions....... and I still have to do some weathering on it:eek:ops:

But here is a picture of the almost finished product.

She's a beautiful site to behold, John! What a difference some good reference material can make, eh?!
You sure popped that one out pretty quickly too! I can't wait to see her after you get some textures on her!

You've really done a great job with this one, John! Your a natural!:cool:
