Poll - What would you do if ...


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
Marion, IA, USA
... the space available for your layout magically increased in size - say it quadrupled. As usual, money, time, family, etc. are no problem.
I don't think I have the desire nor the will nor the energy to tear down what I have already accomplished but, adding on, perhaps a real "junction" or interchange would be in order!

I voted to not use the space. I know, I know, that nearly constitutes model railroading heresy. :eek: And that makes me the heretic.:eek:

But the simple truth is, I haven't come close to using all of the space I currently have available to me. Furthermore, I'm not convinced I'll live long enough to do so. I work slowly;) , and I occasionally get distracted by other things. :mad: So I don't know what I'd do - in terms of layout construction - with a space that was 4 times the size of my basement.:( :) :)
Don't Tease me!!!!!! LOL

Knock down that wall, Knock down That wall, What is that heater doing in the way???? Move that washing machine.....

Hey - does anybody have a "new" designed home???

The NEW homes are being designed with the Washers & Dryers on the "Bathroom / Bedroom" level. According to the designers - this leaves More Storage room in the basement.

Obviously this is either ---- 1) The designers Don't Operate Trains. Or ---- 2) It's all a part of the On30 Conspiracy. (Resistance is futile - You will be assimulated) LOL

~~ Mikey
Guys,I also wopuld not use all the space. I am a firm believer a layout should be large enough for one man to maintain and not get over whelm in maintenance work..Also I have always prefered a small to medium size layout base on operation..I admit my current HO layout is to small for what I need now.I designed it for solo or at the most 2 operators,now I have 4. So I will be building a N Scale layout for a bigger layout in the same space.
Afraid that I'm a heretic too and will probably be tarred and feathered or burned at the stake:eek: but I voted to leave mine just as is.

My present layout occupies about 75% of an 18x22 ft outbuilding. My amateur radio stuff, computers, tools and various other "ratstuffings" occupy maybe another 15% so I'm left with only minimal space to "stumble" around in!!!:eek: :D I'd use the additional space just to spread things out so I'd have room to walk and be able to find what I'm looking for!!!

Sometimes big isn't better and I may have overdid it in the quest for the "dream layout" or maybe I have too many hobbies.

Would someone please hand me that bag of straw over behind the engine house so I can get started on another basket?:D
I would build a LARGE jacuzzi!! :D :D :D

My layout it's still under my hair, so by now, I would relax into the jacuzzi and churn new ideas about the future layout. :p
After the layout were built, I would relax into the jacuzzi after a tiresome journey runing trains! :rolleyes:

Hummm... Just now I'm having some visions about tresles and water-proof DCC controls!! (The "Spa Level Route") :D :D
Originally posted by Vic
Afraid that I'm a heretic too and will probably be tarred and feathered or burned at the stake:eek: but I voted to leave mine just as is.

My present layout occupies about 75% of an 18x22 ft outbuilding. My amateur radio stuff, computers, tools and various other "ratstuffings" occupy maybe another 15% so I'm left with only minimal space to "stumble" around in!!!:eek: :D I'd use the additional space just to spread things out so I'd have room to walk and be able to find what I'm looking for!!!

Sometimes big isn't better and I may have overdid it in the quest for the "dream layout" or maybe I have too many hobbies.

That's not a problem in G Scale - :) On my 9 X 12 Layout - I just fit an oval. :( Could definatly use more space .. :)

~~ Mikey
Resident basket weaver reporting for duty! :p :rolleyes: :p If I had it to do over I would probably cut the size of the layout in half (from 33 to 16 sq.ft.). Why? So there would be a chance I would get it finished before I turned 140 years old (which isn't all that far off :D ).
My house would look funny with an attic bigger than the rest of the house, but yeah, I would expand, ..........before the better half came up with some other way to use the extra space........
probably for something like basket weaving.............
If all the conditions you stated Billk could be available like space and money, I would go from my 26ft by 11.5ft space where my N gauge layout is to a space where I could have an O scale layout. Those O gauge layouts I have seen are to die for. The detailing, sound and realism would be a real high for me.
Not to be though. No more space or money so I do what I can in N.
Hey Tyson, I don't ever think of completing a layout just have fun doing what ever. There is always new stuff and thoughts that come along. If my current layout ever gets complete it will come as a real shock to me.