layout progress & engine pics

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OK, now that the 8 pin plug is firmly pushed into the socket, you will notice 2-3 loose wires coming out of the sound decoder. those wires are for effects, such as lighting, like for a mars light, ditch light effects,etc. since this engine doesn't have any of that stuff on it, we will not concern ourselves with installing those wires. STEP FOUR: cut the loose "effects" wires shorter and use shrink tube, or hot glue to seal off the ends of them so we don't have any shorts;). View attachment 27440 NOW that we have sealed off the ends of the effects wires, its time to place the speaker:thumb:. STEP FIVE: on this engine, like with most i have, we will put the speaker in the cab. place the speaker in the cab and use a drop of hot glue to hold it in place. DO NOT GET GLUE ON THE WORKING PART OF THE SPEAKER! just a drop on the side will do;). View attachment 27441 OK, STEP SIX: now we will NEATLY place the decoder into the engine shell, make sure your wires are neat and out of the way of moving parts. place a small drop of hot glue on the wires close to the decoder to keep it in place. DO NOT HOT GLUE THE DECODER to avoid damage to it. View attachment 27442 STEP SEVEN: now that everything IS INSTALLED, put the shell back on the engine. View attachment 27443 THATS IT!!!:thumb::D thats ALL there is to it folks! it took seven EASY steps to do a basic sound decoder install:thumb:. NOTHING TO IT!! this would only take about 15min. to do, but the JOY you will get out of it will last a LIFETIME!:thumb::D(or until the engine wears outtooth1). i hope this basic sound decoder install might help some of you that was considering doing this:D. if ANYONE would like a tutorial of a HARDER sound decoder install, let me know when you are ready, and i would be happy to do one:thumb::D. till next time, stay on track!:thumb: THANKS! -Deano(UP SD40-2):D


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MilesWestern said:
Ok...put a DCC sound decoder in a 50 year old brass switcher!

....just kidding! ;)
Miles, though i KNOW you were just kidding,sign1 it could be done fairly easy:thumb:.(though something THAT old i WOULDN'T do it too.:D) **HEY ezdays, Ralph, or ANY moderator reading this, could you PLEASE put BOTH parts of my tutorial on this page together? i think it would be ALOT EASIER to follow that way:thumb:. if you cant, THATS OK, i am just asking. THANKS!:D
At Rochelle Ill. RR park today...

hey folks!:wave:, i decided to go rail-fanning today, so i took an hour drive and went down to the Rochelle Ill. RR park:thumb:. i go a couple times a year:D...ANYWAYS, today was probably the WORST day i had there:(. sure the weather was nice, but NOT many trains went by today, and when they did, they were going so darn fast i couldn't get a good pic to save my life:(. i have been there before and had GREAT luck, seen lots of trains and they usually go by a little slower:thumb:, but today that was NOT the case:cry:. cripes, i was there 4 hours today, and only seen 4 trains...NOT GOOD. ALL the other times i have been there i usually seen 3-4 trains an hour. the ONLY good pics i got today was of the old Whitcomb that sits in the park. i will share 4 of the best pics i was able to get, SORRY, they are NOT GREAT pics, but they are the best i got today. in the next post, i will post 2 pics of the old Whitcomb that sits in the park. till next time...stay on track!:D View attachment 27506 View attachment 27507 View attachment 27508 View attachment 27509


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Art67 said:
Dean, That Whitcomb unit is amazing. Great Photo.
Stuart:wave:, THANKS!, you bet that old Whitcomb IS AMAZING!:D it's in really great shape:thumb:. that old engine was acquired by WSOR and they donated it to the Rochelle RR park. don't know if you knew it or not but "Whitcomb's" were made right there in Rochelle:thumb::D. if memory serves me right, that model i have the pics of is the largest model they made. most of the engines they made were much smaller. they have one of the smaller Whitcomb engines at the park too, but its not nearly in as good shape as the one i posted. i wanted to get pics of the smaller one, but it was covered with kids the whole time i was there:(. perhaps next trip down there i will get a chance to get some shots of it;).
Dean, I was just looking at the July issue of Railroad Model Craftsman and I found an ad for Canadian Model Trains Inc.
They're announcing the coming release of 5-axle C-Liners in the following road names: CNR, NH, NYC, LIRR, and Fairbanks/Morse demonstrator. No date is given.
They can also be reached by 'phone at 1-866-862-7277.

very impressive all around---great locos and detail work---you've got another fan from the great white north
doctorwayne said:
Dean, I was just looking at the July issue of Railroad Model Craftsman and I found an ad for Canadian Model Trains Inc.
They're announcing the coming release of 5-axle C-Liners in the following road names: CNR, NH, NYC, LIRR, and Fairbanks/Morse demonstrator. No date is given.
They can also be reached by 'phone at 1-866-862-7277.

Wayne:wave:, THANK YOU!, for the info and link!:thumb: i went on the website and viewed all 23 pics! it looks like their FM will be OUTSTANDING:thumb:, truly a MUST HAVE for ME, and ANY FM collector:thumb::D. i think the demonstrator will make a FINE ADDITION to my engine collection;). **AGAIN, THANKS Wayne!!:D -Deano
cn nutbar said:
very impressive all around---great locos and detail work---you've got another fan from the great white north
cn nutbar, THANK YOU!, for the VERY KIND complements:D. i have posted in your threads, its no secret i would be PROUD to have ANY of your engines in my collection, and i find your photography to be nothing short of OUTSTANDING!:thumb: THANKS! -Deano
June/July Photo Contest Rejects...

well, i have entered a photo contest for the first time on here tonight:D. their are MUCH BETTER photographers on this forum then i, and MANY better modelers, but i just wanted to be a part in the contest, so i enteredtooth1. the theme is based on "the lazy days of summer", and to me summer means RAIL FANNING!:thumb: i love trains just as much as you guys, but honestly, i am NOT one to be standing out in the dead of winter, freezing my "gonzolas" off in hopes a train will come by so i can get a shot of it;). hence, this is why i used the rail-fan idea for the summer photo contest:D. here are 5 out of about 50pics that hit the cutting room floor. :D-Deano View attachment 27602 View attachment 27603 View attachment 27604 View attachment 27605 View attachment 27606


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Whats In Common?...

i have seen Tom do some NICE "run by's":thumb:, and Wayne has bumped up a REAL NICE one:thumb:. so i am thinking i would like to do a "run by" with a mystery;). in my "run by", ALL of the 50' box cars have something in common:thumb:(EXCEPT THE LAST ONE). just wondering if ANYONE can figure out the mystery:thumb::D. 2 CLUES: 1-NO, the cars are not made by the same manufacture. 2-NO, its not that they have weathering on them. thats all the clues i am giving you guys, don't want to make it to easy;). (sorry the pics are NOT great quality) GOOD LUCK!:thumb::D View attachment 27622 View attachment 27623 View attachment 27624 View attachment 27625 View attachment 27626


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Well Dean, this is just a wild guess, but aren't the first 8 cars all from railroads that were swallowed up by Uncle Pete?
By the way, I like how you've got the highway traffic backing-up as the train rolls by.

hi dean---i can't figure out the mystery,but i sure am impressed with all the clues---excellent shots and equipment
The "Roll By" Mystery Winner is...(drumroll please)

the "roll by" mystery winner is...Wayne!!!:thumb::D Wayne, for answering the question 100%correctly you have won...A YEARS SUPPLY OF FREE BURGER KING WATER!!!tooth1 thats right, just go to any Burger King, ask for a cup, and start collecting your winnings!!:thumb: hamrtooth1...but seriously, GOOD JOB Wayne!:thumb: I would like to thank Wayne, MilesWestern and cn nutbar for their VERY KIND comments.:DTHANKS GUYS! (**DISCLAIMER: i, in no way, shape or form am "glorifying" the takeover of ANY of those roads.) i was/am a BIG CNW fan, and hated to see it go. HOWEVER, as anyone who follows this thread knows, I AM a HUGE UP fan of the past/present:D. heres the deal, i wanted to do a "roll by" that was just a little "different", since i am currently modeling UP 80's-today, i thought it would be nice to do a tribute kinda thing:D. WELL, till next time...stay on track!:D -Deano View attachment 27650 View attachment 27651 View attachment 27652 View attachment 27653


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Thanks, Dean, now I'll finally be able to fill the boilers on my live steamers. :thumb: My second guess would've been something to do with rearranging the letters of the words "Fairbanks-Morse" and "Baldwin" :D
Those are some nice pictures on your latest post, even if they are diesels.:rolleyes: Even dyed-in-the-wool steam fans like myself have to admit that today's diesels certainly have a business-like air about them, even though we may not be able to identify the particular model or even the builder. I've always liked those tunnel motors, though: probably because those low air intakes give them a bit of an Alco touch.
While today's merged railroads are a reality of economics, I still miss all those little (and some not-so-little) players that made being "stuck at a crossing" such an interesting diversion in days gone by. In the days before the internet and even before the widespread appearance of television, those freight cars from faraway places were a connection to places that many of us had not known of, let alone seen. As a young kid, I couldn't even be "stuck at a crossing", as my Dad didn't yet own a car. That shortcoming was more than made up for by having the mainline of the TH&B right across the street from our front porch, with lots of action from CPR and NYC, in addition to the home road. The "good old days".

Ya I like how you had the traffic building up as the train went by. It makes it look so real in a photo line up like that. :thumb:
About how many UP engines do you have?
Your photo-eched fence looks awsome and I will have to try it out. I also like the barded wire. Does it come in the kit or did you scratch build it?
I like how you had the guy with the camera on the side of the road and the track. Very cool.
I also like your industrial yard, very detailed with pallets and cargo just laying around as a typical yard does. And as mileswestern said, Your J.B. Hunt trailer and that sweet looking cab pulling it is looks great since J.B Hunt does not always have one of their own company cabs pulling their trailers. The guy driving the fork lift along the side of the yard is cool and just makes it seem more real.
You may have a small layout, but you make the best of it and your pictures are so cool and look so real. Keep up the good work and keep posting more pictures for us all to see.
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