MicroSoft Train Simulator....

Iron Goat

Apr 9, 2004
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MicroSoft's Train Simulator is currently on sale at Wal-Mart for $9.95.... that is quite a savings over what I paid for mine, a couple of years ago. It is a great
program, and it comes witha downloadable (PDF) file.... M/S Train Simulator's "Engineer's Manual", that is worth the $9.95 alone. I play with it alot... when I can get my grandkids to quit playing it !!!

Bob :wave:
It was in the Electronics/Software area.... in a special rack for software sale items. It was marked down to $9.95, and is at all stores according to the sales clerk.

Good hunting.... Bob
Another FYI.....

My LSH owner told me he had the last copy of M/S Train Sim from "Wally-World's" Super Store here in Blue Springs, but another friend told me he just bought two Train Sim's at another WalMart in Independence, MO..... so it looks like they are available "system wide" until the supply runs out. GOOD LUCK !!!

Bob :cool:
I bought my copy three years ago for about $40.00. I thought it was great buy at that price. It is probably the game that has given me the most enjoyment. You can make it as difficult as you want it to be.
Man for $10.00 it is a steal. Just think how many times you spend $10.00 on junk stuff.
Casey Jones said:
At $9.95 they are still over-priced! Especially for a silly game.
If you want a REAL Train Sim, then you need to get TRAINMASTER as it will teach you how to run a train. You can even buy a 1/4 scale console to add to the realism.
Check out
Welcome to the Gauge Casey. We may be talking a "silly game" here, but it is only $10. Your Trainmaster console as I see it, is more in the range of $150, I'nm not sure what the cost of the software is since I didn't look too much further. That's fine for some folks, but the $10 version might be all one needs to while away some idle time while you wait for some ballast or glue or paint to dry. Just think what you can do with that extra $140 that you can now spend on your layout.:D
Just Got Mine

Just picked mine up for $9.84 in Roseville Ca.
installing it as we speak.

thanks for the heads up.
Welcome to the Gauge, Casey.

As it seems, you are mixing up two things: Train Simulator is software, as well as Trainz or Trainmaster.
Raildriver, however, is hardware. It is a console which simply replaces the keyboard - it's about the same as an advanced joystick for flight simulators. It simulates the engineers levers and gadgets in the cab of a Dash 9. And, as Don already pointed out, it's not quite cheap! And you can run your train simulation perfectly without it.

IMO it's a bit harsh to call MSTS a 'silly game'. Although it won't be developed further by Microsoft, operationwise it still offers at least the same amount of realism like the flight simulator. And you can get hundreds of free routes, rolling stock and other stuff through the web - for free! No other simulation (except TRAINZ) has such an amount of followers. For $10 for this 'silly game' is a top bargain, if I ever saw one.

The new Rail Simulator by Kuju/Electronic Arts will be the successor of MSTS, coming out next winter, I think.

Casey Jones said:
At $9.95 they are still over-priced! Especially for a silly game.

Aw heck Casey, I rather enjoy Train simulator, especially after getting the Sand Patch add-on. The cab view includes a photo of an EMD control stand that you can move the throttle, brakes, lights, sander, horn, and bell. Sometimes its a challenge getting the tonnage over the hill and I've occasionally spun my wheels.

I like the helper scenarios in this game too.

I love the look of that raildriver console. Have you seen the full size EMD control stand they advertise for museums or training facilities? They say call for prices...I'm guessing it costs a mint...but it would be fun to have!

I live out in the sticks with nary a Wally-World in sight. :( I tried to order from their web site but all it is for is to pickup at a store. If someone would be willing to pick a copy up for me I would really appreciate it. PM or email me if you would be willing and we can arrange payment and shipping and the price of gas to pick it up (another dollar or two at least :D ).
Thanks to this thread, I went out and bought one too! Not really into this kind of thing as I ran/run the real thing but at that price who could pass it up.
Careful guys! That sim can really cut into your modeling time!!!!

If you insist on installing it.....head over to
They have more stuff for free download than you can imagine. Better bring a high speed connection along though! Some of the routes are broken into 4-6, 20-40 meg downloads. They are worth it though!
Also a word to the wise....Microsoft did some stupid stuff with this sim. Everytime you add a new route you copy the majority of a scenery set onto the harddrive again. A few routes and the rolling stock will fill a hard drive quickly!

For the narrow gauge fans, there is a Rio Grande Southern route that is really impressive! A 25 mph speed limit makes you feel like you are on a roller coaster with the way the track curves and dips.

Until my computer died I was running the sim and belong to a virtual railroad. Fun place to hang out. If you guys have any problems getting the thing running or other questions about the trains themselves, give me a yell.
I went to the Wal Mart in Albuquerque this morning and after a 15 minute search found a copy buried in behind some other stuff. Could only find one though. Now I have a 90 page manual to read:( Thanks again Bob for the tip off.