On Track, with Deano

Kurt, THANKS!!! for checking out those MP15AC's:thumb: , it solved my curiosity as to where they came from:winki::mrgreen: .

CNWman, good question:119: , I'm not sure where that engine currently is, i haven't seen it for a couple weeks:confused: . i do know at least one of those MP15AC's has been painted in WSOR colors, but i don't know if it was that one.

Jim, thats AWESOME NEWS about the DD40AX's:thumb::thumb: . i doubt i will get one, since i have an older one, but its still great to know they are coming back out:winki::mrgreen: .

Josh, I'm sorry about the pics making you "sea sick", I'm NOT a great photographer:eek:ops: , I'll try and post less pics like that.

STEVE!!!!!:mrgreen: , THANKS!:mrgreen:
I know you have been super busy with real life:thumb: , but try and pop in a little more often, would ya:winki::mrgreen: .

RVS's two MP15's running a local:winki: .

As you know, my oldest son is westling and will be starting High School this year. They have started lifting weights so I got him a used weight machine and some free weights. Where is all this stuff? The only place it could go........right where the new layout was going!:eek:

As The summer ends and school starts, I hope to have some time to get some modeling done:rolleyes:. I have a small project in mind:twisted:

I have been reading all that I have missed in this thread and thoroughly enjoying it.:thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:
Nice to see you're still around Nazgul! Maybe since you son's weight machine has taken up the spot where the layout was going, you could build some of the structures you are going to out on it or someting to kill time.

Deano- Where did you take that pic? I don't remember seeing that factory before...
hi Deano and hello to all your loyal followers---I've been really busy for the last 2 weeks so I haven't had much time for trains,but I've been following your thread whenever I get the chance---believe me,it's a great way to get away from the day to day stress and relax for a bit---I thank you for that my friend---anyway,here's an older shot from Doctor Wayne that I think you'll enjoy---hope to keep in touch more regularly---Nutbar


it saddens me to hear of your lack of space for a layout:frowns: , but i am excited to see your Mine progress, and anxious to see what "other" trick you have up your sleeve is:winki::mrgreen: .

CNWman, i took that shot here at home, that factory is my GERN of Southern Wisconsin:mrgreen: . **Has anyone noticed that ALL my engines look 3% better when shot in front of my GERN factory:winki::mrgreen: .

Matt, THANK YOU!:smilie:

nutbar, THANK YOU for the VERY KIND words:smilie: .
Hey nutbar, you have slap made my day:mrgreen: , seeing those UP engines rolling across Wayne's layout is just SLAP AWESOME!:thumb::thumb: THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting that:thumb::mrgreen: .

Well folks, dad and i went to Rochelle today:mrgreen: , WOW:eeki: , what an AWESOME day it was too:thumb: . we got there at 8:45 and stayed till 2:30. i tell you what, NO JOKE, there was a train that ran through there EVERY 15-20mins:eeki: , out of the whole day, we only once had to wait 40min for a train, the rest was just like i said, 15-20min apart.(MOSTLY 15min:mrgreen: )

You can catch UP and BNSF there, though the whole day there was only 4 BNSF trains that went through. if your looking for BNSF pics, sorry, NONE here:119: , i saved all the memory in the camera for UP(of coarse). i took 133 shots today:eeki: , but not all of them turned out, the speed limit there is 35, so some shots had a slight blurr, or people walked in the pic:roller: , etc.

Rochelle IS NOT a great place to take pics at, but there is TONS of action there, and it is a "legal" place to rail fan.

Some highlights of the day:
1- two GE SP engines, one patched, the other untouched.
2- two Canadian Pacific engines behind a UP
3- a UP SD40T-2SN:thumb:
4- four SD90/43MAC's
5- LOTS of flag units
6- LOTS of SD70M's & SD60M's
7- LOTS of Dash-9's, AC4400's & ES44AC's
8- three "commodity" trains, these were neat to see:thumb: , most of what went by was unit trains(TONS of coal trains).
9- a jet Ice melter
10- LOTS of fallen flag freight
11- a GREAT lunch at the "Butterfly"...not train related, but darn good:119: .

Man Deano, you need to level out those broad side shots, they're making me sea sick! :p
The pics i am posting below i took today, i AM NOT a professional photographer:cry: , these pics might be a little "off" in some way, shape or form. like i mentioned, i took 133 shots, believe it or not, these pics are the best ones i took today:eek:ops: .














Till next time...Stay on track!:winki:
Great pics Deano:thumb:

I did a map recon and think I found a place that should be good to railfan around here(UP,SLWC,BNSF) but have to wait till after payday for the gaswall1
I like the pictures, Dean, :thumb::thumb: although those bushes in front of the SP boxcar could use a little more ground foam.:p Looks like you two also had a great day weather-wise, too. ;):-D

Great pics Deano:thumb:

I did a map recon and think I found a place that should be good to railfan around here(UP,SLWC,BNSF) but have to wait till after payday for the gaswall1
THANKS JIM!:mrgreen:
I hope the place you found works out:winki: , and i am REALLY looking forward to seeing the pics you take from there:thumb::mrgreen: .

I like the pictures, Dean, :thumb::thumb: although those bushes in front of the SP boxcar could use a little more ground foam.:p Looks like you two also had a great day weather-wise, too. ;):-D

sign1 i know Wayne, what kind of "whiz-bang" thought to put bushes in a rail fan park:confused::roller: , that person should be SHOT:eeki: , the bushes TOTALLY ruin pics taken there.(see pictures below to see EXACTLY what i mean:frowns: )

You are 110% correct too, the weather was FANTASTIC to be rail fanning, not real hot out, just nice:thumb: .

Josh, so you liked the C60/44AC:mrgreen: , I will post another view of it below:winki: .

Here's a few more shots from yesterday, AGAIN, not great shots, but i felt compelled to share them:smilie: . except for the C60/44AC, and a different view of the SD40T-2SN, the rest of these are engines i didn't post in the last post:winki: . (i have four DIFFERENT shots of the SD40T-2SN, so i posted another one of it, seeing that engine was like finding gold...to me:119: )








I'm guessing that it stands for "snoot", an extra-long-nosed version of the SD40-2T that at one time carried radio equipment for controlling unmanned helpers (slave units), located either mid-train or on the rear end.
I'm sure that Deano will be able to either correct or add-to that information, when he gets home from work.

What does SN stand for in SD40T-2SN? I've heard of SD40T-2R (rebuilt).

SN= "Snoot nose", larger then the standard front hood. UP was really big on these, more room for radio equipment :thumb:

sign1 I just got home from work, and was answering the question, then BOOM!:eeki: , Wayne answers with the 100% correct answer as i was writing:thumb: , THANK YOU WAYNE!:mrgreen::mrgreen:
Okay, I recognized the snoot, but didn't associate it with that designation, since there was no actual difference in the model number.

I know... I use some of my own abbreviations in documenting locomotives, like GP38-2 nd (non-dynamic brakes), F7B SG (steam generator) or C36-7 XR (extended-range dynamic brakes). Or did I get the last from somewhere else? I know GP9 TT (torpedo tube) is used by others. Incidentally, I usually note those as GP9 TT nd, because there were GP9s with roof air tanks and dynamic brakes. They were CP 8500-8529. http://www.mountainrailway.com/Roster Archive/CP 8500A/CP 8529-2.htm
WoW...Gone a few days..between hurricane Dolly and the name change on the Gauge...and there's a gazillion new GREAT pics added..!!!! Way to go Deano....!!!

I can sympathise with your concern about keeping the thread going, particularly since you're on dialup (like me..)...BUT NOT AN OPTION...!!! It's one of the few threads I ALWAYS read when I log on. So, my friend...put those thoughts behind you...:thumb:
Triplex, THANKS for posting the link:thumb: .

Gus, THANKS!:smilie:
Well Gus, while you was battling the hurricane, somebody had to be out rail fanning since you couldn't:119: , seriously though, i am REAL GLAD you got through it without any real damage, just loss of power for a couple days.

sgtcarl, THANK YOU SO MUCH!:smilie: , YOU, are VERY KIND:smilie: . I'm glad you liked the pics:thumb::mrgreen: .

Well, we made it through the server change A-OK:thumb: , boy, was i scared, the pics didn't show up in this thread till yesterday:eeki: , sure am GLAD they came back.

While this site was down, i decided to get the lead out and do a project, i added some details to my CNW Dash-9, pulled off the plow and installed the correct UP/CNW type plow on it, added hoses, windshield wipers, MU socket and weathered it. i used Polly Scale engine black and super reduced it with isopropyl alcohol, then i airbrushed that mixture over the whole thing so it would bring out all the details, looks GREAT(to me:mrgreen: ) , but it doesn't show up in the pics well:frowns: . seems i can never seem to get my pics to show everything, i thought about going over it again, but by the time you get the project right for pics, you end up with an overdone mess in real life:roller: , so i decided to leave well enough alone:winki: .

Not sure what i am doing this weekend, i don't think I'll be rail fanning, but hey, who knows:toug: . i have TONS of un-built freight cars that have been sitting here for some time, perhaps...i did say, perhaps, i might start on them, we'll see if i can get motivated:eek:ops: .

Till next time...Stay on track:smilie:


Deano, your CNW Dash-9 is an an exceptionally beautiful engine. I really like this paint scheme and your weathering is the cream of the crop :thumb:.

I know of this problem with the pictures not showing the real beauty of the models all too well. I think it is all down to lighting. You remember the pictures I posted of my MP15 after I weathered it? I took these pics out in the sunshine and the weathering looked perfectly as it should. When I tried to take some pics of this engine on my layout with artificial lighting, the weathering was almost unvisible.

I agree, my projects would probably look better outside, my problem is i would have to pack my stuff up and go somewhere:frowns: , i live in a "concrete jungle", in an apartment building, surrounded by apartment buildings and parking lots, NOT GOOD for taking pics outside:cry: .

**On another note, folks, if you want to see some SLAP FANTASTIC weathering, my good friend Kurt mentioned his SP MP15, you can see the SLAP AWESOME job he did on it by clicking HERE :thumb::mrgreen: .