New layout


Aug 6, 2006
trinity north carolina
I am going to start on my layout in a couple of days now n scale and would like some advise on trackplans my space is a 4 x 8 cant go no bigger i am into modern day stuff thanks in advance zachary
Hi Zachary

Given that most modern equipment is long, you should perhaps be looking at a layout with curves as broad as possible, both for reliability and for the sake of appearances. Model Railroader publish a wide range of books with track plans, so you might be able to find something in one of those.

Best wishes with the new layout!
thanks ozzman ill be constructing my benchwork wensday i kinda like the worlds greatest hobby track plans shape and maybe ill play around with that nd i hve a pamplet with a couple of ho 4x8 plans
i hve a pamplet with a couple of ho 4x8 plans
That's a good idea. With modern equipment in N, you'll be looking at curves in the 15" and up range, so the HO plans will be a good basis. Assuming, that is, that the plans are good to start with.

Are your goals similar to what you wanted with the HO layout you were planning a while back?
The Madison Central doesn't really show the possibilities available in N in this space. One good thing about it is the "kidney bean" mainline shape.

To handle long trains on a small layout (and 4x8 still isn't large in N), a double-track main is often best.
i looked it over a few times after that and i think i could of built it but i dont have the choice anymore so im on the hunt for a track plan im thinking of a enlarged senic and relaxed