I hear a diesel engine on my layout again!

Hi C N 1. yes juice from the overhead.

First I installed a center on/off switch then ran the power to the center terminals.

Then wire one side for overhead and the other side for two rail.

ie + and - to the two rails on one sde of the center off switch .
Then + to the pole and - to one rail. make sure the + = + on one side.

The trick is to have the insulated wheels on the interurban on the side you dont want to pick up power .
Then you can run both at a flick of a switch so to speak.
I have no continuity problem to worry about. so it worked for me.

btw if running overhead all the time then it`s + to the pole and - to both rails making sure you CHANGE the wheel insulated set to opposite sides so you can pick up - from all wheels.
Of course you have to open the unit up and rewire for overhead i e one pickup to all wheels other to overhead.
Simple eh

Interurban, simple? :eek: :confused: :eek:

Correct me if I'm wrong: :)

*Polarity is same as tracks (+ on one side, - on the other)
*Change power from the track to overhead wire - or replace all wheels to insulated in case I want that specific loco to run on overhead power only
*Install switch to change power from the track to the overhead, and vice-versa.

Is there a way to route power to the catenary’s that’s straightforward?
What do you use for isolator?
How about a working pantograph, is it complicated to wire up?
Do you have to change the shoes often?
What kind of wire do you use?

:eek: ;)

Thx :wave:
You generally don't have to change the shoes on a pan unless you run them A LOT--if you're only running pantograph you can make like the prototype and zig-zag the wire so you don't wear a groove on the pantograph.

It's actually a bit simpler than that--if you're setting up a layout that is ALWAYS trolley (both rails grounded to same polarity, trolley pole reverse) then things are backwards, but if you want to run trolleys and diesels/steam on the same track it is internally consistent. Installing an SPDT switch in the trolley equipment to allow one to choose whether power pickup is from overhead or 2nd rail is all that is needed.

Actual power distribution to the wires is typically done through the poles (if brass) or through feeder wire (if piano wire or wood) to each pole. Trolley wire tends to lose power over a comparatively short length...
Hi Jet I have used dptd on two units. I could then run them on friends L/O with no overhead.
Overhead wire I buy from the USA 026 gauge I think for H O Phophate Bronze
500 ft for $12 us

C N 1, Pans are the best for power pick up.(my opinion)
Dont forget the description I gave first was for running both 2 rail and overhead on the same track, but not at the same time, hence the center off switch.
That allows both types to sit on the same track with out any shorting out.
Then you flick the switch to power either one.

Insulation??? If you mean wiring the unit for pan or trolly pole then yes.
You insulate them from the body if it`s metal.
I strip thick wire and use the covering ( tube) to fit the screw through to the pan. :)

When I get into buiding the new L/O I will take pics and post as I get the chance, Then this wiring problem will look as easy as it can be honest. ;)

Can't wait to see your “how to” pictures. It will help for sure. :D :thumb:

For now I will string wires trough catenaries, but I won’t put the “juice” to it. The tracks will remain the power source. I’ll start looking at pantograph.

Thanks for the tips, keep them coming :thumb: :wave: :wave: