On Track, with Deano

Hey Deano....If work interferes with your play time....Well, maybe not such a good idea right now....
Heard this morning GM is closing a plant in Janesville, so a lot of folks will be looking for work up your way....Just keep on pluggin'...We'll be here...:thumb:
Things have finally started to slow down, and boy i was back in full swing today:mrgreen: .

a THANKS! to those of you that have checked in on this thread in lew of my short absence, THANK YOU!:smilie:

I had BIG plans for today, i planned on being downtown to catch the 6:00am freight this morning, then heading over to Tiffany to get some shots of the Tiffany bridge and hopefully some shots of a UP freight going over it, then i wanted to head over to ICE's "west yard" in South Beloit, and lastly to UP's small yard in South Beloit:thumb::mrgreen: . Sadly, 99% of those plans went right out the window, it was raining most all day:frowns: . the weather did clear up for a VERY SHORT time though, so i made the trip to UP's small yard in South Beloit and grabbed a couple shots of the three GP40-2's there.(pics below)

i headed over to dads, brought some styrene i had so we could make a parking lot for his NEW station, AND, i installed the Tsunami in my Y3:mrgreen: . I took pics of the install, i will post them on here this week, and i will also add the "install post" i put on here to the "INSTALL" sticky thread i have in the DCC forum.

i took my Areo Train over to dads today and got a chance to run it, i had problems with the rear observation car derailing, noticed it was real light in the back, dad offered some of his car weights thinking it would help out, it SURE DID!! that train ran SLAP FANTASTIC after just a half ounce weight was added to the rear of the observation car, THANKS DAD!:thumb:

I am only scheduled to work 8's & 9's this week, so i will take my camera to work so hopefully i can get some good shots of train stuff around town when i get off, hopefully things will work out and I'll have some stuff to post later in the week:winki: .

i am on a new computer as i mentioned before, these are the first pics i have posted on it, and i am not used to things yet, my current monitor is 24'' big & my graphics card is AWESOME...PROBLEM, i don't want the pics to be to big so it bogs down everyones computers, and i am not sure of the pic quality since everything looks good on my computer. i think i have the size of these pics the same as i have always done them, but its hard to tell:confused: , if they are to big PLEASE let me know.

Till next time...stay on track:smilie:
:deano: -Deano




Het Deano...Good to see ya' back in harness....and as enthusiastic as ever....:thumb: Lucky you have some much "action" near by...Closest I have is a good 2 hour drive....:eek:

Of course, I tried to identify those UP's but couldn't get past....UP...:cry:

Look forward to seeing your Y3 all dolled up....
P.D. I had never seen that "Z" on the red trim between the gray and yellow. I had always seen a straight line as in #1362. Is this a common ocurrence or did someone get a little too creative..??
hey deano your back in action glad to hear your doing train related stuff again i just got my sd50 fixed its a fantasy paint i am still thinking of a rouadname when i get it finishes ill post some pics till next time zachary flowe
Het Deano...Good to see ya' back in harness....and as enthusiastic as ever....:thumb: Lucky you have some much "action" near by...Closest I have is a good 2 hour drive....:eek:

Of course, I tried to identify those UP's but couldn't get past....UP...:cry:

Look forward to seeing your Y3 all dolled up....
THANKS GUS!:smilie: , GLAD to have the time to get back into action:thumb: .

the "Z" stripe is called UP's "lightning stripe" theme, i they have been doing that paint scheme for a couple years now:winki: .

Hey, i got my Y3 "dolled up" a couple weeks ago, she just has a Tsunami sound decoder in her now:mrgreen: .

Zachary, THANKS!:smilie: , GLAD to hear about your SD50 project:thumb: , PLEASE DO post it when your finished, I'd really like to see it:mrgreen:

:deano: -Deano


By "dolled up" I meant getting its sound installed....I had, of course, seen the original posts of her in her new "livery"....

By "dolled up" I meant getting its sound installed....I had, of course, seen the original posts of her in her new "livery"....
DOH!!!:eeki: ...i am sorry Gus, my memory seems to be failing me lately:eek:ops: , been pretty hecktic the last two weeks:119: .

Man, 9993, GP40-2, I hadn't realized UP still had them. Might have to model one.
i know, quite AWESOME isnt it Josh:thumb: , well worth modeling:winki: .

For some odd reason, i am pretty sure #1430 was #1421:confused: . i know #1421 was sent out to Jenks early last winter for paint & engine work, for some odd reason i think #1421 came back as #1430:confused: ...hmm...i am going to have to check on this:winki: .(i took the pic of #1421 last summer)

:deano: -Deano

For some odd reason, i am pretty sure #1430 was #1421:confused: . i know #1421 was sent out to Jenks early last winter for paint & engine work, for some odd reason i think #1421 came back as #1430:confused: ...hmm...i am going to have to check on this:winki: .(i took the pic of #1421 last summer)

:deano: -Deano

Hmm, do those trapezoid thingies (all weather windows?) move at all? they are in different loc. in the two pics. Also, if you look really hard, 1430's cab # has an outline of darker yellow compared to the rest of the engine's yellow, evidence that 1430 isn't 1421?
Hmm, do those trapezoid thingies (all weather windows?) move at all? they are in different loc. in the two pics. Also, if you look really hard, 1430's cab # has an outline of darker yellow compared to the rest of the engine's yellow, evidence that 1430 isn't 1421?
Sun Shades.

