LPB's on Strike!

Little Plastic People

I have always suspected that the Model Railroading hobby attracted a disproportionate number of nutbars. Not me of course, I'm fine! My sanity criteria is: If I can find one modeller nutter than I am, I'm OK. :)

Imagine my joy, therefore when I find dozens of you on this thread! My sanity is now above reproach! (Although you all are starting to scare me).

PS. Please tell me you don't NAME your little plastic people. :( OK! OK! naming little plastic dogs & cats, thats OK, but not people. OK,OK and maybe naming visible train crew too is OK, but not ordinary people, that would be crazy! :) :)
Hunk - welcome aboard!

Glad it was OK to name Little Mack (dawg). I assume it's OK to name Big Mac too (loco). Also glad you don't consider either of us crazy. Remeber the old saying: every family's got one crazy in it. If you don't know who it is it's probably you. I keep tellin' my dad I'm glad it's him. Yep some folks here name 'em, some even kiss up to the LPB's! Not gunna mention Grum's name here, cuz we don't want any hard feelings :D :D :D

This is a fun group, do a search and read the thread called The Box and it will cure what ales ya!

on behalf of PLOP I welcome you :)

and besides I couldn't pass up on commenting :D
There's no doubt some among us are well shall we
say "Running without a full bunker of coal" .. not that
I'm thinking of Jon of course ;)

anyhow welcome!.. hope you treat your LPP's well!

{whisper mode on]

pssst, Hunkiedoo, Grums talkin' 'bout the lil' plastic folks. He think ya gotta be nice to 'em. Talk nicely to 'em, name 'em, give them identity. He wants to coddle them and give them all sort of little plastic social programs. He goes all over his layout and puts them inside little plastic government housing and lay 'em down at night. Doesn't want them standing all night.

{whisper mode off]


:D :D :D
Good news for Management ? Bad news for P.L.O.P.? :eek:

The wacko Raelians have agreed to do some Test Cloning for model rail tycoons...the little people they will absolutely prove they've cloned, will be even more realistic than the horrible gene-manipulated LPB Preiser & Merten mutants. ;)

Some bad "insider" news for Torontonians...quite a few of these new LPB's will resemble Mel Lastman...don't know how THAT happened..!! :eek:

A small measure of positive news for these new LPB's..they will apparently be a bit more " anatomically correct " than previous generations, so maybe this takes their little minds off picket signs ??? :D

regards / Mike:D
Great news Mike! Will they be cheaper? (i.e. easily replaced, dare I say EXPENDABLE!!!!! WHO_HAHAHAHAHA sorry).

Perhaps the anatomy thing will help the motivation department a little. I always thought that might be part of the problem, but being a family oriented site, didn't want to bring it, erm, uh, up (so to speak). :D :D :D
LOL!!!!!! You guys are too funny!

Does anyone know what they're really doing in layout-land when the lights go out and you close the door? I'm thinking that's when the get together and strategize. So I'd employ the tactics used on me and other servicemen...deprive them of their sleep, feed them at irregular intervals, and turn on loud music (particularly Zamphir on the pan-flute or John Tesh) and play it 24/7...in no time at all they'll be back to mindless LPPs - totally compliant and ready to carry out your bidding. And if that doesn't work, use The Force or the Spock death grip, whichever you prefer. It'll only take one or two examples breaking under your absolute power - the rest will be too scared to revolt. Then re-assign everyone into unfamiliar working groups to break up unity.
I suppose the "Force" manuver where you send your opponent flying backwards could just be a well-placed sneeze for HO and N figures? :sign1:

I could just see it now...

It's time to de..de...de...WHAAA CHOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Deal with your little LPBs!! :rolleyes: