PBY Catalina Consolidatrd Vultee Flying Boat

I still haven't able to mix paint with in a city block let alone a hair I have gone around and around back and forth but have not hit the color and every I try one on the plane the bad paint just gets bigger and bigger
Wow! The wing came out wonderful! This is going to be a very nice model to display when you are done. I could not help notice the guitars, very nice! I play Violin. My son and I mostly do duets, I play second fiddle. Mostly so he gets used to playing an instrument with someone. I repair them too. That is so I can get really nice ones cheap! :)
Let me know if you out there want me to keep posting all the pics of how I am building


Oh My!! Please, KEEP POSTING! I look for this thread every day! :)
Your viper is very impressive you did justest to uhu02's model, all of witch seem to be on a different shelf .
I have come to realize that the black line is the expected largest size.
The cowlings are next and taking more time then though. With all the angling shaving sanding and sizing of the bulkheads and shapes I am trying to make it look good as I can. I all ready do better now, then when started. 2000.jpg 5000.jpg 800000.jpg
Amazing how all those little pieces add up! was going to link you to a beautiful Dornier flying boat that would have been a perfect companion for this model, but the site is now 404'd. Last time he closed it was because someone stole his Sabre model, and even though he gives them away, someone stole it, called it theirs, and started selling it. Now, the community has lost the works of a Brilliant Designer.

Link was http://gahm.deds.nl/index.htm# but it's dead, and forget the Wayback machine. Here is a picture of the DO-24 model. Not for the faint of heart. His Tiger Moth was a beauty to behold. I am going to try and see if he moved his site. :(

You are so right that fabulists version of the DO-24,I would like to put next to the PBY.
It does look to be well worth some chasing to see if it is find a bull. A nice Tiger Moth is a plane that has been in my minds eye.
zathros again I enjoy to hear from you. Beaning someone who plays you mite understand the trouble with timing and learning the Dobro, teaching ones self.

You are so right that fabulists version of the DO-24,I would like to put next to the PBY.
It does look to be well worth some chasing to see if it is find a bull. A nice Tiger Moth is a plane that has been in my minds eye.
zathros again I enjoy to hear from you. Beaning someone who plays you mite understand the trouble with timing and learning the Dobro, teaching ones self.

I play the Violin. My Spinal Cord injuries are making it more and more of a challenge, but I love it too much to stop. My son also plays. We play many duets together, primarily classic, and Irish Jigs. I also fix them, and have two beautiful ones I got for so little, I'm ashamed to post how little I paid. They are worth probably around $1000 for the newer one, and $2000 for the 1947 German one. Hard to say how much the 1947 Johan Georg Kessler is worth, as nobody has one. This one had been in the case, since new, never played. The 1949 has taken me 12 hours of tuning, making, shaping and cutting of the Bridge, to bring the timbre to it's present ethereal self. This is my current Hobby. It looks like new, because, essentially, it is. It sat in a closet since 1947, and only left to be sold to me for a price that shames me to write. I offered to bring it back to life, for very little money, a pittance, as this person was friends of my best friend, and Godfather of my son, who said, "Show her no mercy, as she has money to burn, and is a cheapskate", I did offer her a great price of $100 dollars to bring it back to life, but this person had no interest in it. She was an older woman who just wanted some money. Given her disinterest in the Violin, I gave her what her disinterest commanded, $175 dollars. A couple of local Luthiers have seen it, and played it, after I went through it. The strings on it cost almost %100 dollars. The offers started coming in. I figured being offered $2000 by a Luthier gives me a realistic price of $2000, wholesale. It's not for sale though, and never will be. So I will never know how much I could "get' for it. It is priceless to me, as it allows my son and I to bond even more, through music. The wood must have been of the highest quality, as there are no cracks or distortions. Considering it is 67 years old, anything bad that could have happened, would have reared it's head by now. :)1947 Johan Georg Kessler.jpg
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Some very fine instruments, as well as very fine and maticulis work!
We are brothers in spines. I have been disabled from an accident in 1990 it has taken much from me and get worse as the years pass.
You and your son have a rare thing keep a hold of it. I started playing bagpipes with my dad when I was 9 it stopped June of 90. we were much closer for it. I was presented a set of unknown other then very old R. G. Lawrie bagpipes when I was 9 they are now in my closet wit unknown value. bagpipe players stand and can remember more then the first 4 measures of the tune.
I will stop crying now the Dobro and the lap steel are in a very different caliber, new and about 350 retail each I am teaching my self with the aid of lessons the internet (which is a life saver for me) and finding the playing quit different not because wind and string but 9 notes and a few riles to an unlimited set,notes timings triplets etc. bar counts on and on
The lap is an Eastwood airline, the Dobro is a Regal Black Lighting I like the look of it.

This is paper modeling foruming at its Best. sorry I cried so much here.