Yes, the fold in/out, and can slide back & forth in the track.
Josh is 100% correct, CNWman, they ARE sunshades, the ONLY engine of the three i pictured that had all weather windows was #1362:winki: .

well, i did the research, and i was wrong:119: , #1430 WAS an ex-SP, but it was always UP#1430 after the take over, #1430 was painted in UP colors on 3/06. i gotta give UP credit, that engine looked like it was painted 2-3 months ago, guess the guys at the Harvard sub do an outstanding job keeping her in good shape:thumb: .

so anyways, my quest to find #1421 in its new UP colors continues, thrill of the hunt, don't ya know:winki::mrgreen: .

:deano: -Deano
oh yeah im waiting to see it when you find 1421 in its new up color scheme till next time zachary flowe
I am too Zachary, i am familiar with a few of the engines on UP's Harvard Sub, so i get some enjoyment tracking them down, especially when i have "before" pics of them, it makes it really neat to catch the "after" shots:thumb::mrgreen: . Dads going to be gone on the Saturday two weeks from now, weather permitting, i plan on spending the whole Saturday morning running back and forth between the North and South end of the Harvard yard in Janesville:mrgreen: . luckily there are access roads on both ends of the yard:thumb: .

as you folks know, i have a few "before" shots of some of WSOR's engines too, thats just more engines to add to the thrill of the "hunt":mrgreen: .

ICE's west yard is only about 5miles from my house, but they pretty much just keep the same two engines in that yard, the "City of South Beloit" and the "City of Janesville", both are ex-SP units, i have posted pics of them earlier in this thread. i hardly mention ICE for that reason, they just keep the same engines in their yard:roller: , at least UP mixes things up and changes out the engines in their South Beloit yard:thumb: .

I mentioned a couple posts back that i took my Areotrain over to dads last Saturday and ran it, here are a couple pics of it i took while i was there.

:deano: -Deano


Gus, THANK YOU!:mrgreen:
As for the powered trucks in the areotrain, i am pretty sure the front truck is the only powered one, but I'll check this weekend on the rear, i left it at dads last Saturday.

Zachary, THANKS!:mrgreen:
The Y3 is a Proto 2000 Heritage engine, nice detailing, runs pretty good, though every now and then the pony trucks will jump the rails, but its intermittent, some days it runs fine, others, it gives me grief.

**a note on MY steamers, i cant stress enough how FANTASTIC my Athearn Big Boy & Challengers are:thumb: , those engines NEVER, EVER, have gave me ANY problems:winki::mrgreen: , they are NOT picky about the track work, and have been 110% reliable in EVERY aspect of running, awesome detailing too. if i were to recommend a LARGE steamer to anyone, it would by far be one of Athearns:thumb: .

Well, i got off at 8 hours today:mrgreen: , i had my camera with me and decided to head over to ICE's west yard, since its less then 2miles from work. i guess it pays for me to complain:119: , let me explain, remember in my last post i was complaining that ICE never changes their engines out in the yard, well, they made a liar out of me today, i seen two engines in the yard that were a long way from home, so i got some shots of them(pics below). seeing those two engines here made me wonder, where are the home engines("City of S.Beloit" & "City of Janesville") at?

Anyways, i know i post quite a bit of WSOR, so i figured some shots of another local shortline(ICE) might be a nice change:thumb: .

I also took a pic of Beloit's "Memorial" to Fairbanks-Morse, i see this 5-6 days a week as its only about 400' from my back door at work. Here's the story, the engine on top of the bridge is a fiberglass replica of the VERY FIRST FM engine EVER MADE, its an H10-44 and it was sold to the Milwaukee Road, #760. the REAL #760 is still running, and resides at the IRM:thumb: . see the bridge, notice the "bike path" there, well thats built right on top of the CNW line that ran right behind my work, then it went over the river(your seeing it), and less then a block away it ran right into Fairbanks-Morse...funny how the Milwaukee Road engine is sitting on a CNW bridge:119: . Just thought it would be kinda neat to post this pic:winki: .

Till next time...stay on track!
:deano: -Deano


Great Pictures Deano! I love that AreoTrain. That bridge is neat! Just wanted to tell you, a new O-scaler joined our club and he is a major UP fan. Saw a LOT of yellow in the pictures, when we go see his layout I will take a lot of pictures, I do remember seeing a gas-turbine and some very big steam engines.